Friday 31 August 2018

Surviving Vacation With 5 Simple And Practical Tips

Surviving Vacation With 5 Simple And Practical Tips was first published on

A plan for surviving vacation may not often cross our minds, but it is still an essential thing that all of us should consider.

Perhaps one of the most dangerous things we regularly do is to go on vacation. I realize it may sound like I’m talking facetiously, but I’m not. An amazing number of people have had their vacation end in some sort of survival situation. This could be something as simple as a broken leg from an accident to a car going off the road in a storm. It could even be as serious as being lost in the mountains and nearly dying of hypothermia when the sun goes down.

The truth is, the world doesn’t go on vacation just because you do. Rather, the simple fact that you are going on vacation means that you are doing things you don’t normally do. This adds an element of danger to your life. On top of that, there are two-legged predators among us who make their “livelihood” by preying on people who are on vacation. Pickpockets, thieves, and con men love people who are on vacation. The main reason they do is because a tourist’s guard is usually down, thereby making that individual an easy target.

Being a survivalist means being a survivalist all the time, not just when it is convenient. Problems just don’t seem to happen when it’s convenient for us. But rather, they often seem to occur when it is least convenient for us. So, we definitely have to be prepared all the time.

More than anything, that means keeping your radar going and watching out for potential problems. No, you don’t need to destroy your vacation as you keep an eye out for danger. However, you shouldn’t close your eyes to it either. Instead, keep yourself in “condition yellow” by being aware of what’s going on around you while you are enjoying yourself. This also means having the necessary equipment and supplies with you to take care of any emergencies you may encounter.

Surviving Vacation Tip #1: Traveling Prepared

I always travel with a survival kit so that I have something to work with if I find myself in a survival situation. How big a kit I travel with has a lot to do with how I’m traveling. If my wife and I are driving somewhere, I’ll carry our emergency backpack, which has just about everything we could need. It’s essentially a bug out bag and can certainly serve the same purpose as a normal one would.

There have been countless times when I’ve dug into that pack for one thing or another, even when we weren’t in a survival situation. Something as simple as eating leftovers from last night’s dinner can be a problem in a hotel room. This is especially true since they don’t normally have silverware even if they do have a microwave.

Nonetheless, that pack is too big to take with us if we’re traveling by air. In those cases, I carry my EDC (everyday carry) bag. This is a cross-body tactical bag, which makes for a pretty good survival kit. Not only do I have all the basic survival gear in it, but I also have rain ponchos and a little bit of food. Since we have large suitcases, I have enough room to bring that along, even if I’m taking enough clothing to last me a couple of weeks.

I also have a smaller survival kit which can be hung on my belt. There have been a few times when I’ve used that rather than my EDC bag. Usually, I do this because I have to carry a daypack for whatever activity we’re doing. Still, it’s pretty rare that I don’t at least have my EDC bag with me. If we’re going for a hike, you can be sure that I’m carrying that along.

Surviving Vacation Tip #2: Traveling Armed

I’m also a firm believer that if you’re going to carry concealed, then you should do so all the time. About the only time you can catch me without a gun and a knife is when I’m in the shower or in bed. When I’m in bed almost doesn’t count because the gun is on the headboard and within arm’s reach.

So when I’m traveling, I also take my gun and knife with me, assuming I’m traveling to a state that recognizes my concealed carry license. There are still a few states that don’t recognize it and I try to avoid traveling to those.

Surviving Vacation Tip #3: Avoiding Trouble

The other part of surviving vacation involves avoiding problems altogether. That’s not always possible to do, or we wouldn’t need to worry about carrying around a survival kit. Yet, it really doesn’t take all that much effort to avoid most potential problems.

The first part of this process is to stay informed. Always be sure to get the weather report wherever you are. There are many places where storms can move in quickly with little warning. Notwithstanding, few of those can escape weather radar. You need to check the radar to find out what’s going on.

Check the news as well. If there is unrest or crime in the city, then that should show up in the news, which will warn you about places to avoid. The hotel staff will typically know about this as well, so it’s always a good idea to check at the desk if you’re staying in a hotel. Finally, if you’re traveling abroad, make use of the State Department’s website, which will post traveler’s advisories.

Surviving Vacation Tip #4: Keep Your Head On A Swivel

Criminals that prey on travelers look for those who are not aware of what is going on around them. The last thing they want is for someone to recognize them and turn their description into the police. Not only that, but they don’t want to lose their lucrative territory by having to avoid someone who might easily identify them.

Tourists typically look around, but they are normally looking at buildings or other sights. Looking around at the people around you, especially those behind you, allows you to spot anyone who is suspicious. This technique will allow you to upgrade your alert level from yellow to orange. But the best part of it is that it warns the criminals that they don’t want to mess with you. Often, keeping your head on a swivel is all that you need to do to ensure that they leave you alone and go looking for someone else to steal from.

Surviving Vacation Tip #5: Keep Track Of Your Stuff

Don’t leave anything sitting around. If you go to the beach, for example, at least one family member should stay with your stuff while everyone else enjoys the water. It only takes a second for a crook to grab your camera and telephone if it’s left unattended.

Backpacks and women’s purses are especially susceptible to theft. A cross-body shoulder bag is a great solution to this. However, don’t just sling it across your body and carry it behind you. Preferably, let it sit on one of your hips or slightly in front of your hip, with one hand on it. If it is behind your back, they can slit it open and empty the contents without you ever knowing it.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: The 11 Most Important Survival Items When You’re Lost And Desperate

Do you have any more thoughts or suggestions on surviving vacation? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Surviving Vacation With 5 Simple And Practical Tips appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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Source Here: Surviving Vacation With 5 Simple And Practical Tips

30 Tips for Sheltering in Place

Thursday 30 August 2018

Is Coconut Oil A Dangerous “Killer Poison” And A Threat To Your Health?

Is Coconut Oil A Dangerous “Killer Poison” And A Threat To Your Health? was originally published to

Is coconut oil poison an issue that people should take seriously?

Cyanide is a deadly poison, and so is a bite from a venomous snake. However, Dr. Karin Michels, in her recent declaration at the University of Freiburg in Germany, made a far more surprising statement. In her lecture entitled “Coconut oil and other Nutritional Errors,” she stated that coconut oil “poison” is even worse than lard (pig fat from the abdomen).

Coconut oil is one of the worst things you can eat,” she said.
Her lecture hit close to a million views on YouTube. It also sparked a serious debate about the “superfood” often regarded as a cure-all for a wide array of conditions.

Well, how valid are her allegations?

If you’re a fan of coconut oil and usually add it to your smoothie or fry your veggies with it, this news from Dr. Michels is concerning. Years ago, the oil was commonly used in movie theaters for popcorn. Then, some “scientists” said it would kill us. Then, a few years later, coconut oil became the miracle medium-chain triglyceride as we were taught to burn fat instead of carbs. The oil also has a few other remarkable properties including anti-fungal and anti-bacterial characteristics. In addition, it’s a pretty effective skin moisturizer from the research I’ve read.

The Scientific Conflict Regarding “Coconut Oil Poison”

Due to its high level of fat, Michels argued that coconut is probably one of the worst foods you can eat. During the low-fat fad that was widespread a few years back, coconut oil was something that dietitians wouldn’t recommend under any conditions. However, doctors and nutritionists eventually concluded that carbs and sugar led to more weight gain than fats. Consequently, people started studying the issue more and gave coconut oil and other fats some street cred.

So what’s going on? What’s with all the conflicting data?

What Is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil contains beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as it’s packed with phytochemicals. A study from Harvard showed that coconut oil elevates the body’s levels of “good” cholesterol. That said, coconut oil consumption could also prevent many diseases.
The findings on coconut oil are helpful, but there’s a lot of misinformation floating around concerning its fat burning properties.

How Much Coconut Oil Should You Consume?

Back in 2017, the AHA (American Heart Association) analyzed years of research data connecting heart disease and saturated fat. Their information supposedly showed an active link between the two. They recommended cutting down on saturated fatty acids because exposure to high amounts increases the risk of coronary heart disease. However, the merits of a low-fat diet are still hotly debated

The AHA is concerned that coconut oil is 82% saturated fat. They also warn consumers to stay away from foods like butter, cheese, sausage, and meat pies.

Furthermore, the AHA discourages the use of coconut oil and said that it’s better on skin than on food. It recommends that no more than 5% of an individual’s daily calorie uptake come from saturated fats.

And now we’re back full circle … coconut oil as a poison story popped up. There’s no question that you can exceed “smart amounts” of coconut oil on a daily basis. Nevertheless, if you use coconut oil on a daily basis you might want to keep using it and simply wait for the next scientist to come along and tell you that it’s a superfood again. Might be six months, might be a year, but science never seems to sit still.

The recommended coconut oil consumption is a teaspoon per day. In addition, you might want to pay attention to the type of coconut oil you’re consuming. Another study demonstrated that virgin coconut oil doesn’t have the same side effects as other highly processed oils.

Coconut Oil CounterPunch?

There has certainly been a great deal of hysteria surrounding Dr. Michels comments. In response, Max Lugavere, who is the author of the book Genius Foods, said that calling coconut oil poison is pure hyperbole. He also stated that this type of claim is simply “click bait” not backed up by evidence. Kind of like fake news only with science. Maybe “Fake Science” will gain some traction on Google.

Analysis of fat consumption, heart disease, and early mortality has not shown any correlation between saturated fat consumption and the risk of heart disease or premature death. Nonetheless, the verdict on coconut oil will be out for a while. It certainly has beneficial properties. Yet, when it comes to healthy fats backed up by more and more evidence, extra-virgin olive oil seems to run a strong race.

Closing Thoughts

As you can see, calling coconut oil poison is unmerited. It has some excellent health benefits. Notwithstanding, like almost any food you can think of … it can become dangerous in excessive amounts. So listen, forget the click bait and don’t avoid coconut oil. The truth is … no one really knows. It all seems to hinge on what study you read. So find a doctor with an open mind to discuss this with. Have a blood test done so you know your actual lipid numbers. And remember… do your research, but stay diligent. And learn to discern … “Fake Science.”

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: 14 Amazing (And Even Crazy) Uses For Coconut Oil

What do you think about coconut oil poison being a potential threat to your health? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Is Coconut Oil A Dangerous “Killer Poison” And A Threat To Your Health? appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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Check Out The Post Here: Is Coconut Oil A Dangerous “Killer Poison” And A Threat To Your Health?

Preparing Your Body For Survival Situations

Preparing Your Body For Survival Situations Read more on:

Don’t just depend on going to the gym and working out. Do some actual physical labor to train your body for survival situations.

I live in an area with one of the highest rates of obesity in the nation. A few years ago, we were number one, but someone else has managed to pass us up since then. I have to admit, I fit the demographics of the area as well. But last year I did manage to lose 60 pounds, although I’m still not quite down to where I want to be. Nonetheless, I don’t look like the Michelin Tire Man anymore.

There are several reasons why I decided to finally get serious about losing weight. Unquestionably, survival was high up on that list. How could I, a supposed expert in survival, allow myself to get to the point where bugging out would probably kill me? I couldn’t let it stay that way.

However, the reality I had to face is the same one that many of us have to face. The bottom line is that our bodies aren’t ready for survival. Any survival situations that we encounter will be physically demanding, even bugging in at home. Just turning your backyard into a survival garden will be physically demanding. This task doesn’t even include hauling water, splitting wood for the fire, and all the other manual labors that we are accustomed to having machines do for us.

Preparing For Survival Situations: Losing Weight

As a society, we have become physically lazy. Sure, there are certainly those amongst us who go to the gym regularly to make up for their sedentary lifestyle. Yet, that accounts for only about 20% of our population. Oh, and statistically speaking, the ones who do exercise tend to be younger adults. In fact, a third of all those who make regular trips to the gym are under 24 years of age. Sadly, those of us who are overweight and need to exercise the most are also those who are least likely to do so.

The basic problem is that losing weight requires doing the things we don’t want to do and not doing the things we want to do. I had to give up a lot of my favorite foods in order to lose those 60 pounds. That was hard, especially when others around me were eating them. I felt like the guy who quit smoking in a room full of smokers.

Our diets consist of way too many starches, sugars, and fats. But then, you already know that. The trick is having the “won’t power” to cut them out of your diet. I call it “won’t power” because we don’t have any problem with our will. It’s easy to say “I will eat that,” but it’s hard to say “I won’t eat it.”

That’s Not Enough

Notwithstanding, losing weight alone isn’t enough. Yes, losing weight has some definite health benefits, such as reducing the risk for Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. But just losing weight will turn us into skinny weaklings rather than fat weaklings. We still won’t have the strength and stamina needed for survival.

As a basic rule of thumb, I’ve determined a few benchmarks that I feel are minimum physical requirements for adequately handling survival situations:

  • Able to walk four hours, at normal walking speed, with your bug out bag on your back (at least 30 pounds), with 10-minute breaks every hour.
  • Able to chop wood or swing a sledgehammer for one hour without breaks.
  • Able to pick up a ¾” thick sheet of plywood and carry it across your backyard without stopping or losing balance.
  • Able to walk on a balance beam with your 30-pound backpack on.
  • Able to fire 100 rounds through your personal defensive firearm without your arms getting shaky.
  • Able to carry two five-gallon buckets, filled with water (a total of 80 pounds) one block without resting.
  • Able to shovel 500 pounds of dirt (1/4 cubic yard) without a break.

If you can do these things, you’re probably physically strong enough for the tasks you’ll have to do to survive. Surprisingly, some bodybuilders will have problems with some of these exercises. This is because their strength is trained for specific actions and not necessarily actions associated with the physical work of survival. Consequently, don’t just depend on going to the gym and working out. Do some actual physical labor to train your body as well.

Get Your Health In Line

Nearly 70% of Americans take some sort of prescription drug on a daily basis, with more than half of them taking at least two. That’s horrible. What are all those people going to do when the pharmacies are closed and there are no medicines to be found?

Granted, we can use natural remedies for a lot of things if we know how. Nevertheless, most people know little to nothing about herbal or natural medicines and even fewer are growing the plants necessary. Unless you take the time to both study herbal medicine and grow the necessary herbs, that’s just not going to work for you.

It is better to get your body healthy enough so that you don’t need all those medicines. Many chronic conditions can be alleviated or even eliminated by proper diet and exercise. High blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes are both related to diet. High blood pressure is also related to anxiety. If we get our diets, our bodies, and our thoughts in order, we can eliminate the need for most of those prescription drugs.


Mankind has survived for most of its history without allowing the medical profession to make us chemically dependent. While some of those pharmaceuticals may help to prolong our lives, we probably won’t need them if we eat sensibly and get more exercise. It has been medically proven that both high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes can be eliminated by going back to a lifestyle which requires more physical work, which is how our ancestors lived. I wonder how many other things could be eliminated as well?

This aspect of preparing for survival situations has got to start now. You and I can’t afford to wait until a disaster strikes and we can’t get our medicine. That’s why I’ve put so much effort into losing weight, and if I can do it, you can too. It’s just a matter of making up your mind that you’re going to see it through.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: 3 Forgotten Survival Essentials – Straight From The History Books

Do you have any other tips on how to prepare your body for survival situations? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Preparing Your Body For Survival Situations appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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This Article Was Found Here: Preparing Your Body For Survival Situations

How To Build An Overnight Bushcraft Camp

The post How To Build An Overnight Bushcraft Camp was originally published on

Learn how to build an overnight bushcraft camp with this DIY survival tutorial. In today's video, you'll learn how to build a bushcraft shelter from scratch. But first, let's talk a little bit about what bushcraft is.

At its core, bushcraft is about being one with nature. Man has always used natural resources to his advantage; however, it's important not to take it too far. This can be a difficult line to toe, but it's very important that we, as survivalists and outdoorsmen, have respect for nature and do our best to leave it at least as good as we found it.

Bushcraft itself can be quite simply explained as the skills needed to enable you to survive, live, and thrive in a wilderness environment. Generally, without any modern amenities, these skills can only be gained through knowledge and real-life wilderness experience.

Here we will teach you more about what bushcraft is, plus some tips and techniques on how to build an overnight bushcraft camp!

Build an Overnight Bushcraft Camp and Survive the Night!

1. Pick a Location

Location is everything when building a bushcraft camp for your comfort and safety. The ideal location will have to be even and flat, and far from possible hazards like falling rocks and dead trees. Avoid loose ground ledges and set up camp as far from the water's edge as possible to avoid flooding hazards. An area with a good vantage point will also be ideal, and a morning shade, a bonus.

2. Consider the Wind Direction

If you've been camping for a long time, you are probably familiar with the prevailing wind of the area. This wind rose resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will also help. The idea is to build your overnight bushcraft camp shelter opposite of the prevailing wind. Based on experience, this helps prevent rain from blowing in your shelter and for ventilation. But, this is also situational and you may choose to be weird about this and have it your way. I like my camp entrance facing the rising sun so I can wake up to it. After all, your own experience will be your best teacher.

3. Collect Materials

Now that you've decided where to set up camp, collect materials in the area. Collect anything with potential use around camp for your shelter, a fire shelter, and for starting a fire. Fallen trees, debris, leaves, twigs, and barks are valuable bushcraft camp materials. You might want to employ your botany 101 to avoid poisonous plants like poison ivy.

Check out this: 10 Critical Points You Need To Know About Building Any Natural Shelter!

4. Make a Rope

Ropes are essential when building a shelter and for other survival uses like tying things up or for first aid. It's a good thing, you will not run out of fibrous materials to make some sort of rope wherever you are. If you find yourself in the desert, you can make rope out of the yucca plant. The barks of trees like cedar are wonderful sources of rope out in the forest. The following are plants from which you can make a rope:

  • Basswood
  • Willow
  • Cattails
  • Maple
  • Water Hyacinth
  • Hemp
  • Flax
  • Nettle
  • Coconut and etc

5. Know Your Knots and Lashing Techniques

A basic know-how of the essential knots is given in survivalists. It will do for building a bushcraft camp but you also have to consider the type of knot used when building a shelter. Besides the knots, how to tie pieces together is another important skill you need in bushcraft camping.

Lashing or ropework is important if you don't want your makeshift roof crashing down on you in the dead of the night. When doing the lean-to design, a square lashing is ideal when you are using trees as support for your shelter.

Sale 1,923 Reviews Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
  • Bushcraft 101 A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
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6. Make a Fire Shelter

Survivalist or not, we need not elaborate on how fire is essential for survival. Fire provides clean water, food, warmth, and defense from wild animals, and so much more. Yet, keeping a fire protected and going can be the least of all concerns, especially for inexperienced campers.

Building a fire can be tough even for survival experts. Keeping it going, especially in the rain is even more challenging. It can be frustrating to see the fire you labored on put out by rain. It is even a smart idea to build a fire shelter first before you start a fire, especially in areas where precipitation is highly likely.

7. More Tips for Building an Overnight Bushcraft Camp

When building a bushcraft camp, the design or style seems of little importance, but remember, a bushcraft camp does not allow you the luxury of amenities. You will have to rely on the environment and what it has to offer. Consider these 5 bushcraft shelter designs when building a bushcraft camp:

You also want to consider these tips: How To Build A Shelter Using Natural Resources!

Want to give bushcraft a try? Check out the video below to learn how to build an overnight bushcraft camp:

Bushcraft is not simply all about how to survive in the wilderness–it goes far beyond that. It is also, if not more, about creating sustainability and being able to live comfortably within a natural environment, and being able to live your life by being part of our natural world using a more indigenous human approach. Using these skills to live off the land is one of the most satisfying things you can do, both physically and mentally. The connection you get back from nature is hard to compare with anything modern life can offer. These skills take time and effort to learn, but all are learn-able, for everyone, regardless of age.

What would you add yourself to this guide for building an overnight bushcraft camp? We will appreciate your tips and suggestions in the comments section below!

Up Next: 7 Cost-Effective Uses For Shipping Containers Survivalists Should Know

For awesome survival gear, you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

Check out Is Dutch Oven Cooking A Part Of Your Emergency Plan? [Video Tutorial] at

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 5, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

This Article Was First Found at Read The Original Article Here

Original Post Here: How To Build An Overnight Bushcraft Camp

Are You Really Ready For When The Power Grid Goes Down?

The post Are You Really Ready For When The Power Grid Goes Down? was originally seen on

Are we really ready if the power grid goes down?

The dangers to our aging, fragile electrical grid are numerous. Over the last few years, many of us have focused on the risk of an EMP, mostly fueled by North Korea’s nuclear and ICBM testing. But that may not be the biggest risk our power grid faces, according to Dan Coats, the National Director of Intelligence. According to a recent statement by him, cyber attacks against the grid have become so commonplace as to have “the light flashing red” right now. This is just as it was after the 9-11 World Trade Center disaster.

EMPs Aren’t The Only Threat To The Power Grid

So, if you were breathing easier because the risk of North Korea causing mischief has gone down, don’t be hasty. In fact, North Korea is one of the four principal countries that are trying to infiltrate our government’s computer networks at all levels as well as our nation’s industry and power grid.

While this may not seem as serious a risk as an EMP shutting everything down, it very well could be. A well thought out attack, causing cascading failures, could shut down large parts of the grid. Worse, getting into the computers of power plants could cause serious damage to those plants. In the case of nuclear power plants, it could have catastrophic results.

Just in case you hadn’t heard, some hackers have gotten far enough into the computers running the grid (and in one case a power plant) to do just that. Why they didn’t is something we don’t know. They could just be waiting for the right time.

Are We Really Ready If The Power Grid Goes Down?

The question this leaves for you and I is: are we ready if the grid goes down? I don’t mean a temporary power outage which lasts for a few days, I mean really going down. I’m talking about something that would take months or even years to repair.

Many say that if that were to happen, we’d be thrown back into living like they did in the 1800s. There’s just one problem with that analogy, most of us don’t have what we need in order to live that way. It’s bad enough for those of us who call ourselves preppers. For those who aren’t, there’s little chance at all.

There are a number of key areas that I think many of us are lacking in. Let the list below serve as a checklist for you, and you should ask yourself if you are ready to deal with these things.

Harvesting Water

The generally held belief that we only need a gallon of water for each person per day is false. That’s a minimum for drinking and cooking, assuming that you live in a temperate climate. You’ll need much more than that if you include bathing, cleaning your house, and washing your clothes. If you’re going to be gardening, and you can’t count on rain to keep your plants watered, that amount goes up exponentially.

Having enough water means having water sources that are under your control. These would include a well or rainwater capture. Hauling enough water to meet your needs from a mile away or more isn’t going to be practical. If you’re using a well, you’ll either need a manual pump or enough electrical generation capability to power your pump.

Growing Food

The idea of the four-foot garden is false. For that matter, my 15’ x 30’ garden doesn’t provide enough for us to eat. If you’re going to be growing your own food, you’re going to need to convert every bit of your yard to garden. That’s going to be a lot of work, especially when you consider that you can’t rent a bobcat to dig up your yard. You’re going to have to do it with old-fashioned muscle power.

The other thing you’re going to need to have is enough seed, fertilizer, and chemicals to take care of that big of a garden. That’s a lot more than most of us have. Furthermore, when you consider that the average adult eats about a ton of food per year, you can see why you’ll need to be growing a lot.


If we assume that gasoline will be scarce, then we won’t be able to count on our cars and trucks to get us around. This predicament severely limits our ability to move around, let alone move other things. How would you move 50 gallons of water? How would you get firewood home if you had someplace you could cut it?

Before the invention of the car, people used horses as their main means of motive power. But there really aren’t that many horses around these days. In a world where the power grid is down, I’m sure that any horses in existence will be at a premium if you can even get your hands on one.

General Repairs

You’re either going to have to fix everything yourself or know someone who you can barter with to fix it for you. This will be important, as there will be little in the way of trade once the stores sell out of the useful products that they have.

The Argentinean financial collapse gives us a little insight here. When their economy crashed, people couldn’t afford to replace things, especially luxury items. Things they would normally throw away and replace suddenly had to be repaired or done without. The same will happen to us when we can’t just go buy a replacement.

Medical Services

Getting medical services for family members will be difficult, especially for those who live far away from those services. Once again, the issue of transportation raises its ugly head. So, if you can’t get a family member to the doctor or to a hospital, what do you do?

There will probably be more accidents during such a time and those accidents will probably be more serious. Moreover, you’re going to have to know how to treat the injuries caused by these accidents. Otherwise, your family member might just bleed out before you can get them to the doctor.


The idea of using a bucket as a makeshift toilet only works for a short period of time. For a prolonged situation, what do you do with those bags of human waste you would be collecting? They’re a health hazard, so you need to do something with them.

Those who have septic systems are going to have a real advantage in this. It will probably only take three days or so for the sewer lines to back up, especially in low-lying areas. Those who have septic tanks will probably be good for around three years. Everyone else will either need to dig outhouses or start composting their waste for fertilizing their gardens.


Keep in mind that there will probably be a thriving barter economy, which will rise up to replace the dollar. That process happened in Argentina as well. It will be possible to get people to provide services for you for those things you don’t know how to do. The trick, in this case, will be finding those people. If you’re a prepper, you’ll probably be in better shape to barter with those people than others will be.

Nonetheless, you also want to be able to barter your own skills to have some means of gaining an “income” (even if there isn’t any money exchanged). Since there’s a good chance that most of our jobs will go up in smoke, those skills may be the only income you will have. In essence, you want to make sure that you have skills which others would want, over and above your survival skills.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: How To Run Your Business When The Power Grid Goes Down

Or download our free 28-page report that discusses the top 9 threats to the power grid: Black Out

What are your thoughts on how to survive when the power grid goes down? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Are You Really Ready For When The Power Grid Goes Down? appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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Post Source Here: Are You Really Ready For When The Power Grid Goes Down?

Top 10 Major Disasters You’re Most Likely To Face In Your Lifetime

The following blog post Top 10 Major Disasters You’re Most Likely To Face In Your Lifetime was originally seen on Total Survival

Top 10 Major Disasters You're Most Likely To Face In Your Lifetime Follow Me on Pinterest

Top 10 Major Disasters You're Most Likely To Face In Your Lifetime Follow Me on Pinterest The odds are likely that you will face a major disaster at some point in your life. Maybe it will be a wildfire, or an earthquake, or an economic collapse, or–God forbid–World War III. Which one do you think it will be?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? You see, when preparing for disaster, you can’t just ‘prepare for disaster.’ You need to have some specific disasters in mind–the ones you feel are most likely to happen.

By doing this, you’ll be able to make more specific preparations, which will increase your chance of getting through the disaster safe and alive.

So which major disasters are most likely? To answer that question, we made a list of the top ten major disasters going from least likely to most likely. Obviously, this list is very debatable, so feel free to leave a comment with your own top ten list.

Here’s what we came up with…

10. World War III

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The Cold War ended when the USSR collapsed and the United States became the world’s only superpower. However, that is likely to change. China is becoming more powerful and influential all the time, while the United States has been slowly declining.

At some point, the two countries will have equal power and influence, which will spark a new Cold War and the risk of World War III. Even if it isn’t China, there is always the chance of a conflict with Russia, North Korea, or any other country with nuclear weapons. Let’s pray that never happens.

Although most people think surviving a nuclear war is hopeless, it is definitely possible as long as you aren’t too close to ground zero. Here are five things you need to survive a nuclear war.

9. EMP (Attack or Solar)

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EMP Power Outage Follow Me on Pinterest

An EMP (electromagnetic pulse), whether an attack by another nation or a solar flare from the sun, is one of the most talked about disasters among preppers. It became an even more popular topic after the publication of Lights Out, a novel that vividly describes what life would be like after an EMP.

An EMP is arguably one of the worst types of disasters that can happen. In the event that all electric items and the power grid stop working, there would be no more electricity, power, heat, cars (at least cars built since 1990), airplanes, laptops, TVs, phones, etc.

Yes, life would really (at least partially) revert back to the 1880s. The supply chain would stop, you would most likely not be able to get in touch with someone who lives far away, and the economy would undoubtedly collapse as well.

Food riots would begin in a matter of days, and the government would most likely take control through martial law. What’s worse is that an EMP attack is a long-lasting disaster, as it would take years to successfully rebuild.

It’s been estimated that only 10% of people would survive a nationwide EMP. Here’s how to be one of the 10%.

8. Agricultural Collapse

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Agricultural Collapse Drought Follow Me on Pinterest

An agricultural collapse is perhaps the most overlooked type of disaster that we might face. It could be caused by severe droughts (which are becoming more and more common), by a rapid decline in the bee population (which is already happening), or some other natural disaster.

What many people fail to realize is that if the agricultural production system fails or slows down, the only real way that we can build it back up is through rebuilding the seed supply. Would companies be able to produce enough seeds to rebuild it?

Eventually, probably yes–but initially, probably not. The effect of an agricultural collapse is that food prices would increase dramatically as the supply drops and the demand increases. This would also cause the economy to take a hit. As a whole, an agricultural collapse will probably be worse than you realize.

7. Pandemics

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Another pandemic is not a question of if, but when. The last major pandemic occurred about 100 years ago and killed millions of people. Some people believe we are overdue for another.

What exactly is a pandemic? Many people confuse the terms pandemic and epidemic. The difference between the two is based on the scale of it: epidemics are usually restricted to a specific geographical location, and therefore impact a small number of people.

Pandemics, on the other hand, spread fast throughout large parts of the world and impact millions of people. The Bubonic Plague in the Middle Ages, for instance, was a pandemic and not an epidemic.

The only surefire way of surviving a pandemic, if it even is a surefire way, is to physically get out of an area that has been effected. You’ll also need to practice extremely thorough personal hygiene and sanitation habits.

Here are some supplies you will need to survive the next pandemic.

6. Economic Collapse

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Economic Collapse Stock Market Follow Me on Pinterest

The fundamental factors that led to the Great Recession–cheap money and phony wealth–were never really fixed. Once again, lots of huge economic bubbles are forming with subprime auto loans, massive student loans, and housing (again).

Considering that the average worker never completely recovered from the Great Recession and are therefore less able to weather another, the next economic collapse could be even worse, on the scale of the Great Depression in the 1930s.

An economic collapse could happen one of two ways. We could have a hyperinflationary collapse due to the Federal Reserve pumping too much money into the economy. In this case, prices would skyrocket and money would become almost worthless. If that happens, people will need precious metals or barter items to make purchases.

On the other hand, there could be a deflationary collapse (like the Great Depression). In this case, jobs would be very hard to come by and loans would be almost impossible to get. There would no doubt be shortages of everything from food to medical supplies. Many people would end up living on the streets.

Here are some things you should do before the economy collapses.

5. Earthquakes

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Earthquake Rubble Follow Me on Pinterest

Earthquakes are one of the most frightening disasters. They happen with no warning and can kill hundreds–if not thousands– of people immediately. But as with hurricanes, whether they’re a threat or not depends on where you live.

Obviously, the west coast of the United States has a higher risk of earthquakes, but there are also places along the Mississippi River and East Coast that are at risk. (Here are some of the major earthquake zones around the world.)

Here are some tips for surviving an earthquake.

4. Civil Unrest

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Civil Unrest Riot Follow Me on Pinterest

The potential for civil unrest is a real problem in America today. Political tensions haven’t been this high since the 1960’s, and with the upcoming elections, it seems like they’re only going to get worse.

In the past few years, there have already been major events of civil unrest such as in Ferguson, Missouri, and heated political rallies and protests are becoming commonplace.

Even a seemingly ordinary protest can turn into something very deadly. Here are some tips on how to survive a riot. And here’s what to do if you’re in your car during a riot.

3. Wildfires

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Wildfire Forest Follow Me on Pinterest

Due to a warmer and drier climate, wildfires are becoming more and more common. I’m not here to debate whether humanity is causing it or not. I’m just pointing out that the climate is changing, as it always has, and wildfires are something we all need to be prepared for.

If you live in or near a wooded area, you need to be vigilant. Just look at the blazes that have overtaken California. The current fire is the largest in history.

Wildfires, regardless of how they start, are literally uncontrollable and can sweep through vast areas in a very short period of time. Entire homes can be destroyed, and the huge quantities of smoke can cause breathing problems and even suffocation.

As with hurricanes, your best bet for surviving a wildfire is to keep yourself up to date on the news and to leave before it strikes your area. You need to have a good bug out bag, and you need to be ready to evacuate quickly.

2. Hurricanes

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Hurricane Earth Follow Me on Pinterest

In general, I think natural disasters are more likely than man-made disasters. There are organizations and good people in government who are working hard to prevent manmade disasters. But natural disasters are going to happen regardless of what we do. Mankind has literally no control over them, and hurricanes are no exception.

Obviously, it depends on where you live, but anyone who lives at or near the coastline of any country is at risk of hurricanes and cyclones. And again, these types of weather events are becoming more and more common. In 2017, there were three hurricanes at once, and there’s no reason to think that won’t happen again.

The best way to prepare for a hurricane is to take action ahead of time. The one advantage to a hurricane is that when one is forming in the sea and making its way to land, you’ll be warned of its incoming and you’ll have plenty of time to evacuate. But don’t wait until the last minute or you will be stuck in traffic and could end up running out of gas.

Here is our ultimate guide to hurricane preparedness.

1. Flood

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Flood in the City Follow Me on Pinterest

Floods often come with hurricanes, but they also come with ordinary storms. Other than earthquakes, floods are the most common disaster in the world. (Earthquakes are lower on this list because we’re only counting major earthquakes, and most earthquakes are very small.)

You might picture people being swept away and drowning, but that’s not the only way people die during floods. They also die because they get sick from the unsanitary water, they get heatstroke because utilities are down, their houses collapse and they get crushed, they have a medical emergency and can’t reach a hospital, and so forth.

Without utilities, emergency services, and the ability to travel, many people will be in grave danger. As you can see, floods are more dangerous than you might think. If you’ve never been in one, don’t be careless. Get out before the water is too high for your vehicle.

In this guide to flood preparedness, we explain what to do to prepare for a flood and what to do after you’re already in one.


Your best course of action is to choose the one or two that you feel are the most likely to happen in your area, then prepare accordingly.

All in all, I believe these are the ten most likely disaster and catastrophes. However, this is just my opinion. I’m curious if there are any major disasters I forgot or if I should have put them in a different order, so feel free to leave a comment and share your opinion.

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See More Here: Top 10 Major Disasters You’re Most Likely To Face In Your Lifetime