How To Make And Use A Shepherd’s Sling is available on Total Survival

In the Bible story about David and Goliath, David was a shepherd, so when the day came for him to fight Goliath, he used his sling. He slew Goliath by hitting him with a rock right in the forehead.
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More than almost any other weapon, the effectiveness of a shepherd’s sling depends upon the skill of the user. For someone with no experience, it will be almost completely useless. But for someone with lots of experience, a shepherd’s sling could be deadly.
In this video, Black Scout Survival explains how to make one. All you need is a 6 to 8-foot length of paracord. Here’s how to make it.
- Fold the paracord in half and drape it over your hand.
- Wrap one side around your hand four times.
- Take it off your hand while keeping its shape intact.
- Wrap one end around the middle and make a simple knot.
- Thread the working end through the three loops.
- Repeat the previous two steps on the other side.
- You should end up with a pouch in the middle of the paracord.
This is probably very difficult to picture, which is why I love the magic of video. Watch it below so you can see how it’s done.
As I said, a shepherd’s sling is useless if you don’t know what you’re doing. Watch the video below to learn how to use one.
This article first appeared on See it hereOriginally Published Here: How To Make And Use A Shepherd’s Sling
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