I LOVE this idea. This blowing dandelion sign makes a beautiful gift or home decor piece for anyone! It reads “Ring Bell if no answer Pull Weeds” a clever way to welcome people into your home! These wooden signs are made from pine boards and are approximately 12″ x 12″. Check out these in the link below…
Do you have a seed stash tucked away? I certainly do. It’s rare that I use up all the seeds I buy in any given year. When I have some left over, I put them away for next year’s garden.
It just seems so wasteful to throw seeds out, doesn’t it? And, of course, if you harvest and save your own seeds from year to year, then you definitely have a stash, too.
Whether your own stash was purchased or saved from a previous harvest, those seeds won’t be viable forever. The longevity of seeds depends both on which cultivars they are and how they’re stored. Some seeds — including leeks, onions, parsley and parsnips — will last a year at best. Others will remain viable up to five years after they were harvested, and possibly even longer if they’re stored in the right conditions.
Best Method of Seed Storage
Seeds are best stored in cool, dry locations. A general guideline is to keep the combined temperature and humidity level under 100. As an example, the ideal temperature for seed storage is about 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit, which would allow for a maximum humidity level of about 50 percent. To keep your seeds dry, store them in an airtight container. Glass jars with rubber seals on their lids, like baby food or home canning jars, work best. If you’re concerned about moisture within the jar, you can add in a desiccant such as rice.
Keeping the seeds in the fridge or freezer is an excellent way to maintain perfect storage conditions. Keep in mind that frost-free fridges and freezers work by drawing out moisture, and can seriously dry out seeds. However, as long as your seeds are in an appropriate container, they shouldn’t become damaged.
Freezing seeds properly can exponentially prolong their longevity. After all, seed banks like the Svalbard Global Seed Vault count on freezing to keep their seeds viable for centuries. The home gardener shouldn’t expect her own seeds to last quite as long in a home freezer, given the strict scientific protocols and optimal conditions of the Global Seed Vault. Still, frozen seeds should remain viable longer than seeds stored at room temperature.
8 Seeds That Easily Store for 5 Years
Image source: Pixabay.com
While storage methods have a big impact on seed longevity, the type of cultivar also makes a difference. Some of the longest-lasting seeds are members of the cabbage family (Brassicaceae), but there are eight different types of vegetable seeds that will remain viable for about five years, even if not frozen:
Viable and Vigorous Seeds for Healthy Plants
For the healthiest and best-producing plants, you need viable, vigorous seeds. Viability is basically the rate at which seeds sprout or germinate. If, in a sample of 10 seeds of the same cultivar, eight sprout, the germination rate is 80 percent, which is highly viable. If, however, only two or three seeds in that sample sprout, the germination rate is 20-30 percent, and the viability is low.
In addition to viability, the vigor of seeds is an important consideration. Viability is generally measured under optimal conditions. But vigor measures how well sprouted seeds perform under less-than-optimal conditions (e.g., outside in the garden). Seeds need to be strong and healthy to flourish in variable weather conditions and in soil that may be less than ideal.
As seeds age, they decrease both in viability and vigor. They may lose their ability to sprout at all, and those that do sprout may just not have the strength to create a healthy plant. It’s easy to test a seed’s viability, but somewhat more difficult for the home gardener to determine a seed’s vigor. However, by keeping track of how long your seeds have been stored, you can use the list above to determine how well your seeds are likely to perform without bothering with tests.
If you’ve had any of the listed seeds stored for five years already, it would be best to get those planted this year, for healthy plants and a bountiful harvest.
What’s your personal record for planting seeds that have been stored a long time? Share your thoughts in the section below:
This Article Was Originally Posted On offthegridnews.com Read the Original Article here
The mass murderer … the serial killer, the paid assassin, the warmonger, the man responsible for the death of dozens or thousands of innocent people … suddenly becomes one of the good guys and joins the team. And everyone’s okay with this. Of course.
How many times has this plotline been drawn up for a TV show? We can think of Alias,Stargate, Babylon 5, Deep Space 9, Dr. Who, Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and Black List, for starters. Our common rationale for buying into this frightening scenario seems to be, “Yes, he was bad. But he’s good now.” This assent to “instantly good” usually betrays a rejection of some basic biblical categories. So, let’s take a closer look at guilt and depravity.
Guilty as Charged!
We begin with guilt. Guilt is a legal category, not really an emotional or psychological one. In general terms, a man who commits a crime is guilty. He has broken a law and deserves punishment. How he feels about his crime is irrelevant. His guilt is an objective matter.
Scripture tells us of our legal guilt before God our Creator. God has clearly revealed His law in Scripture. That law is an expression of His holy nature and of the loving and faithful communion that exists among the Persons of the Trinity. God’s law is, therefore, good and right in this absolute sense. The man who breaks that law is in conflict with and at war against God himself … at war with Ultimate Reality.
We might ask, “Can’t love overlook guilt? Can’t divine love just accept every man as he is, murderer and victim alike?” Scripture says: nope. God is One. There can be no conflict in His Being. In Him justice and love meet. His law is a perfect expression of His love, and God’s justice requires that He punish those who war against it. In fact, God describes Himself with these words:
The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation (Ex. 34:6-7).
‘At One’ (Atonement)
Hold on just a second, you say. God says He will “by no means clear the guilty,” and yet He claims that He forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin. Isn’t this a contradiction?
It’s not a contradiction, because God has many attributes. But it is, to me at least, another fascinating mystery of the Gospel. Though God must certainly punish sin, He can punish it in the person of a “fit” substitute. And His love and mercy have moved Him to provide such a substitute.
Image source: Pixabay.com
That Substitute is God Himself. The eternal God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, gave Himself as a penal substitute for sinners. Scripture speaks of atonement. The shed blood of Christ covers our sins so that we can be “at one” with God. God can forgive us because Jesus already bore our punishment on the cross. He can and will cover us with Jesus’ righteousness when we believe the Gospel. This is the doctrine of justification by faith.
You Dirty Rat! (Depravity)
But substitutionary atonement and justification by faith are not the whole of the Gospel, because guilt is not the whole of man’s problem. Fallen humanity is not just guilty before God … we also have a depraved nature, and that nature taints all that we are and do. In the days before the Flood,
. . . GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (Gen. 6:5).
Theologians call this total depravity. This depravity has to do with the condition of the heart. So it’s “total” not in its depth, but in its breadth. It touches and defiles all that man is and does. It lies behind all of our choices, all of our thoughts and feelings. And, as long as we are dominated by such depravity, we will continue to be at war with God.
What depraved man needs, of course, is a new heart, a new nature. And this is the rest of the Gospel. The God who forgives sins for Jesus’ sake also transforms sinners through the regenerating and sanctifying power of His Holy Spirit (Gal. 3:7-14). Jesus forgives sinners and makes them new creatures (2 Cor. 5:17). He also gives sinners a heart to love God and to keep His commandments (Heb. 8:10; Ezek. 36:26-27).
But here’s the important thing: If man has no “depraved heart,” there’s not a lot for Christians to talk about, is there? Because it follows quite logically then, that we don’t need Jesus to change hearts. In fact, we don’t need Him at all, except as a little frosting perhaps on an already beautiful cake, so to speak. If our nature is basically good, then we can’t really talk about human depravity in any meaningful sense. Absolutely no need for “the Gospel rescue mission.” If you believe this, it’s the “gospel of humanism” that shapes your basic beliefs, assumptions about reality, and ultimately your worldview.
You’re Good Enough, Smart Enough, And Doggone It, People Like You
Romanticism in all its forms and from all ages assumes that man is basically good, that our emotions are pure and our basic intuitions always trustworthy. For those with this humanistic worldview, mankind in general has learned its destructive habits from society. Humankind’s poverty, education, food or “the man” has somehow corrupted him. We’re all hapless victims of Christianity or capitalism, of dark magic or our DNA. From this starting point, we’ve moved to saying, “But, if you just give us a new environment and the right external influences … you’re going to see change. Maybe regenerative wonders. Maybe behavioral miracles.”
Image source: Pixabay.com
Where’s the love, right? We’ve got to share the love. Come on people now… If we just loved the criminal more, his inner goodness will “break on through to the other side” and he will become the new man. The good man. And since none of the criminal’s corruption was ever his fault, we must now also receive him warmly back into society without qualification or question. Liberal theology demands he’s never had a sin nature, so the orders are … forgive, forget and integrate back into our neighborhoods with starry eyes and hopeful grins knowing we’re all in this together and we’re all good. But where do these ideas really come from? Ideas like we are “all good?”
Fixed Nature?
The Pelagian and the existentialist assume that man has no fixed nature. Man creates his identity, creates himself, moment by moment by his own autonomous choices. The “good” man is the one who is currently choosing to do good. The “evil” man is the one who is currently choosing evil. But either man can alter the nature of his choices at any moment. The evil man can decide that he no longer likes the sort of person he’s been and suddenly choose good; the good man can abandon his good works and just as suddenly choose evil.
Why would either make such a choice? Environment. Crisis. Loss. New perspective. Impress a woman? Whatever. It doesn’t matter. It’s not for us to question, we’re told. But once the man says, “I’m good now,” we are supposed to instantly forget what he’s been and regard him as he says he is. The past is a dead letter.
Think this is just theology with no practical application? One of my employee’s husband had a sister who was murdered back in the 80s. She was savagely beaten, raped, tied to a tree and shot in the head. Her murderer got away with the crime. Ten years later he even started to brag about it. Then one day he bragged to the wrong person and was turned in. He admitted in court that he did it and was given 71 years in jail. After serving only 10 years, he came up for parole and is about to be released. He told the parole board he was “good now” and proved it by getting a law degree at the taxpayers’ expense while he was serving time. A law degree proves you’re good? Irony of ironies, I suppose. Bottom line: His parole board and liberal judge wants him in your neighborhood because he says he’s good.
Conclusion: Ideas Have Consequences and Theology Matters
Man, in his rebellion against God, will not admit the existence of guilt and depravity. Yet our culture still clings to corrupted notions of atonement and justification. Atonement becomes self-atonement, a demanding program of charity and self-sacrifice or an elaborate system of blood rituals and magic, or a hell of suffering and torment inflicted by the mindless universe, the helpful sadist, or even the empty angst of one’s own self-destructive habits. Regardless, the goal of self-atonement is self-forgiveness and self-justification. The rest of us are expected to forgive on demand and, of course, pity anyone who struggles dutifully on their own personal 12-step journey. (We’ve got Freud to thank for much of this.)
The Gospel says that self-atonement is self-delusion and madness. Only God can forgive sins. He forgives sins only because of Jesus’ sufferings and death 2,000 years ago on the cross. In that divine atonement is true justification and new birth. There is no other remedy for sin.
This Article Was Originally Posted On offthegridnews.com Read the Original Article here
My first experience with a gas mask was on Parris Island, when I entered United States Marine Corps boot camp. We had gone through various classes on how to operate our gas masks and were properly fitted before we were issued our personal mask. We also received instruction on other issued gear in order to have better protection against various NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) attacks.
-This post was originally published on Gun Carrier and has been shared with permission-
Do You Have A Gas Mask in Your Survival Kit?
Once we completed hours of instruction, as well as practice with our NBC gear, it was time to put our equipment to the test. I heard about the dreaded “gas chamber” well before I ever stepped off the bus that brought me to where U.S. Marines are made. None of us mentioned the gas chamber in detail, but we all held in that bit of fear from the tales that we were told about the infamous gas chamber.
We were taken to a location that looked like most of the other buildings on Parris Island. I remember lining up in formation with my gas mask, alongside my fellow recruits. One of my drill instructor’s began to brief us on what was expected, once we entered the gas chamber.
Nerves began to set in as I realized that… This Was It!
We were instructed to don our gas masks as we began to enter the building in a single file. At this point… We filled in the gaps as we faced the center of the room, with our backs against the wall. We could see clearly as the gas began to fill the room. Then, we were told by our instructors to begin performing side-straddle hops (jumping jacks.) As my heart rate began to climb, I was told to get on the ground and begin performing pushups.
Besides being nervous, I was able to breathe quite effectively and even wondered if the CS gas in this chamber was actually working correctly. I certainly didn’t have to wait much longer to find out how effective CS gas really was. The next command from my drill instructor was…
Remove your gas mask Now… MOVE!
As you can imagine, we were all quite reluctant to remove our masks… but let’s just say that we really didn’t have a choice. One by one we began removing our masks. It was probably the slowest movement that I had seen from my fellow recruits up to that point. I heard one recruit cough followed by a symphony of other coughs. Some recruits were doing their very best to hold in their breath, but it was just a matter of time until the exposure to the gas set in.
Our drill instructor was still wearing his mask when his next command was for us to begin singing The Marines’ Hymn. Some of us began to murmur the lyrics as our D.I., screamed, for us to Sound-Off or we would be repeating this process all over again. As we began belting out The Marines’ Hymn, at the top of our lungs… That’s when all HELL broke loose.
Some of us were coughing while others were vomiting. It felt as if there were streams of mucus coming from every orifice on my face. At this point, none of us could see due to the irritation the CS gas was causing our eyes. Everyone was having trouble breathing and the sounds of panic and pain drained out the further instruction from our D.I. We began pushing at the recruit in front of us, in shear panic, nudging them closer and closer to the exit.
Finally, the door to the gas chamber flung opened and we all came charging out. We were told not to rub our eyes with our hands but unfortunately… Some recruits did; Just out of mere anxiety. This made things worse because we were transferring the CS gas, that had landed on our hands, back onto our eyes. Some Marines were hunched over and gagging, while others were dousing their eyes with the water from their canteens.
I gained a lot of respect for the gas mask and it’s capabilities, within that training session. Once again, experience seems to have been the best teacher. I realized that if I were ever caught in a situation, where I needed to operate in an area where tear gas was being dispersed… Donning a gas mask, first, was a must!
There are a lot of falsehoods when it comes to gas masks. Learning the proper uses for the gas mask, as well as its limitations, is crucial if you plan on using your gas mask during an emergency. Your mask can easily become a liability and cause you serious harm if your understanding and experience with the mask is limited.
As I previously stated, there are countless options when it comes to choosing a gas mask. Prices range from inexpensive military surplus, to others that can cost you a small fortune. As always, there is never a one-size-fits-all. You need to find what works best for you and if adding a gas mask to your kit… Is even something that you should consider.
Everyone has an opinion on the subject. It is up to you to gather the information to make a proper decision for both you and your family.
Let’s get into a few considerations when adding a gas mask to your kit.
Fitting Your Gas Mask:
I have a gas mask as part of my survival kit. However… I currently have a beard. What that means to me is that if I don my mask while having a beard, there won’t be a proper seal formed between the mask and my face. This will render the mask useless during an emergency scenario. This is something that anyone with facial hair needs to be aware of. My current go-to mask is the MSA Millennium. MSA states that any beard, longer than ½ inch, is a no-go. Other manufacturers have even more stringent requirements.
A mask needs to fit properly in order for it to be effective. Many of the SWAT police officers that I work with state that they have to get fitted (certified) twice per year when it comes to their gas masks. If this wasn’t such a great concern, I’m sure that allotted time and money would be invested in other, more pertinent, trainings.
Gas masks are generally useless when it comes to fitting well on children. I have come across various models that are designed for children but the more research that I did, the more that those claims became debunked.
What Will Your Gas Mask Protect Against?
Unfortunately, the protection offered by your gas mask is more limited than most are aware of. Depending on the filter that you use with your mask, not all types of attacks will be covered. Some filters only protect against tear gas while other, very expensive filters, can protect against nuclear, biological, radiological and chemical attacks. But you must keep in mind that even the expensive filters are only protecting your eyes and lungs. When nerve gas such as Sarin, leaches onto other parts of your body, you will still be exposed to it’s harmful effects.
When it comes to biological concerns such as Anthrax, you can be exposed to it for days without even being aware of it’s presence. So unless you are donning your mask 24/7, you are still exposed to the threat.
There are plenty of reasons where I feel that my gas mask will serve me well. If you have followed the news in recent times and see how governments around the world are reacting to their citizens. Whether it’s a public demonstration or march, CS and other tear gas are utilized in order to control the public.
Keeping that in mind, my gas mask will still allow me to operate effectively in those conditions. In addition, during a crisis others may try to get into my home in order to gain supplies. Attempting to clear my home by utilizing tear gas, which is easily gathered these days, may be a threat that my gas mask will protect me against.
Staying Hydrated:
You may not think much about hydration while donning a gas mask. But if you have spent extended time, wearing a gas mask, you will quickly realize that this is a concern. Not only does the labored breathing contribute to dehydration but it also causes me to sweat. If you are performing work while wearing your mask… Having access to water is something that has to be factored into your plan.
Luckily, many of the quality masks available in today’s market come with a hydration hose. The hose is designed to be affixed to a canteen or other water container. The water containers need to be designed for this specific purpose but even my old, military issued canteens, can fill this niche. I can fasten the hose on my mask, to my water container, and drink through a water spout contained inside my mask. It is similar to the process used when drinking out of a hose from a hydration reservoir.
Effective Communications:
Another facet of wearing a gas mask, that is often overlooked, is the ability to communicate effectively. If you have heard someone speak through a typical gas mask, it is a cross between listening to someone talk underwater and Darth Vader giving a speech.
In an emergency, there will be plenty of noise that will prevent your communication from being effectively understood. Add in the labored breathing caused from doing work as well as struggling to get air through your filter… And verbal communication may be impossible.
Luckily, there are voice amplifiers that can be easily affixed to your gas mask. The downside is that these amplifiers cost as much, if not more than, the actual gas mask. Working with your team on hand signals as well as other body-language communications is something that needs to be addressed sooner than later.
Where To Stage Your Gas Mask:
As with any other piece of survival gear, if you do not have immediate access to your mask during an emergency, it is basically useless. Where we stage our gas masks is half the battle if we hope to bode well during the crisis. Many suggest that having multiple gas masks staged with your go bags is ideal. I would certainly agree with that if you have an endless budget.
Today’s quality gas masks are expensive. When we add in filters, amplifiers and other components, we can easily exceed our budget. If we need to replicate the process with additional masks… Well that may not be an option for most of us. You can also get a great deal on military surplus masks but please keep in mind that you will get what you pay for.
I keep my gas mask attached to the molle webbing on my main go bag. If an emergency were to occur, I can easily gain access to my mask. If I have ample warning, I will keep my gas mask fastened to my leg, where it will be, At The Ready.
Practice Often With Your Mask:
There is a small percentage of people that will feel claustrophobic when donning a gas mask. The one way to best see how you will react when wearing a gas mask is to practice various emergency scenarios while wearing a gas mask. Just sitting on your couch and watching tv with your gas mask on will tell you a lot about your comfort level with your mask. Taking it up a notch by performing real work while donning your mask, will give you a better grasp on how you will operate during an emergency.
Every task will become that much more difficult while wearing a gas mask. You need to train with your firearms as well as any other self defense tools that you plan on using in an emergency situation. If you wait until the actual crisis to experiment with your gas mask, or any other piece of survival gear for that matter… you are not only putting yourself at risk but also deterring from your family’s chances of surviving when SHTF.
Bottom Line:
The gas mask is a piece of gear that I feel will add to my chances of performing well during an emergency. It is not the answer for every type of NBCR attack that we have the potential of facing. But as the guy that my friends and family will look to for help during a crisis, I will take any advantage that I can possibly get. If it is an extra hour or even just an extra minute… The added benefit of having a quality gas mask is well worth the price and effort, at least for my needs.
Will you add a gas mask to your survival kit? Let us know in the comment section below.
North Korea has been one of America’s enemies for years, but in recent weeks things have escalated to a new, dangerous level. The North Koreans are threatening to strike the United States, and the U.S. is reportedly considering a preemptive attack.
What should the United States do?
That’s the topic on this week’s edition of Off The Grid Radio, as we talk to Peter Vincent Pry, who is chief of staff of the EMP Commission and who formerly served in the House Armed Services Committee and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Pry – who has co-written articles on the subject for The Wall Street Journal, The Hill and the Washington Times – says that what we’re hearing in the mainstream media isn’t the full picture. In fact, Pry says, North Korea is even more dangerous than we may realize.
Pry tells us:
Why we can’t necessarily believe what the experts tell us about North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capability.
Why North Korea could use an unconventional method to strike the U.S. with an EMP or traditional nuclear attack.
Why every American citizen should be concerned that North Korea has two satellites that regularly fly over the U.S.
Why we can’t trust the Chinese, who are responsible for more than 80 percent of North Korea’s imports and exports.
Finally, Pry gives us his thoughts on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
If you want to separate fact from fiction, then don’t miss this week’s show. You won’t hear any of it from the mainstream media!
This Article Was Originally Posted On offthegridnews.com Read the Original Article here
Comfrey (Symphytum spp.) is one of our most distinctive weeds, with its broad hairy leaves, tall flower stalks and deep taproots. It’s also one of the most persistent. Many varieties don’t spread by seed, but they do spread laterally in clumps. Their tough leaves effectively squash out competition. It’s practically impossible to pull their deep roots up in their entirety, and any fragment of root left in the ground is likely to regrow.
Fortunately, comfrey also has many useful properties for the homesteader, including its leaves being used as livestock feed, soil conditioners and preventers of plant disease. All these uses derive from the fact that comfrey’s deep taproots reach down into the subsoil and bring up minerals and nutrients to a level where they’re available to us.
Feeding Comfrey
Comfrey has been used traditionally as a feed for various kinds of livestock, including horses, cows, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry. Comfrey leaves, cut early before the plant flowers, are as protein-rich as clover and alfalfa, and their mineral-rich quality also provides many micronutrients that can improve animal health.
In recent years, studies have come out showing that comfrey contains compounds which may cause cancer or damage the liver. This has understandably left people worried about either taking it as an internal medicine themselves or feeding it to their livestock.
However, the studies that show these results have focused either on feeding comfrey as a very large percentage of the total diet or on taking a concentrated distillation of comfrey. Storey’s Guide to Raising Dairy Goats (2010) also recommends comfrey as goat-safe, according to extensive anecdotal evidence rather than a formal study. I have heard from many homesteaders who offer comfrey to their animals along with a wide variety of other feeds; their animals eat it and show no ill-effects. This mostly matches my experience.
Image source: Pixabay.com
Some of our pigs have been enthusiastic eaters of comfrey, which is supposed to be an appetite stimulant for them as well as a nutritious feed. So have some of our goats and all of our chickens. We’ve never offered them comfrey only; it’s always been part of a wide range of options. We’ve offered comfrey to our rabbits, but they usually refuse to eat it. I have read that animals are more willing to eat comfrey after it has “wilted” for a day. This seems to work for some farmers; our animals either eat it fresh or don’t eat it at all. I have also read that comfrey can be dried and fed, but none of our animals have been willing to eat dried comfrey, although they’re happy to tear into dried burdock.
Comfrey for Soil-Building and Weed-Stopping
Comfrey’s high nutrient and mineral content also make it an excellent garden or orchard soil-builder, and so far this use remains non-controversial. Incorporated into your compost pile, comfrey leaves will break down quickly and add generous amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other minerals. (For quicker breakdown, add the leaves under a layer of other wet materials so that they start to decompose quickly instead of air-drying.) Undecomposed comfrey leaves can be buried in planting holes along with seedlings to provide a quick localized nutrient boost.
Comfrey leaves also make good organic mulch. They’re broad, thick and tough, presenting a good barrier to weeds, and their high nutrient profile means they’ll enrich your bed as they break down. As with other green mulches, don’t pile them much more than an inch deep, lest they should rot and turn slimy. A British gardener reports that slugs are drawn to decomposing comfrey leaves, which distracts them from eating actual growing vegetable plants. I don’t have much of a slug problem, so I’ve had no chance to verify this.
Some sources suggest being selective about which plants you use fresh comfrey on. One specific website says that comfrey, because of its high potassium content, is especially beneficial for flowers, fruits and fruiting vegetables like tomatoes and cukes. Other sources recommend planting comfrey in orchards, partly for this reason (also, perhaps, partly because it outcompetes grass so effectively).
Leafy greens or root crops mulched with comfrey may go to seed prematurely. I think this must apply only to true root crops—carrots, parsnips, beets, etc.—and not to tuber crops. Some people bury comfrey leaves along with potatoes to reduce the incidence of scab. I have done this for the last two years and have had much less trouble with scab.
What’s your experience with comfrey—in your garden, your orchard, or the diets of your animals? Share your thoughts in the comment section below:
This Article Was Originally Posted On offthegridnews.com Read the Original Article here
These home remedies for headaches give you a range of options for headache relief, and many of them are free or low cost. Note: If you're dealing with constant headaches, diet and lifestyle changes may be needed. Pain is our body's way of getting our attention.
If you have chronic or severe headache pain, please see a healthcare professional. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history. Material on this site is for general informational purposes only, and is not intended to take the place of a healthcare professional. Be careful out there, folks!
What causes headaches?
Mayo Clinic explains that headaches are classified as primary and secondary:
A primary headache is caused by dysfunction or overactivity of pain-sensitive features in your head. A primary headache isn't a symptom of an underlying disease. Chemical activity in your brain, the nerves or blood vessels of your head outside your skull, or muscles of your head and neck — or some combination of these factors — may play a role in primary headaches. Some people may carry genes that make them more likely to develop such headaches.
The most common primary headaches are:
Cluster headache
Migraine (with and without aura)
Tension headache (medically known as tension-type headache)
Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC), including cluster headache and paroxysmal hemicrania
Simple dehydration is a common cause of headaches (and muscle aches). Make sure to drink plenty of non-caffeinated beverages over the course of the day. Skip the soda, especially diet, as no-cal sweeteners are a headache trigger for many. Excess sugar ties up magnesium in the body. Low magnesium is another potential headache trigger, so soda or plain juice may hurt more than they help. Plain water or infused water, water kefir, coconut water and herbal tea are all great options.
Headache Relief Option #2 – Cold or Heat
Ice constricts blood vessels, which may reduce pain and inflammation. Try applying an icepack on your forehead or at the base of the skull at the first sign of a headache. Alternatively, if you can tell that your muscles are very tense, try heat. Place a hot pack or heating pad on tight neck muscles, or soak in a warm bath. I've tried both, depending on the type of headache.
Core Products is a Wisconsin based company that creates a wide variety of fabric based products, including hot and cold packs. I learned about them through one of my closest friends, who is one of their product designers. She gifted me with a hot and cold pack many years ago, and I liked it so much I've purchased several more over the years. These packs have frost free covers and are filled with non-toxic, biodegradable gel. I keep some small ones in the freezer and I use larger ones with heat.
Find a cool, dark, quiet room and take a 10-15 minute nap. This tends to work better for migraines and tension headaches, but can make cluster headaches (those with stabbing pain around the eyes) worse.
Note that too much sleep or a significant disruption in your sleep schedule can trigger headaches. Sometimes I even put a pillow over my head (just leaving an air hole) to block out light and noise. If you have a noisy bedroom with too much light, consider a sleep mask with ear plugs.
Headache Relief Option #4 – Movement
This is a great option for tension headache relief, as physical activity helps to relieve muscle tension. Your muscles want to stay doing whatever they're doing, which can lead to them knotting up and shutting you down. Get up, take a walk, swing your arms and get that blood flowing and those muscles relaxing. Your chiropractor will be happy you did (even though you may visit them less often).
Headache Relief Option #5 – Massage
Massage is a great DIY headache treatment that you can use almost anywhere. The quick video below demonstrates a simple massage technique for tension headache relief.
Rubbing the temples in a circular motion or firmly massaging the neck and shoulders to relieve tension may also be helpful.
Headache Relief Option #6 – Magnesium
Low levels of magnesium in the blood are commonly associated with headaches, especially in women, particularly migraines and headaches related to the menstrual cycle. 400 – 700 mg of magnesium daily is considered safe. Excess magnesium taken orally can put a strain on the kidneys, so don't overdose. Some forms of magnesium absorb better than others, so look for magnesium supplements chelated with glysine or lysine for best absorption, like Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Dietary Supplement. Magnesium citrate oral magnesium is used as a laxative.
Foods high in magnesium include molasses, nuts, spinach, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, seafood, cheese, baked potatoes, broccoli and bananas. You can also add Epsom salts to your bath, or use a spray on magnesium oil. (I highly recommend the book The Magnesium Miracle to learn more about the importance of magnesium in the body.)
Headache Relief Option #7 – Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar comes to the rescue again as the most popular recommended headache treatment on Earth Clinic. Contributors recommend anywhere from a spoonful to a quarter cup of ACV – straight up or mixed with water – however you can get it in.
Headache Relief Option #8 – Cayenne Pepper
#2 at Earth Clinic for home remedies for headaches, this appears to be a remedy for the brave. Headache relief via cayenne pepper is a favorite of people who have cluster headaches. To use cayenne, inhale a very small amount up the nose, place some on the tip of the tongue, or mix it with water and drink. I'm personally afraid of this one, but it works for some.
When brewing tea for medicinal use, a longer brewing time is typical (10-15 minutes). During this time, cover your cup with a small plate or lid to trap volatile compounds.
Headache Relief Option #10 – Essential Oils
For headache treatment with essential oils, try any of the following: (Adapted from Modern Essentials.)
Frankincense and propriety blends are also commonly recommended, but frankincense is becoming critically overharvested, so it's not a good first choice where other oils will do.
The simplest and safest way to use essential oils is aromatherapy. Try inhaling a bit from an open bottle, or place 1-3 drops of oil on a tissue or hankie and inhale. I like tucking a hankie into a chest shirt pocket. This keeps the oil in range, but not too close, and keeps my hands free. Also, if you find a particular oil is making your symptoms worse instead of better (everyone is different), a tissue is easily tossed. Whole room treatments take much longer to dissipate.
Companion planting is a technique that has been used for centuries by gardeners and farmers worldwide. Companion plants are basically different plants planted together – plants that are beneficial to each other.
-This post was originally published on Homesteading and has been shared with permission-
Here’s a great example! The Native Americans used a technique called The Three Sisters in which they would plant corn, beans, and squash together. The corn provided a structure for the beans to climb, the beans provided nitrogen for the soil that the other plants would utilize, and the squash would spread along the ground to prevent weeds.
Other great benefits of companion planting include:
In this article, I’ll cover the best companion plants for your survival garden so you and your family can have the healthiest garden yet! Let’s get started!
Companion Plants For Your Survival Garden
There are many combinations of companion plants for your survival garden. Let’s go over the most common combinations used by gardeners and farmers worldwide.
1. Tomatoes
Companion plants: Thyme and peppermint
Benefit: Deters whiteflies.
Companion plant: Marigolds
Benefit: Improves overall growth for the tomato plant.
Companion plant: Basil
Benefit: Encourages better flavor.
2. Carrots
Companion plant: Dill
Benefit: A chemical produced by the dill plant improves the overall health of carrots.
3. Lettuce
Companion plant: Chervil
Benefit: Deters aphids and snails. Also, provides protection against mildew.
4. Broccoli
Companion plants: Mint and Dill
Benefit: Improves overall growth for the broccoli plant.
5. Cabbage
Companion plants: Sage and Rosemary
Benefit: Deters cabbage butterflies.
Companion plant: Celery
Benefit: Deters grubs.
6. Radishes
Companion plant: Beans
Benefit: Both of these plants improve the overall health of each other.
7. Celery
Companion plant: Bush beans
Benefit: Both of these plants improve the overall growth of each other.
8. Potatoes
Companion plant: Beans
Benefit: Helps deter beetles which can cause a fair amount of damage to potatoes.
9. Eggplant
Companion plant: Nasturtium
Benefit: Deters insects such as various types of beetles and spider mites.
10. Sweetcorn
Companion plant: Sunflower
Benefit: Provides additional nitrogen to the soil which improves the overall health of sweetcorn.
11. Beans
Companion plants: Marigolds and Petunias
Benefit: Deters beetles.
12. Grapes
Companion plants: Clovers and Lupins
Benefit: Improves the overall fertility of the soil.
Now, you may be wondering if there are bad companion plants for some of your vegetables. The answer is yes!
Here is a list of plants that are not recommended to be garden buddies aka companion plants!
Tomatoes should not be planted with apricots, red cabbage, dill, brussels sprouts, beetroot, or sweetcorn.
Beans should not be planted with chives, beetroot, fennel, or onions.
Rue should not be planted with sage, basil, or cabbage.
Cabbage should not be planted with tomatoes, grapes, rue, or onions.
Potatoes should not be planted with onions or apricots.
Carrots should not be planted with wormwood nor anise.
Fennel should not be planted with peppers, coriander, or beans.
Have you had success with companion gardening? Tell us in the comment section below!
Looking for some poolside chip-and-dip recipes that will spruce up your spring/summer? These new twists on classic favorites like salsa, guac, hummus are guaranteed to bring a fresh perspective to some traditional sides that will surely keep you snacking happy! They’re simple to make, easy to serve, and will pair perfectly with your chips of choice. This trio of treats can be served altogether, or you might just choose to feature your favorite dish. Either way, get ready for your spring/summer snacking to be transformed!
Salsa, Guac, Hummus Oh My!
Summer Salsa:
Forget chunks of tomatoes and watery residue that comes from the canned stuff. Instead, opt for a healthier (and sweeter!) alternative to a salsa dip. You will need the following ingredients to make this masterpiece:
2 cans of sweet white corn
1 can of black beans
1/2 of a chopped red onion
1 chopped red pepper
1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of rice wine vinegar
A pinch of salt
To create, you will combine all of the vegetables and the sugar into a large mixing bowl. Just add the rice wine vinegar to the mix, give it a good stir, and add your dash of salt to season. Waiting for the next step? That’s it! It’s really and truly as easy as that to make your fresh new summer salsa! Your prep time clocks in just under 5 minutes, so if you’re needing to whip something up in a flash, you’ve got the perfect new recipe to try. Pair it with your favorite chips and a glass of white wine, and your taste buds will sing!
Berry Different Guacamole:
This next one will make you believe in the age-old saying “opposites attract!” It might sound crazy, but what is the summer for if not trying something new? This sweet and spicy take on a traditional guacamole spread will surely leave you and your guests wanting more. For the Berry Different Guacamole, you will need:
2 avocadoes
1 tablespoon of lime juice
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of honey (yes, really!)
1/3 cup diced red onion
1 minced jalapeno
1/2 cup diced strawberries
1/2 cup blueberries
3 oz goat cheese
Dash of salt for taste
1. First, remove the avocadoes from their skins and chop them up on a cutting board.
2. Place the slices in a large bowl and mash with the back end of a spoon to create your spread.
3. Next, you’ll throw in the juices: add the lime juice, lemon juice, and honey to the bowl. Go ahead and sprinkle some salt in the mix as well.
4. You will stir in these ingredients, or you might decide to continue mashing with the spoon if you prefer a creamier spread.
5. Now it’s time for the fruit and veg. Fold your onion, jalapeno, strawberries, and blueberries into the mix, stirring to ensure that they are evenly dispersed.
6. Grab your goat cheese next and crumble it in, saving a little bit extra for a decorative topping.
7. Add a couple of extra blueberries on top of the cheese, along with a lime wedge for a flawless finish!
This dish goes great with pita chips and sangria, or any other fruit-infused beverage. Guaranteed once you try it, you’ll never go back to store-bought guacamole ever again!
Silky Smooth Summer Hummus:
Your favorite healthy snack is about to get even healthier (and more colorful!) Continuing with our fruity theme, you’ll be dying to get your hands on these ingredients and whip up this light and fresh spread: as soon as you read on!
Hummus ingredients:
1 can of garbanzo beans, dried and peeled
1/2 cup tahini
2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice
2-3 small cloves of chopped garlic
3-4 teaspoons of kosher salt
Ingredients for toppings:
1/2 cup chickpeas
1 sliced or chopped cucumber
1/2 avocado, cubed
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, cubed
1/4 thinly sliced red onion
2 tablespoons chopped chives
Lemon wedges
Kosher salt
Black pepper
1. The first step is to blend the chickpeas inside a food processor for approximately one minute, or until the mixture forms into powdery-looking clumps. Make sure to scrape the sides and re-blend in order to make the most of the mixture.
2. Next, add the tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and salt and run the food processor until you’ve got a smooth blend.
3. While the processor is still running, drizzle in some water until you see that the mixture is gaining a smooth, light, and creamy-looking texture. This might be a good time to take a pause and try a sample of your creation; from here, add extra seasonings if needed, then top it off with one final blend to ensure you’ve got the silky-smooth mixture you’re needing.
4. To finish up, pour the hummus from the blender into a serving bowl and add the toppings listed under the “Toppings” section: you can try your hand at some decorative arrangements, or just mix them all together.
5. Drizzle the top with olive oil and spread some pita chips around the sides of the serving platter, and you’re set to serve – enjoy!
These new summer twists on old snack spreads not only offer healthy additives and pops of color, they are certain to be the talk of your event with their fresh new perspective! Prep time for all of these recipes stays right under 15 minutes, so if you’re needing to whip up a quick mix for some hungry guests, or if you’re just wanting to indulge in your own succulent snack, you won’t have to wait ages to try your creation! Happy eating! We know you’ll enjoy!
What do you think of these Salsa, Guac, Hummus Oh My! | The Perfect Springtime Trifecta recipes? Let us know in the comment section below!
The risk of an accidental nuclear war is increasing and likely to grow in the years ahead. That’s the conclusion of Understanding Nuclear Weapons, a new report from the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNDIR).
“The complexity of interactions in the tightly coupled systems linked to the management and operation of nuclear stockpiles make accidents inevitable,” the report states.
A simple sensor malfunction or computer glitch can trigger the launch or detonation of nuclear weapons, the report says. The danger from nuclear weapons is increasing for a wide variety of reasons, some of which have little to do with politics.
The UNDIR experts believe the danger of an accidental nuclear war is greater than at any time since the end of the Cold War in 1991 — and that the danger will continue growing. Understanding Nuclear Weapons provides several reasons to be concerned about accidental nuclear war.
“The threat of a nuclear weapon detonation event in 2017 is arguably at its highest in the 26 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union,” the report stated.
A few of the scenarios that make accidental nuclear war possible include:
Lack of training on the part of nations, such North Korea, that have little expertise in controlling nuclear weapons.
Over-reliance on automated command and control systems, which make it faster and easier to launch a nuke.
Removal of human judgement from the decision-making process. During the Cold War, several accidental missile launches were avoided when military officers realized something was wrong and refused to push the button.
Stolen nuclear weapons from terrorists.
Cyberattacks and hacking of nuclear weapons.
The malfunctioning of old nuclear weapons.
President Trump has ordered a massive review of all US nuclear weapons. The review is designed to see how America’s nuclear arsenal can be modernized.
“All the nuclear-armed States have extensive nuclear modernization programs underway and appear to plan to retain large nuclear arsenals for the indefinite future,” UNDIR concluded.
Do you believe an accidental nuclear war is possible? Share your thoughts in the section below:
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An old Croatian proverb went like this: “All mushrooms are edible, some only once.” The meaning: Yes, many mushrooms are delicious and nutritious, but many also are quite poisonous.
If you are not an experienced and competent collector and cannot positively identify look-alike species, I strongly suggest purchasing a field guide that will help you with this, and consider asking a veteran mushroom hunter to help.
Still, the world has 38,000 different species of mushrooms that hold medicinal qualities.
Yep, 38,000.
Researchers have found their compounds potentially effective against all sorts of maladies — from chronic fatigue syndrome to cancer. In the environmental arena, researchers are studying them for their ability to absorb toxic substances.
Many mushrooms also happen to be really delicious.
Here are just three that you are likely to find on your property and some of the information you can use to determine their use in your personal life.
1. Hiratake (Oyster Mushroom)
(Pleurotus Ostreatus)
Where it is grown: Grows wildly in temperate and sub-tropical forests and is responsible for the decomposition of deciduous trees like the beech.
Medicinal properties: The Hiratake mushroom contains statins that are known to lower the bad type of cholesterol, LDL. The statin compounds are present in the fruited body as well as the mycelium network of the mushroom.
Cultivating: Can be done simply and inexpensively by inoculating a medium of brown rice and then harvesting the fruit bodies or mycelium. Asian countries cultivate it primarily by putting layers of hay into plastic bags, the mushroom spores being placed in between the layers.
Table fare: The oyster mushroom is a common companion in Asian and Indian dishes and makes a good addition to various soups and stews.
Weird but true: Aside from being able to decompose trees, this particular species of mushroom can purportedly decompose disposable diapers and absorb petrochemicals and PCBs.
Its usefulness in waste and toxin remediation is currently being researched by several organizations. Dried, it also makes a high R-value insulator for the homestead.
2. Chestnut Mushroom (Poplar Mushroom)
(Agrocybe Aegerita)
Where it is grown: This mushroom grows naturally all over the world wherever deciduous trees are found. It is particularly fond of Poplars, where it causes holes in the tree, hence the name “Poplar mushroom.”
Medicinal properties: The mushroom contains compounds that are scavengers of free radicals. There also have been studies linking the mushroom’s active compounds to a slowing down of osteoporosis advancement.
Cultivating: Inoculating hardwood chips, sawdust or hardwood logs with the spores. It is known to be one of the easiest mushrooms to cultivate commercially.
Table fare: This mushroom is both meaty and delicious — raw or cooked. But as part of a genus that contains more than 100 different species, some quite poisonous, it is best left to an experienced collector who can differentiate it from its more unpleasant relatives. Having said that, it has a strong, earthy flavor and makes a tremendous contribution to the flavor of sauces, stews and casseroles.
Weird but true: The ancient Greeks collected these mushrooms and believed that they “popped” out as a result of lightning strikes. Many morel hunters hold this very same superstition.
Morel. Image source: Flickr / Creative Commons
3. Morel Mushroom
(Morchella Esculenta)
Where it is grown: It is commonly found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, including North America, Pakistan and China.
Medicinal properties: Particularly high in iron and B-complex vitamins, it is a wonderful addition to the medicine cabinet. This mushroom is also known for its immune-boosting properties.
Cultivating: Although several attempts have been made to commercially grown these ghosts of the woods, none has been successful. Best case is to scatter the trimmings from wild harvested mushrooms in your nearby wooded area and hope for some volunteers. This is usually quite sporadic and takes years to establish.
Table fare: The morel is the most highly prized of all mushrooms for its deeply earthy, meaty flavor. The French cherish its flavors and feature it in many highly refined dishes. For the rest of the world, they are delicious cut in half, dredged in flour, and sautéed in butter until crispy. Delicious!
Weird but true: The morel took center stage for many mushroom conspiracy theorists. An entrepreneur and mycologist was once purported to have found a way to commercially cultivate the mushroom in large scale. Just as he was about to sell his method to a popular pizza chain (of all things), he mysteriously died, prompting many to believe that he was murdered in an attempt to keep his secret from becoming public.
What is your favorite mushroom to forage for and eat? Share your tips in the section below:
This Article Was Originally Posted On offthegridnews.com Read the Original Article here
President Trump on Thursday did not back away from threatening military action against North Korea, just one day after a top Navy admiral said Hawaii was within reach of the rogue nation’s missiles.
“There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely,” Trump told Reuters. “… We’d love to solve things diplomatically, but it’s very difficult.”
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson mirrored those comments Friday , saying that “failing to act now on the most pressing security issue in the world may bring catastrophic consequences.”
“The threat of a nuclear attack on Seoul, or Tokyo, is real, and it’s only a matter of time before North Korea develops the capability to strike the U.S. mainland,” Tillerson said.
He added: “All options for responding to future provocations must remain on the table. Diplomatic and financial leverage or power will be backed up by willingness to counteract North Korean aggression with military action, if necessary.”
On Wednesday, Navy Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr. told a Congressional committee that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un “is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion.”
Harris is the head of the U.S. Pacific Command or PACOM, the military organization responsible for defending Hawaii.
Harris acknowledged that antimissile defenses may not be able to stop an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) from North Korea, Hawaii News Now reported.
“We have ‘x’ number of interceptors that can shoot down ‘y’ number of targets,” Harris testified. “If the opposition fired ‘y plus one,’ then that’s at least one that would get through.”
He added, “I believe that our ballistic missile architecture is sufficient to protect Hawaii today.”
Crisis ‘Is Real – The Worst I’ve Seen’
Still, the crisis on the Korean peninsula “is real—the worst I’ve seen,” Harris said.
“There is some doubt within the intelligence community whether Kim Jong-un has that capability today or whether he will soon, but I have to assume he has it, the capability is real, and that he’s moving towards it.”
“Kim Jong-un is making progress and all nations need to take this seriously because their missiles point in all directions. If left unchecked, they will match the capability of his hostile rhetoric.”
Hawaii state legislators are taking Harris’ statements seriously. The Public Safety Committee of the Hawaii State House passed a resolution ordering officials to update plans for coping with a nuclear attack.
The committee wants Cold War-era fallout shelters reopened and stocked with new supplies, Hawaii News Now reported. Legislators also want a nuclear attack response plan that was written in 1985 updated.
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The ultimate survival resource is now open for business on a remote Norwegian island.
Svalbard, Norway – already home to the Global Seed Vault – is now home to the Arctic World Archive, which is being billed as the keeper of information to rebuild civilization following a societal-ending apocalypse.
The vault located in an abandoned coalmine on the island of Svalbard is designed to be the ultimate data storage solution, TheVerge reported. Data will be recorded on special film that can last as long as 1,000 years and stored 984 feet (300 meters) underground. The film is expected to last that long because of the extreme cold on the island, which is 1,172 miles north of Oslo.
“Located in a disaster-proof vault, the information is kept in permafrost conditions far away from political and physical instabilities in the rest of the world,” a brochure for the archive reads. “The Arctic World Archive is for any country, authority, organization, company or individual in need of ultra-secure storage of their valuable information with guaranteed access in the future.”
It is a first for the world.
Data Is Recorded Using QR Codes
“No energy is needed whatsoever to maintain these temperatures,” said Rune Bjerkestrand, the founder of Piqi, the company that is recording the data. “Deep in the permafrost it’s minus 5, minus 10 degrees [Celsius], and it’s also quite a dry area. So cold and dry: it’s perfect for the long-term storage of film.”
The data is recorded via QR (Quick Read) codes, Bjerkestrand explained. QR Codes can be read by smart phones.
“Film is an optical medium, so what we do is, we take files of any kind of data — documents, PDFs, JPGs, TIFFs — and we convert that into big, high-density QR codes,” Bjerkestrand said. “Our QR codes are massive, and very high resolution; we use greyscale to get more data into every code. And in this way we convert a visual storage medium, film, into a digital one.”
The archive is a for-profit venture of Piqi and Norway’s national mining company, SNSK. The first customers were the directors of the national archives of Brazil and Mexico, ABC reported. The Brazilians deposited copies of their constitution and an edict from the Emperor of Brazil abolishing slavery in their country. The Mexicans left a copy of their declaration of independence from Spain.
The purpose of the archive is to protect “the globe’s most valuable data from future catastrophes, war and cyberattack as well as future technological obsolescence,” Bjerkestrand said.
‘What Happens in Wars …’
Another purpose is to keep the data of large corporations safe in case of a catastrophe.
“Historically what happens in wars — in the early stages of wars — is that archives are destroyed,” Bjerkestrand said. “So to have an archive which is protected, in a remote place which is regulated by international treaties, gives it that extra security that things cannot be manipulated or attacked.”
Svalbard, the home of the Global Seed Vault, cannot be used for military purposes because of international treaties. Despite that, getting data to and from the Artic World Archive is easy.
Digital data can be sent there via an optic Internet connection from the mainland, Bjerkestrand said.
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This post is for the garlic lovers – or those who aren't sure if they like garlic but do like to use natural and organic practices in their gardens. It turns out that this fragrant bulb is good for more than just cooking, and can be a real helpmate around the yard and garden. So – without further ado – 5 Ways to Use Garlic in the Garden and Yard.
#1 – Use Garlic to Protect Fruit Trees
Garlic planted at the base of fruit trees makes a great partner in your permaculture guild. Garlic and other alliums such as chives and onions have flowers that attract a variety of beneficial insects. Their strong scent also deters browsers, and may be effective as a peach borer deterrent.
#2 – Use Garlic as a Companion Plant in the Garden
From Carrots Love Tomatoes, Louise Riotte recommends teaming up your garlic with your roses and your tomatoes to keep pests at bay. She also recommends avoiding interplanting garlic with peas and beans, because alliums may slow down the growth of the legumes, but I have grown them as next door neighbors in the garden with no problems.
#3 – Use Garlic as a Fungicide
If you spot gray or white powdery spots on your plants, odds are you're dealing with some sort of mildew or fungus. To make a simple garlic fungicide, puree 5-10 garlic cloves with a pint of water in a blender, let steep for an hour, strain, and spray on plants. Garlic can also be used as an insecticide, so watch out for beneficial insects while spraying.
#4 – Use Garlic for Controlling Late Blight
Late blight is caused by the fungus-like oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans. It was responsible for the Irish potato famine, and has decimated tomato and potato crops in different areas in recent years. We were hit with it here late in 2010. It turns potato tubers into black mush, and makes plant foliage look like it was killed by frost. Tomatoes get brown lesions and then rot. Late blight spreads the fastest in warm (60-80°F, 15.5-26.7°C), wet weather.
“One of the most effective was extract of garlic gloves, which at 1 or 2% completely inhibited zoospore formation (Cao and van Bruggen 2001; Wang et al. 2001) and colony growth of P. infestans (Cao and van Bruggen 2001).”
So, even though late blight is not a fungus, it's close enough that fungicides can knock it back. I couldn't find specific dosing instructions, but the Cornell site recommends frequent, lighter applications during the growing season for general fungicides where late blight is a concern. Either the water based formula above or the oil based formula below should be effective.
#5 – Use Garlic for Pest Control – Insects and Rabbits
As mentioned above, garlic can be used as an insecticide to control a number of different insects. For pest control, use an oil base so that it sticks better to the problem bugs.
Soak chopped garlic bulbs in oil for a day or so. Strain. Dissolve fish emulsion in water. Add oil to fish emulsion/water mix. Stir well. Store in a glass container. (It will react with metal and plastic.) To use, dilute one part solution to 20 parts water and spray directly on insect pests.
This spray may also help keep bunnies at bay if sprayed on greens that they are munching. Bunnies generally don't care for strongly scented herbs or fish emulsion.
#6 – Use Garlic for Mosquito Control
There are now a number of garlic based oils that can be sprayed outside to keep mosquitoes at bay, such as Garlic Barrier and Mosquito Barrier. In Carrots Love Tomatoes, the author states that, “A garlic-based oil sprayed on breeding ponds showed a 100 percent kill of mosquito larvae in a University of California experiment.
Note: The experiments seem to indicate best mosquito control with the garlic oil is applied to water surfaces or outside surfaces – not so much when applied to humans or eaten. That said, I know my friends who were big time garlic eaters seemed to get bit less – but it could be coincidence. Experiments also indicate that perfume wearers do attract more mosquitoes, so keep that in mind when enjoying time outside in mosquito season.
And that's a wrap! If you have any other ways to use garlicky goodness in the garden or yard, let me know.
There are a number of reasons why raising chicks can be a highly rewarding experience. Whether you’re drawn to their bright, quirky personalities that make them ideal for a pet, or if you’re more interested in creating a sustainable source of nutrition for yourself, raising chicks is a simple and easy process that can fit into any type of lifestyle.
Raising Chicks On The Homestead
Baby chicks can be purchased and raised from any stage of development. There are three main options in this sense:
1. The first is to buy the chicks at one day old from a hatchery.
Most farm suppliers will sell baby chicks along with regular animal feed, and they are typically cheaply priced – most farmers will charge between $3-5 per chick. Keep in mind that most farms will do orders for chicks at a maximum of two times per year, so the period of waiting time is something to consider if you are wanting to go this route to acquire your chicks.
2. Another option is to purchase some ready-to-lay pullets at 20 weeks old, just when they are about to start the laying process.
This option is, of course, more expensive than buying the day-old chicks, but it is a much more pragmatic choice if you are needing your eggs quite quickly. Like the day-old chicks, the ready-to-lays can be purchased from a farm supplier at a hatchery.
3. The final option, while sometimes hard to come by, is to purchase a mature laying hen.
This might require that you know someone with a flock who is trying to sell older hens; otherwise, the first two options might be a more sensible choice to begin the process of raising your chicks.
One of the many positive benefits of raising chicks is that they do not require much maintenance, constant monitoring or intense care. Buy the basics for your chicks first, which include chick starter, clean water, and a draft-free brooder pen complete with a brooder lamp that will monitor the interior temperature of your chicks’ home.
The temperature of the brooder will need to start off at 90-95 degrees for the first week of the chicks’ life. A thermometer is helpful to monitor the correct temperature, but you might also observe the chicks’ behavior to ensure that the interior is of the correct warmth. Chicks in a too-hot environment will pant or huddle in corners of the brooder that are farthest away from the light; chicks that are too cold will be clustered underneath the brooder lamp in an attempt to gain some warmth.
The size of the brooder that you select will depend on the number of chicks you are planning to purchase and raise. A general rule of thumb is to allow 2.5 square feet per chick, but the more room possible, the better. The brooder should also start off to be raised 2 inches off of the ground. Once the chicks reach approximately one month, the brooder needs to raised to 4 inches in order to encourage the chicks to start their own roosting process.
It is necessary to keep an eye on how the chicks feather out; once they begin and fully feather, you should reduce the interior temperature by 5 degrees per week until they reach 6 weeks old. At this time, chick feed will also need to be swapped for grower mash. Always make sure that the chicks have plenty of fresh water at all times.
You will be amazed at how quickly your chicks feather out and grow! In just a week, you will notice a stunning transformation where small babies comprised mostly of chick fuzz will grow almost full wings with the beginnings of crests and tail feathers.
It is important that the chicks have a comfortable environment while they are being raised. To do this, spread pine shavings across the floor of their pen along with layers of newspaper to create a cushion for the chicks. Sprinkle plenty of chick feed on the ground for them to eat at their leisure. Make sure to change out the newspaper at least once a day, otherwise the chicks will be walking on an unclean floor.
Cleanliness is of high importance when raising your chicks. The babies are prone to contracting an illness called coccidiosis that arises from walking through and tracking their own excrement in a particularly damp environment. One other important requirement to note is that the brooder lamp should contain a red light bulb as opposed to a white. Using red light will ensure that the chicks do not peck at each other, as it conceals any potential injuries that the chicks might have. If the other chicks see an injured peer, they will have no problem pecking and potentially causing further harm, or even potential death, to the wounded.
In Conclusion:
Raising baby chicks will increase your healthy lifestyle in a number of ways that you might not have even considered. You will have direct control over what type of product you are consuming, whether you are just enjoying the fresh eggs that your chicks will one day provide, or if you are planning to use their meat once they are raised in full. Baby chicks will also eat your table scraps and convert them into organic fertilizer that will ensure your plants will thrive and grow.
Additionally, you will be surprised at the cutback of insects you find in your yard – the chicks will eat those pesky pests which will allow you to enjoy more days outside to spend time with your chicks. They are cheaply bought, easy to raise, and do not require an extreme amount of attention, making baby chicks an ideal option for either a family pet or an addition to a sustainable way of living. Happy raising!
What did you think of our post on raising chicks? Let us know in the comment section below.