Thursday 21 March 2019

How To Survive Animal Attacks

The following blog post How To Survive Animal Attacks Read more on:

Learn how to survival animal attacks with this guide and live to tell your survival tale!

RELATED: Wild Animal Attacks | What To Do When Attacked By Ferocious Beasts

In this article:

  1. Protecting Yourself from Animal Attacks
    1. Bear Attack
    2. Wolf Attack
    3. Cougar
    4. Coyote
    5. Rabid Raccoon
    6. Shark Attack
    7. Crocodile or Alligator
    8. Piranha
    9. Jellyfish
    10. Rattlesnake
    11. Scorpion
    12. Killer Bee
    13. Lion Attack
    14. Hippo Attack
    15. Elephant
    16. Gorilla

How to Survive Animal Attacks in the Wild

Click here to learn more about how to survive ANY animal attack!

Protecting Yourself from Animal Attacks

Animal attacks are one of the most terrifying survival situations to find yourself in. From large animals like cougars, bears, and sharks, to smaller ones like snakes, bees, and scorpions, you need to know how to protect yourself from these wild animals.

1. Bear Attack

How to Survive a Grizzly Bear Attack…

Real world application, not YouTube expertise, make adventuring in grizzly country a little safer. #grizzlies

— Wade (@Intrepid_Daily) March 12, 2019

Try to avoid an encounter with a bear any way you can. While very rare, bear attacks can be fatal, especially grizzly and polar bear.

If a bear approaches, you never try to run because even the fastest man on earth can never outrun these majestic creatures. While it takes a lot of willpower, try to stand still and avoid eye contact.

A pepper spray will also help. So if you want to wander away from your camp, make sure to bring one with you.

To avoid a bear attack or get away with it unscathed, you have to know a whole lot of bear safety and awareness tips here. There isn't one trick to do it, so try to learn more about bears and bear attacks.

If you love camping in the mountains, all the more reason you should learn how to survive a bear attack.

2. Wolf Attack

Wolves, in general, try to avoid humans and are not by nature aggressive toward humans. These attacks mostly come from rabid wolves — wolves that feel threatened and wolves protecting their pups.

The factors for their aggression may come into play while you are outdoors. If you see one though, do not make eye contact and walk stealthily away from it as much as you can.

Do not bolt out running also but try this trick: try to look bigger and intimidating. If it comes to a fight, try to get hold of a weapon and make sure to protect your face and neck.

3. Cougar

The Latest: Man's condition in fatal cougar attack upgraded

— kcranews (@kcranews) May 20, 2018

With cougars or mountain lions' recent growth in population, chances of an encounter may increase compared to a decade ago. Cougars are majestic creatures that some people even go out of their way to see one.

You never want to meet one though, let alone a close encounter/attack, but you will want to know more about mountain lions and how to avoid or survive an encounter.

If you do encounter a mountain lion or cougar, maintain eye contact with this one. In fact, never take your eyes off the animal as you walk away slowly to safety with your bases covered.

If a cougar approaches you, prepare to fight with all your might while walking away. This time, be on the offensive and act like the predator and it, the prey.

4. Coyote

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Attacks by coyote are very rare but you'll want to avoid it at all cost, especially from rabid ones. Pets and kids are more vulnerable to attacks, and coyotes will attack behind your backs.

Coyotes would rather run than fight. That's why you can be aggressive with them. Coyotes are sometimes mistaken for wolves, so you need to know the difference to apply the right safety measures.

5. Rabid Raccoon

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While raccoons are known to be shy creatures you want to avoid encounters, especially from the rabid ones. Increasing habitat encroachment also increased encounters with these furry critters.

Reports of raccoon attacks are not pretty sights for sure, so make your home or campsite as raccoon-proof as you possibly can. If you do get bitten, wash your wounds with soap and water, and seek medical help right away.

6. Shark Attack

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We need not stress enough the dangers of sharks since media/pop culture hype has done that already. It is likely though and you want to avoid it at all cost and know how to survive a shark attack.

If you see a shark, swim to the nearest shore but try not to call attention by flapping about and creating huge splashes. If you're somewhat from shore, look for a blunt object you can use to defend yourself from the shark.

7. Crocodile or Alligator

Keep calm and stay alive: Marine biologist @mcmsharksxx survives giant #crocodile attack

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) July 28, 2018

Crocodile attacks, much like sharks are also the stuff of movies and pop culture, so when it comes to awareness, perhaps nothing more can be said. Yet, with the hype comes misinformation so learn facts about crocodiles or alligators first before you get so unlucky and get attacked by one.

To avoid an encounter, beware of crocodile-infested waters. If you find yourself with crocodiles, swim to shore without attracting their attention. If it comes to a fight, go for the nose and eyes to survive the alligator attack.

8. Piranha

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The chances of a piranha encounter are only possible in the rivers of South America. So for adventurers and survivalists, the chances are likely indeed.

If you are planning on an adventure down south, learn more about piranhas before you wind up in piranha-infested waters. There is no proof of piranha killing humans but they can injure you badly, even out of the water.

If you're in the waters, avoid creating large splashes and be careful when fishing for piranha because its razor-sharp teeth will need you some stitches.

RELATED: Tips On How To Survive In The Wild | Defending Against Animal Attack

9. Jellyfish

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Wherever there is saltwater, you can find jellyfish. So if you like hitting the beach, there is a good chance of getting jellyfish sting. Out of the hundreds of jellyfish species, five are considered most dangerous and must be avoided.

Sometimes, it cannot be avoided, so make sure to wear jellyfish-repellent lotion. If you get stung though, don't rub the part or you'll release more toxins.

Don't wash it off with fresh water but use saltwater instead. And no, pee doesn't work! You can also neutralize the venom with vinegar, baking soda, or meat tenderizer.

10. Rattlesnake

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Snakes are common around the world and the rattlesnake is native to the Americas. While not included in the list of deadliest snakes, rattlesnakes are one of the most dangerous so you want to avoid it, too.

Rattlesnakes will give you a favor through giving you a warning with its distinct rattle, hence the name. Still, you might find yourself unlucky and get bitten.

If you do get bitten, do not use an ice pack on the area, do not drink alcohol, and never do this cut and suck the blood out. It will make matters worse.

Instead, keep the bitten area still and remove all things that will hinder blood flow. Then, call for help at once.

11. Scorpion

Attack of the killer scorpion 😈

— | Sam | (@samgalajian) August 27, 2013

While scorpion stings are not life-threatening in general, you will want to avoid the scorpion bark sting, especially in adults and the elderly. People have come to dread all scorpions as if they are the feared Arizona bark scorpion, so it's good to know a little bit more about scorpions.

If you do get stung by the dreaded Arizona bark scorpion, send for help at once.

12. Killer Bee

Killer Bee Attack: Science Explains Man's Death

— Live Science (@LiveScience) August 24, 2016

With a name like a killer bee, it will strike fear upon people indeed, especially when you are misinformed. It is wise to know more about this honey-producing insect indeed before you go on the offense.

If you come across these bees though and killer bees attack in swarms, run as far away from it as you can. Try to cover your head and most of the face too as you run.

Do no use your fingers or tweezers to remove the stingers but use a credit card or other dull blades to scrape them off. If you have allergies, seek medical attention at once.

13. Lion Attack

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Although lions live in Africa, we've seen and heard reports of lion attacks in zoos, and they are not pretty. You may also find yourself with lions in Africa, so try to learn some facts about lions first, before you forget in your excitement.

Lions do attack and to survive one, go with your animal instinct and fight it with all of your might. Try to look big and intimidating and never play dead or curl in a fetal position.

14. Hippo Attack

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Again, you may find yourself in Africa where hippos live, but you don't want an encounter with these seemingly harmless yet in truth dangerous animals. They can bite through crocodiles and humans don't stand a chance.

There is a very slim chance of your surviving a hippo attack, so try distancing yourself from these animals. If they so as much approach you, run and hide or climb a tree. It is very important to learn how to survive a hippo attack.

15. Elephant

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Most of us wouldn't take an elephant for a dangerous animal. They live among humans in many parts of the world after all, like India, Thailand, and Africa where we go to experience and encounter these majestic beings.

For different reasons, they can turn on humans, too, and that is dangerous. If an elephant charges at you, try to climb a tall tree.

If an elephant attacks you, do not curl in a fetal position. Grab the tusks so you can use this to escape the situation and try not getting stabbed.

16. Gorilla

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An encounter with an angry mountain gorilla is another one of those you can only experience in their territory. But who knows what you'll get into next so it pays to know more about animals including gorillas.

Avoid being seen by a gorilla but if you find yourself in the situation, don't try to intimidate them because they won't be. Go into a submissive position instead, avoid contact, and don't run.

Now you know what to do when you encounter wild animals. You've also learned another aspect of survival, which is self-defense from animal attacks.

Learning how to survive in the wild also includes survival from animal attacks in their territory. Your know-how in animal attacks is one of the important survival skills indeed!

Have you any knowledge or proven tips and tricks on how to survive animal attacks or avoid it in the first place? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 17, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

This Article Was First Found at Read The Original Article Here

Check Out The Post Here: How To Survive Animal Attacks

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