SURVIVAL SKILLS: Could You Survive The Open Ocean? was originally published to Total Survival
You'll never know when you may be stranded in the ocean, which is why you need to learn a few essential survival skills. Whether it be a plane crash, a sinking boat, or getting swept out to sea, these survival tips we have for you today will definitely come in handy!
In this article:
Survival Skills to Keep Yourself Alive in the Open Ocean
Learn to Float
You may not be lucky enough to have a raft or lifeboat to float through the open ocean. If you find yourself stranded in the water without some type of flotation device, learn these floating tricks to keep your energy sustained:
Calm Water Back Floating
Step 1: If the water is calm, lie on your back.
Step 2: Allow your body to float, but keep your head above the water line.
Step 3: Continue to lie like this until rescue comes or you're within swimming distance of land.
Rough Waterfront Floating
Step 1: If the water is rough, then lie face down in the water allowing your body to float.
Step 2: Continue to float this way until you need air.
Step 3: Lift your head from the water only to take a breath, then bring it back down again, exhaling underwater.
Why Is This Important?
For starters, you don't know what is swimming beneath you. Although sharks do not typically prey on humans, the silhouette of a body treading water or swimming may appear to be a seal or other preys to a shark, which would cause them to attack. In addition, wasting your strength treading water or trying to swim will tire you out much faster. You need to save your energy by floating. The ocean is a vast, dark place, and it can be quiet unnerving.
Find Water and Food
Remember, you can only survive about three days without water, assuming you've saved enough strength. Finding drinkable water is your first priority. Since water aids in digestion, it's probably better to not eat anything until you have checked this off your list, although finding fish will aid in both thirst and hunger.
Trap Moisture and Rainwater
If it rains, try to set out as much material as possible to collect it, such as a tarp, and funnel it into containers. Make sure the rainwater has not mixed with ocean salt water.
Fish Liquids
Fish aren't only a source of food, but they also contain liquid in their flesh, eyes, and spine. To extract the liquids, cut open the fish, break the vertebra, and suck.
To catch fish, you need access to some type of fishing equipment. You can fashion lines from any rope or string (e.g. shoelaces). If you have a knife, a piece of aluminum can be used to create shiny hooks that attract fish.
Seaweed is plentiful and has many beneficial nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Seaweed that you come across may also have hidden gems inside seeking the same nutrients, such as fish, crabs, or shrimp.
via Survive Nature
A couple survived 14 hours in the open ocean by floating on their backs. Watch the video below:
The open ocean is the best place to test your survival skills. When the time comes that you have no one to rely on, trust yourself and focus on what you should do rather than let your fear take over you. Follow these survival tips and tricks to keep yourself alive in the open ocean until rescue comes.
Do you know other survival skills to survive in the open ocean? Share them with us in the comments section below!
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