Thursday 31 January 2019

“Right-Wing Extremism” Biggest Problem Says Dem Security Chairman

“Right-Wing Extremism” Biggest Problem Says Dem Security Chairman See more on: Total Survival

As usual, we can expect to see right-wing extremism used as “representative” of all conservatives in an effort to silence our voice.

One of the left’s favorite mantras is that all mass murderers are right-wing extremists. Let’s forget about the fact that Democrats, leftists, or the children of Democrats (in the case of those too young to vote) conduct most mass shootings. This doesn’t feed into their narrative on how violent right-wing extremism is. They’ll bend the truth as far as possible simply to make the facts appear on their side.

The Liberal Narrative 101: Blame Acts Of Violence On Right-Wing Extremism

We see this constantly. Every time there’s a mass shooting, especially a school shooting, the mainstream media is quick to denounce the shooter as a right-wing extremist. This usually occurs before anyone even knows their name. All in all, they don’t care about the truth of their statements. They’re just trying to politicize the event and push the narrative in the “right” direction before anyone can ascertain the truth.

Leftist Snopes does the same. When responding to a meme that lists many mass shooters and states that they are Democrat, Snopes used every trick in the book to come to the conclusion that the claim was “mostly false.” Nonetheless, they’re just another part of the leftist propaganda machine, so we shouldn’t be surprised.

I won’t try to claim that there are no bad actors on the right, and especially not in the alt-right. We have our share of them as well. But our share is much smaller than theirs. This is evident both in the number of incidents and in overall kills. The fact of the matter is that those on the left tend to use guns and other violence to get their way while those on the right tend to use them to protect and defend.

Also, the facts don’t support the leftist narrative that all gun owners, most of whom are conservatives, are violent murderers. We hear this over and over again, usually out of the mouth of some ignorant, Democratic lawmaker. Yet, we tend to laugh it off since we know it isn’t true. But that doesn’t get rid of the perception that these people want to create. It is essential to their ideology and their agenda that they prove that law-abiding gun owners are actually criminals. Once they accomplish this strategy, then they can take our guns away one step at a time.

The Democrats Are Using Right-Wing Extremism As A Pretext For Gun Control

That’s one of the primary goals of the new Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has so stated this and Senator Dianne Feinstein has prepared her “assault weapons ban bill” and presented it in the Senate. They’re wasting no time in trying to go after our guns.

Fortunately, we have a President who believes in our Second Amendment rights. Donald Trump has carried concealed for several years and has done so in a state where it is hard to get a concealed carry permit. While he may support a ban on bump stocks, he has stood strong against most of what Democrats have tried to do to take away our guns.

Notwithstanding, if there’s one thing that we can count on the new House to do, it’s to investigate everything they don’t like. They’re already entertaining a bill of impeachment against the President. Furthermore, they are working hard to restructure the various Congressional committees and investigations with the goal of furthering their agenda.

Homeland Security Is More Concerned With Right-Wing Extremism Than Muslim Terrorists

Part of their scheme involves attacking conservatives directly in any way they can even if it means being dishonest. They don’t need to be truthful to change public perception at all. They only need to keep chanting the same mantras over and over again.

That’s why they call all conservatives “racist” and all conservative speech “hate speech.” Doing so helps them convince the uninformed that we are all part of some massive hate group. This gives them the “moral right” to marginalize us, even though we are the majority in this country. They make up for their smaller numbers with their louder voices.

With their new control of the House, Democrats are scrambling to use their bully pulpit to control the narrative. Representative Bennie Thompson, the head of the House Homeland Security Committee, is already starting. He intends to hold hearings to spotlight “a growth of deadly right wing extremism in America.” Thompson also stated that his aim “is to change the dialogue and find a balance in a US domestic terrorism strategy.” He believes that our country has focused too heavily on the threat of homegrown Muslim terrorism and too little on the rise of the far right, white nationalist, and anti-Semitic groups.

In other words, Thompson is planning on using his position to brush Muslim violence under the rug. Meanwhile, he will focus all of his committee’s attention on silencing conservatives by demonizing us all. As usual, we can expect to see the most extreme alt-right groups used as “representative” of all conservatives in an effort to silence our voice.

Leftist Logic: Right-Wing Extremism Applies To All Conservatives

You can be sure that we’ll be hearing a lot about “right-wing extremism” over the course of the next two years, just as we did during Obama’s reign. The liberal media will evaluate the actions of mere individuals as representative of half the nation’s population. They may very well accuse, try, and convict all of us for what a few deranged individuals have done.

Of course, the same won’t be done for those on the left. Society at large will ignore the Adam Lanzas and others of the world as individual fruitcakes. Conversely, the bigwig pundits will declare anyone who exhibits right-leaning tendencies to be representative of us all.

We can uncover the obvious political nature of this exercise simply by realizing that no one has said anything about investigating ANTIFA or BLM, but only right-wing groups. If Thompson had any interest in seeking out the truth, he would include far-left groups in his investigation. Nevertheless, he has made it clear that this isn’t a part of his focus. This is a political act and nothing more.

So, where is this leading us? I find it interesting that the Homeland Security Committee is running this “investigation” and not some other Congressional committee. This setup is not accidental. Rather, it has been conceived and planned for the purpose of increasing the authority of DHS. Its advocates intend to transform it into what it was originally intended to be. They view the department as a nationwide, secret police organization that focuses on political crimes as opposed to any real crime.

Under The Guise Of Fighting Right-Wing Extremism, The “Thought Police” Are Waging War On Law-Abiding American Citizens

What sort of political crimes? Mostly “hate crimes” and “hate speech.” We already know what those are because we saw politicians use those terms over and over again during Obama’s years. They consist of anything which goes against the progressive-liberal agenda. In other words, the goal is to make being a conservative criminal. If they can’t get us for doing anything wrong, then they’ll get us for “thought crimes.” That will give the ruling elite the control they want.

During Obama’s tenure as President, there was a lot of talk about the DHS having lists of “dissidents” (conservatives) which they wanted to target. But there was never any proof of whether those lists existed or whether they were merely a conspiracy theory. I’ll tell you this though; if they did exist, I don’t think that anybody burned them when Donald Trump became president. The deep state likely still has them and is waiting for the right time to use them. The current state of affairs is just one more step to get them to that point.

Thank God for President Trump, though. He is the only thing that’s standing between the political elite and us. We need to be praying for him daily. We also need to be sure that the 2020 elections go the right way, keeping Trump in office and electing staunch conservatives to both houses of Congress.

It’s up to us. The President has made it clear that he will do his part but will we do ours?

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Roger Stone And The Mueller Investigation’s Gestapo Tactics

What do you think about the term “right-wing extremism” and how Democrats use it to malign their enemies? Let us know in the comments below.

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Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling is courtesy of Total Survival

Those promoting CO2 as the reason for global warming are hucksters and those taken in by hucksters.

Please consider NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity.

“We see a cooling trend,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”

The new data is coming from NASA’s Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry or SABER instrument, which is onboard the space agency’s Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. SABER monitors infrared radiation from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances that play a vital role in the energy output of our thermosphere, the very top level of our atmosphere.

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Roger Stone And The Mueller Investigation’s Gestapo Tactics

Roger Stone And The Mueller Investigation’s Gestapo Tactics was originally published on

Roger Stone gets the David Koresh treatment.

Roger Stone And The Mueller Investigation

Nineteen FBI vehicles descended upon a home, early in the morning. They disgorged twenty-some agents including a SWAT team, all to arrest one 66-year-old man who wasn’t a threat to anyone. Roger Stone, a longtime political operative, didn’t even own a firearm. Nevertheless, they clearly considered him to be a major target. Altogether, it took more cops to arrest him than it took to capture Osama Bin Laden.

It’s clear that Stone isn’t a flight risk or any danger to society. In fact, the judge arraigned him on a $250,000 signature bond. That means he didn’t have to fork up any money but just sign the bond. He only has to pay if he doesn’t appear in court.

Yet, CNN’s camera crews were on hand somehow to watch the capture of Roger Stone on an indictment from the Mueller investigation. This investigation, which has been going on 20 months now, has cost the taxpayers over 16 million dollars. And what do they have to show for it? Not much.

As the Mueller investigation attempts to force-feed collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Russian government, more and more is becoming apparent. Actually, what’s becoming clear is the lack of real evidence. Interestingly enough, Mueller’s team isn’t looking into collusion between Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Russians. Notwithstanding, the Uranium One deal alone makes some good grounds for collusion. But since this investigation is merely a political witch hunt, it has to be aimed at Trump and his team.

What Was Roger Stone’s Crime?

The indictment handed down by the grand jury for Roger Stone had nothing to do with Russian collusion. Like every other indictment that Mueller has produced from his lengthy investigation, the charges concern nothing more than “procedural errors.” In other words, they amount to lying under oath, which is technically called “perjury.”

Any lawyer fresh out of law school can get a perjury indictment. It’s “easy peasy” as they say. All it takes is to get a witness to say two different things to the same question at two different times. A witness forgetting something on the stand is another example of perjury.

Let’s say you come home late from work one night and your spouse questions you. They ask where you were, what you did, and who you saw. If you forget to mention that a person was at the bar that night or mention one who wasn’t, you’ve just committed perjury. Likewise, if they question you about the same event a month later and you come up with a different answer, you’ve also committed perjury. You’re guilty, plain and clear.

This is the type of indictment that Robert Mueller is producing after almost two years and many millions of dollars. He doesn’t have any substantive evidence of Russian collusion, so he’s working on procedural errors instead. After all, he probably wants to have at least something for the vast amount of time and money he has spent. Still, this incident doesn’t prove collusion by a long-shot.

Did Roger Stone Participate In Collusion?

Per the indictment, there was nothing that Roger Stone did that they can call collusion. The contacts he tried to make along with finding out what WikiLeaks had on Hillary Clinton wasn’t illegal. It wasn’t collusion either. All they can call it is seeking information, which is otherwise known as opposition research.

To even suggest that Stone’s actions had anything to do with collusion is just one more manifestation of how desperate Democrats are. They are determined to prove that Trump or his team did something which they can use to nullify his election as president. Nonetheless, their desperation doesn’t turn anything into fact… not even close.

As Sarah Sanders (the White House Press Secretary) openly wondered when asked about Stone’s arrest, why is it that these raids are only against Republicans? Why isn’t the FBI applying the same standards to Democrats? Where are the arrests of people like Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and James Clapper? Didn’t all of them openly lie to Congress, the media, and the public?

Although Stone and Trump are long-time acquaintances and Stone was friends with Trump’s campaign manager, there is still no case for collusion. Let’s say that he did take those actions based upon a request from someone high up in the Trump campaign. In that case, all he did was try to contact Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. He was seeking information and that’s certainly not a crime.

So, even after all the media hoopla we’ve seen and the circus that the FBI put on for the CNN cameras, all the shouting doesn’t amount too much. President Trump isn’t at any risk and there is no proof of collusion, regardless of what various left-leaning pundits have to say.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y.

What do you think about Roger Stone’s arrest? Will his indictment lead to any evidence against President Trump? Let us know in the comments below.

Astonishing Insider Secrets To Instantly Mastering “The Real Constitution” Finally Revealed By The One Expert The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About!

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See Full Article Here: Roger Stone And The Mueller Investigation’s Gestapo Tactics

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Ring Stuck On Finger? This Trick Could Save Your Finger And Your Ring

Ring Stuck On Finger? This Trick Could Save Your Finger And Your Ring is available on

A ring stuck on a finger can drive you nuts, indeed, so here's a tried-and-tested technique which can bail your finger out!

A Ring Stuck on Finger? Here's How to Fix It

A Ring Stuck on Finger? Here's How to Get It Off…

Hand injuries are some of the most common medical concerns around the world. In normal, day-to-day situations, a broken finger, gash, cut, or strain on your hand can be frustrating.

In a survival situation, the condition of your hands and feet can spell the difference between life and death. And if you're wearing a wedding ring, a ring stuck on a finger can make an injury go from bad to worse fast.

Have you ever wondered why a ring you easily put on your finger gives you so much trouble removing? The reason is if the ring is too tight, it will cause your finger to swell slightly, thus making removing the ring difficult.

Check out this trick on removing a stuck ring with plastic wrap before the condition gets worse where you'll have to do an emergency ring removal:

Editor's Note: I want to thank Nick for sending this video. Getting a ring stuck is a big fear of mine and I hadn't seen this trick done before.

As your finger swells, the ring cuts off circulation. So if you don't get the ring off fast, you might lose a finger. This is why “ring stuck on finger” injuries are so severe, and you need to act fast to prevent further damage.

My buddy Nick from sent me this video that he came across. It shows a very interesting and effective way to remove a ring from a swollen finger.

From Nick:

“A ring gets stuck on my finger every now and then and it’s pretty scary. I live about 20 minutes from an ER, but I also don’t want it cut off.

A trick I’ve used for years is soap or another lubricant to slip the ring off, but it can still be very painful to remove the ring and it can damage the tissues of your finger. And if swelling is too bad, it doesn’t work at all!

What is a lubricant? Made most often from organic matter, lubricants are used to reduce friction between two opposing surfaces, thus reducing the heat.

I came across this video on Facebook and I wanted to share it with you now.”

RELATED: How To Remove A Splinter

How to Remove a Ring Off a Swollen Finger

While there are other methods for removing a stuck ring in your fingers, including the lubricant method and using of dental floss, this one comes highly recommended. Turns out, it helps reduce the swelling and numbs down the pain so let's get to it.

Step 1: Wrap Elastics Around Your Fingers

For this method of removing a stuck ring, you will need a piece of elastic and a pair of tweezers.

Start by wrapping the elastic tightly around the finger, starting at the tip and working your way up to the ring. This will compress the tissue to stop the swelling.

Step 2: Wrap Elastics Tightly

It's important to wrap the elastic as tightly as possible. Once you reach the ring, use your tweezers to pull the elastic through.

Step 3: Unravel Elastic Wrap

Next, grab the end of the elastic and begin pulling it toward the tip of your finger. As you do, the elastic will begin to “spiral” down the finger, pulling the ring along with it.

Step 4: Pull Off the Ring

Finally, it will reach the tip of your finger and you can then easily pull it off.

Give a Sigh of Relief!

Peace sign | Ring Stuck On Finger? This Trick Could Save Your Finger And Your Ring
When given as a token of strong regard, a ring is a sentimental object which becomes a part of you. Sometimes, in an even freaky and literal kind of way, especially when it gets stuck in your finger!

Don't wait till it's too late or gives in to panic, but seek safe options like this emergency ring removal trick. Don't end up with the last resort, but learn how to remove a ring from a swollen finger now!

Check out the string technique for ring removal in this video from Alfred Sacchetti:

A ring stuck in a finger is a serious medical issue, indeed. You should consider it as such, especially in survival scenarios, off-grid living, or when SHTF.

A seemingly minor injury can lead to serious ones and it means trouble, especially if professional medical attention is out of the question. On that note, take these nifty tips and add them to your survival skills.

Do you know any other tips or tricks like this to remove a stuck ring on the finger you think others should know about? Share your hacks in the comments section below!

Up Next: Home Remedies For Cold And Flu | 25 Surprisingly Simple Natural Relief

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Check out Ring Stuck On Finger? This Trick Could Save Your Finger And Your Ring at

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The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.

Placard | Trick could save your finger | Ring Stuck On Finger? This Trick Could Save Your Finger And Your Ring

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on July 31, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

This Article Was First Found at Read The Original Article Here

Article Source Here: Ring Stuck On Finger? This Trick Could Save Your Finger And Your Ring

Democrats Plan Hyperinflation That Will Destroy The U.S. Economy

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The Democrats plan hyperinflation because they believe that the government can pay for all of their expensive programs by printing more and more money.

Taking a page out of their radical, progressivist playbook, the Democrats plan hyperinflation to finance massive spending increases and new entitlements. In fact, many Democrats are embracing the ideas of economist Stephanie Kelton or “Modern Monetary Theory.”

However, even liberal Nobel-Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman calls Kelton’s ideas a “blueprint for hyperinflation.” In particular, Kelton believes that the government will never go bankrupt because the treasury can print all the money it wants.

So, the government can supposedly spend all the money politicians want. Consequently, Kelton’s theory is now “the biggest idea in Washington,” The Huffington Post claims.

Just How Will The Democrats Plan Hyperinflation?

The Democrats plan hyperinflation by increasing the money supply, The Week’s James Pethokoukis claims. As a result, the Democrats plan to make Kelton’s ideas function as national policy.

Particularly, Democrats will issue an unlimited amount of debt to pay for programs such as basic income, free college tuition, Medicare For All, and a jobs guarantee. Astonishingly, Kelton believes the government can pay for all that without raising taxes through the printing of more and more money.

Conversely, Krugman believes that this practice will cause an inflation rate of 12% a month or 144% a year. This will destroy your money because $1 will be worth 1.44¢ after merely a year of such hyperinflation.

As a consequence, a $62,000 annual salary will be worth $7,740 per year under Modern Monetary Policy. Notwithstanding, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sets the poverty rate for a family of four at $25,750 a year. Because of this, Modern Monetary Policy will impoverish most Americans.

Why Wall Street And The Democrats Plan Hyperinflation

Krugman also thinks that the monthly inflation rate from unlimited government spending could exceed 400%. Specifically, an item on the McDonald’s Dollar Menu could cost $40,000 after only 10 months of Modern Monetary Theory.

Under these conditions, most investments including savings, bonds, and real estate will lose most of their value. Yet, some investments like stocks, gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies could grow in value under hyperinflation.

For this reason, many investment bankers, speculators, hedge fund managers, and stock investors like inflation. Therefore, many people on Wall Street may welcome Kelton and her economic “ideas.”

Democrats’ Blueprint For Hyperinflation Could Lead To Hunger, Riots, And Civil War

Notably, Modern Monetary Theory is currently being employed in Venezuela where it is a spectacular failure.

For instance, Venezuela is experiencing widespread hunger because millions of people cannot afford food. Moreover, one-third of Venezuelans eat only one meal a day because that is all they can afford, The Miami Herald reports.

Hyperinflation leads to food shortages because prices increase faster than families’ incomes. Consequently, people cannot afford to buy food. Beyond hunger, hyperinflation leads to civil unrest and crime.

For example, a National Guard unit from a poor neighborhood in Venezuela’s capital of Caracas mutinied recently, The Herald states. Additionally, riots killed 16 people and injured 228 protesters in Venezuela last week, Newsweek claims.

Hyperinflation could lead to civil war in Venezuela because two men claim to be president. Socialist incumbent Nicolás Maduro claims to have won the last presidential election. Nonetheless, rival socialist Juan Guaidó also claims to be president.

Democrats’ Blueprint For Hyperinflation Could Turn America Into Venezuela

Hyperinflation is destroying Venezuela because of two decades of uncontrolled spending by Maduro and his late predecessor, Hugo Chavez. Presently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates Venezuela’s inflation rate at one million percent.

In essence, the Democrats’ blueprint for hyperinflation could change America into Venezuela. Remarkably, Venezuela was the richest country in South America until they elected Chavez in 1998.

Nevertheless, the Venezuelan economy shrank by 30% between 2013 and 2017 due to hyperinflation, the IMF calculates. Furthermore, Venezuela’s gross domestic product (GDP) shrank by 18% in 2018.

Now a cup of coffee in Venezuela costs two million bolivars, Forbes contributor Garth Friessen estimates. Meanwhile, Statista asserts that the average cup of coffee costs $3.12 in New York, which is one of America’s most expensive cities.

To clarify, the Bolivar is Venezuela’s national currency named for Simón Bolívar. Bolívar was the general who led Venezuela’s revolution against Spanish imperialism in the 19th Century.

Democrats Plan Hyperinflation Despite The Venezuelan Catastrophe

The Democrats are still planning hyperinflation through Modern Monetary Policy despite the Venezuelan disaster.

As an illustration, Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Kamala Harris plans to pay every American family a $500 per month basic income as a “tax refund.” Harris’s rival, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-New York), wants a jobs guarantee and a “Green New Deal.”

A jobs guarantee offers all unemployed people a $15 an hour government job with health insurance. In addition, the Green New Deal is yet another massive spending program that serves to switch America from fossil fuels to green energy. And then there’s Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders, of course. He wants the government to pay all of the costs of healthcare and college for every American.

Democrats Could Implement The Blueprint For Hyperinflation In 2021

Currently, Republicans can block the Democrats’ blueprint for hyperinflation because they control the U.S. Senate and the White House. However, the 2020 elections are just around the corner.

If Democrats wind up controlling both the Senate and the White House, then they would be able to implement their blueprint for hyperinflation as early as January 2021. Ultimately, America could experience the Democrats’ plan for hyperinflation with very little time to brace for the chaos.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Media Pundits Declare That The American Middle Class Is Dead

Or download our free 37-page report that discusses how to keep your gold safe & secure: Hide Your Gold

What are your thoughts on the Democrats’ plan for hyperinflation? Let us know in the comments below.

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check out the full article Here: Democrats Plan Hyperinflation That Will Destroy The U.S. Economy

Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y.

Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y. was originally seen on

Pink lights celebrate massive change in the abortion narrative in New York.

Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative

As New York initiates a massive change in the abortion narrative, I can think of two words:

“Jesus wept.” He said, “Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).

Over the last 46 years, over 54 million little children have seen that kingdom well before their time. Since Roe vs. Wade, abortion mills across the country have been killing babies; treating them like a tumor to remove and destroy. Sadly, that situation doesn’t look like it’s going to change for the better anytime soon. It would probably require eliminating the Democrat Party to get rid of legalized abortion in this country.

Rather than the Pro-Life movement, it seems that it’s the Pro-Death movement which is gaining ground.

Much of this ground that the progressive-liberal left is gaining is in the liberal haven and testing ground of California. But that’s not the only blue state in the country. In recent times it seems like they’re all in a contest to see who can pass more of the progressive-liberal agenda. Not to be outdone, Governor Cuomo, of the state of New York has been vying to take over the title of the most liberal state in the Union. It seems between his rhetoric, his policies and his legislative agenda, he’s well on his way.

New York Abortion Bill

It’s true, the New York state legislature just passed a law allowing for full-term abortions. That means all the way up to the time of the child’s birth. According to leftist ideology, a baby isn’t a person until they pass through the birth canal, meaning that it is legal to kill them, even if they could survive outside the mother’s womb.
Merely passing this bill would be bad enough, but the Democrat legislature gave the bill a standing ovation when it passed! They were clearly happy that they made it legal to kill thousands or even millions of more babies under false pretenses.

A Massive Change To The Abortion Narrative

This law signals a massive change to the abortion narrative of the left. Up until now, they’ve used the terms “fetus” and “mass of cells” in an effort to dehumanize the baby in the mother’s womb. But nobody can legitimately call a baby that’s about to be born a “mass of cells.” If they can, then a baby outside the womb is equally nothing more than a mass of cells.

This is clear in recent medical literature and polls, both of which show a trend towards accepting the idea of post-birth abortion if the baby is unwanted. Where does such thinking end? Is it not logical to conclude that following this path leads towards the type of thinking that caused the Holocaust?

Even the restrictions built into the law are nothing more than eyewash. Limiting late-term abortion to only cases where it is necessary “to protect the life or health of the mother” is just the type of language the left loves to include in bills, to fool those who are not in lockstep with their agenda. This leaves the job of defining what that term means to the courts. And that’s an arena where the left almost always gets their way.

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Why Push Such A Radical Abortion Agenda?

As a Christian conservative, it is hard to fathom the thinking behind this new abortion law. It takes some remarkable mental gymnastics to come up with the thinking required to say that a late-term baby is not a person, just because the mother hasn’t given birth yet. That’s just what the left has done. I have to ask… why?

One scary answer is that it might be nothing more than reactionary.

Ever since Donald Trump became President, those on the left have been pushing the radical agenda hard. They want to destroy Trump and punish the “deplorables.” These are the folks who voted Trump into the Oval Office. The truth is, the Left will to do anything they can to accomplish that goal.

What makes me say that? The fight over the wall. Democrats who have been in favor of a wall before are against it now, just because Trump wants it. This is the new Democrat Party, and we can expect much more of the same from them in the future.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Abortion in America: A Brief History

What do you think about the massive change in the abortion narrative in New York? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y. appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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See More Here: Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y.

11 Garden Soil Hacks To Maximize Your Harvest This Year

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11 Garden Soil Hacks To Maximize Your Harvest This Year Follow Me on Pinterest

11 Garden Soil Hacks To Maximize Your Harvest This Year Follow Me on Pinterest By far one of the most important factors contributing to the size and quality of your harvest is the soil in which your garden is planted. While it may seem like you’re stuck with the soil you have, the truth is there are quite a few things you can do to improve the quality of your soil and maximize your harvest.

Below, we’ll take a look at 11 garden soil hacks you can use to grow a healthier, more bountiful garden.

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1. Plant Cover Crops

Cover crops are plants that are planted for the purpose of enriching the soil. When planted in your garden alongside the plants that you intend to harvest, cover crops can add nutrients to the soil, smother out many weeds and other unwanted plants, improve the drainage in your garden, and more.

There are a number of plants that serve as cover crops – some of which you can actually harvest as well. Daikon radishes and ryegrass are two common cover crops, though you can check out this article for a list of great cover crops.

2. Start Composting

Compost is a gardener’s best friend. Starting your own compost pile presents a relatively inexpensive and hassle-free opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of your garden’s soil.

Starting out composting may be a little intimidating. However, composting isn’t all that complicated or difficult once you have a good grasp of the process. If you would like to learn more about how to get started composting, check out this article.

Compost Pile Follow Me on Pinterest

Compost Pile Follow Me on Pinterest

3. Add What’s Missing

Many times, the soil in your garden may be missing a few key nutrients that your plants will need in order to thrive. Unless you know what nutrients your soil is lacking in, though, it’s hard to know what to add.

The good news is that you can make use of a soil testing kit to identify what it is that your soil is missing. After you purchase a soil testing kit and collect your soil samples, you will need to submit the samples to a certified lab. The lab will then send you a full report on your soil, breaking down its composition so you will know what’s missing.

Once you know where your soil is lacking, you can go about adding the right nutrients. No matter what your soil is missing, there are products you can purchase as well as DIY alternatives that will be able to fill in the gap.

4. Use Manure

Animal manure is one of the oldest fertilizers in the world. Even with the invention of artificial fertilizers, though, old-fashioned manure remains one of the most effective ways to add a wide range of nutrients to the soil.

Chicken manure is one most popular manures for fertilizing gardens, thanks mostly to the fact that it is easier to collect in large amounts. However, you can also use horse manure, cow manure, goat manure, or manure from most any other livestock animal.

One important word of caution when using manure to fertilize a garden, though, is that using too much manure or using manure that is too fresh can “burn” your plants. Therefore, it’s important to use the right amount of manure on your garden as well as let your manure age and dry out some before you apply it.

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Manure in Wheelbarrow Follow Me on Pinterest

5. Use Mulch

Mulch doesn’t directly add nutrients to the soil the way fertilizer does, but it can still improve the quality of the soil around your plants in a significant way.

You’ll want to add a few inches of mulch around the base of your plants right after you plant them. This mulch will help retain moisture and ensure that your plants get plenty of water. The mulch will also help cool down the soil your plant is growing in, which will improve the quality of the soil and the health of the plant that is growing in it.

6. Add Nutrients With Earthworms

Earthworms can be incredibly beneficial to the quality of the soil in your garden. There are a few different ways to make use of earthworms in order to add nutrients to your soil.

One method is to add earthworms to your compost pile. The worms will help speed up the decomposition of your compost as well as infuse it with even more nutrients.

You can also farm earthworms in a separate compost bin and collect the castings that they leave behind. These castings can then be added to your garden soil in order to boost its available nutrients.

Lastly, you can place earthworms directly in your garden by burying them in the soil and placing a little compost and/or mulch on top of them. The worms will then deposit their nutrient-rich castings directly into your soil.

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Earthworms in Dirt Follow Me on Pinterest

7. Control the Weeds

There are a number of reasons why weeds are such a problem for gardeners, including the fact that they pull all of the nutrients out of the soil. If you want to create an ideal growing habitat for your plants, getting the weeds in your garden under control needs to be a top priority.

Start by putting mulch over your garden in the fall in order to get a head start on weed control and prevent many weeds from sprouting. From there, try to stay on top of the weeds by pulling up those that do sprout in the spring as quickly as possible. You can bury the weeds you pull under a few inches of mulch to kill two birds with one stone and add more nutrients to the soil at the same time you are eliminating your plants’ competition.

8. Don’t Walk On Your Garden Soil

Everyone knows not to step directly on the plants in a garden, but did you know that even stepping on the soil around your plants can be harmful as well? The reason why you want to avoid stepping on your soil has to do with keeping the soil aerated.

The soil in your garden contains small pockets of air, and this air plays an essential role in the quality of your soil. When you step on the soil, though, you force out this air.

When you plant your garden, create ample room between the rows for you to walk down without stepping on the soil that your plants’ roots are buried in. This way you can still access your plants without robbing the air from the soil beneath them.

9. Avoid Working Your Soil When It Is Wet

Working your soil when it is too wet creates the same problem that stepping on your soil does – it forces the air out of the soil.

While it may be tempting to head out to your garden as soon as a rainstorm is through, you’ll want to wait until your soil dries out a little before you try to do anything with it. To test if your soil is too wet to work, grab a handful of the soil and squeeze it.

If no water comes out between your fingers, then the soil is ready to work. If you do notice water coming out of the soil, though, it’s better to wait for it to dry out a little before you try to do anything with it.

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Wet Dirt Follow Me on Pinterest

10. Spread Ashes Through Your Garden

If you have a wood burning stove, you can use the ashes from your stove to add nutrients to your garden soil. Wood ash still contains many of the nutrients from the tree it came from such as calcium, potassium, and a number of other micronutrients that will be great for your soil.

Ash is also very alkaline, which means that it can be used to lower the acidity of your soil. While this is great for some plants, it’s also not so great for other plants that prefer acidic soil such as blueberries. Before you put ashes around your plants, check the pH of the soil and compare it against the pH level that your specific plants do best in.

If your soil is already at an ideal pH level or it is on the alkaline side, avoid putting ashes in your garden. If, however, the soil could use the alkaline boost then wood ash makes for a great way to boost the alkalinity of your soil while at the same time adding a number of nutrients to it.

11. Put Kitchen Scraps To Work

Many of the kitchen scraps that you might be throwing out can be very healthy for the soil in your garden. For example, coffee grounds, raw vegetable scraps, banana peels, egg shells, and many more kitchen scraps can all serve as a great source of nutrients.

Rather than throwing these kitchen scraps away, collect them and spread them around your plants. It may not make for the most attractive garden in the world, but it will greatly improve the quality of your soil and the health of your plants as the scraps decompose.

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This Article Was Found Here: 11 Garden Soil Hacks To Maximize Your Harvest This Year

Apple FaceTime bug lets you listen in on people you call, even if they haven’t picked up their iPhone

The blog post Apple FaceTime bug lets you listen in on people you call, even if they haven’t picked up their iPhone Find more on:

There’s a FaceTime bug that lets you hear through someone else’s iPhone, even if they haven’t answered your phone call. It was previously reported on Twitter by user Benji Mobb and reported by 9to5Mac.

CNBC tested it and verified that it’s a real bug. I tried placing a video call to my editor from my iPhone using Apple’s FaceTime app. Then, before he picked up, I used the menu option to add somebody else to the call and, as 9to5Mac’s directions state, I added myself to the call. Suddenly, I could hear my editor, even though he never picked up. We continued having a conversation while his phone only gave him the option to answer. There was no indication that the call had already gone through

The Verge reports that, if the person you’re calling tries to end it by tapping the power button on their phone, it sends video but no audio. That means the person calling you can see a video of you or your surroundings as if you’d answered the call. I replicated this with a friend.

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Tuesday 29 January 2019

Welcome To London, The City That Spies On You

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The reality in “the city that spies on you” is that everybody’s activities are under constant surveillance by bureaucrats.

Is the United Kingdom still a free place? Regardless of what you might think, the country’s most prominent city, London, is now known as the “city that spies on you.” Notably, there are now half a million closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in the British capital.

In fact, CCTV watches the average Londoner 300 times a day, Medium contributor Felipe Araujo estimates. So, English author George Orwell’s nightmare of Big Brother, a government that watches everybody all the time, is a reality.

“Citizens are monitored daily through local, all-seeing CCTV headquarters which aggregate footage from across the community, helping investigate crimes but also monitoring innocent people in public as they go about their daily life,” Araujo writes.

Life In The City That Spies On You

In one way or another, every resident of the United Kingdom now lives in the city that spies on you. For example, Her Majesty’s government spends an estimated $2.89 billion to maintain four million surveillance cameras each year.

Surveillance is so pervasive that the United Kingdom has a national commissioner for security cameras. Significantly, the UK is the only country in the world with a national commissioner for surveillance.

Moreover, the current commissioner, Tony Porter, notes that the level of surveillance has exploded in the past four years. In addition to CCTV, drones, body cameras, and biometrics are spying on Britons. However, Porter did not reveal the specific level of drone and body camera surveillance in the UK.

Hidden Cameras In The City That Spies On You

You never know if you are being watched in the city that spies on you because authorities hide many of the cameras.

In particular, authorities hid 72 CCTV cameras in Muslim neighborhoods in the city of Birmingham in 2010. Authorities concealed the cameras to watch for terrorism. Notwithstanding, most terrorists hide their activities until they are ready to attack.

Specifically, the city that spies on you watches everybody every day. For instance, 408 cameras at two London train stations, King’s Cross and St. Pancras, watch 81 million people each year.

The reality in today’s Britain is that everybody’s activities are under surveillance by bureaucrats in the city that spies on you. Furthermore, there are now rooms full of bureaucrats whose job is to watch citizens’ every move.

Bureaucrats Watch Your Every Move In The City That Spies On You

“I can’t help but wonder if these people are aware that a group of strangers in a dark room on an industrial estate nearby are sitting back, watching their every move,” Araujo writes of north London residents.

Remarkably, British surveillance efforts now extend far beyond terrorism, Arajuo reveals. To illustrate, bureaucrats at the Enfield Public Safety Centre in North London use CCTV to watch for such infractions as littering.

“We need to log every infraction,” Habib, a CCTV camera operator at Enfield, tells Arajuo. “From garbage bags disposed of incorrectly to gang-related activity, everything matters.”

As a result, police are keeping a record of everything citizens do in the city that spies on you. Bureaucrats are also recording 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Particularly, Enfield uses teams of 22 people to watch cameras for 12-hour shifts.

As a consequence, privacy and freedom are ostensibly dead in the United Kingdom. Big Brother is even watching many residents of the UK every time that they leave home.

The City That Spies On You Comes To America

Privacy is diminishing on this side of the Atlantic as well because the city that spies on you has come to America.

For example, two of the five most spied upon cities in the world are New York and Chicago, The World Atlas calculates. In particular, around 6,000 CCTV cameras watch New Yorkers. In addition, the NYPD deploys license plate readers that photograph the plates of every vehicle driving through the Big Apple.

Nevertheless, The World Atlas ranks New York as only “the fourth-most-spied upon city.” In Chicago, the “world’s third-most- spied upon city,” 10,000 CCTV cameras watch residents’ every move.

Yet, London is still the world’s most spied upon city, The World Atlas estimates. In fact, the Atlas ranked London, home to the mother of all parliaments, as the world’s number one city for surveillance. Amazingly, London is more spied upon than the Chinese capital of Beijing.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: State Puts Innocent People’s DNA In A National Database

Or download our free 47-page report on the coming of the great American surveillance state: Surveillance Nation

What are your thoughts on surveillance in London and how it may continue to spread to cities in the U.S.? Let us know in the comments below.

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Ultimate Survival Tips | 9 Uses For An Empty Pill Bottle

5 Tricks Your Ancestors Use To Save Fuel During Winter

The following post 5 Tricks Your Ancestors Use To Save Fuel During Winter Find more on:

5 Tricks Your Ancestors Use To Save Fuel During Winter

Our first home was built in 1907 and boasted drafty windows and a minimal amount of insulation. Before our first winter came to an end, we knew changes had to be made if we were to survive in any amount of comfort. Staying warm at the expense of draining our savings account was not an option. And although we have since moved on to a well-insulated home, we still employ many of the fuel-saving practices we learned many years ago.

Our ancestors knew how to conserve energy. Whether it was using nature’s colder temperatures for food storage or keeping the house warm without turning the thermostat up a single degree, they utilized ordinary objects to save fuel.

Below are some time-tested methods to put into practice this winter.

1. Window coverings

Windows are points of entry for cold air, and although new windows are certainly more effective, they still cool the room. Foam tapes, clear films and other products abound at big box home improvement centers, but these are unnecessary and may in fact cause damage to your home. Foam tapes are often difficult to remove completely, damaging the finish of the casement and sill.

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Clear films have been known to cause cracked window panes, particularly on south-facing windows. Years ago, homeowners used quilted window coverings to block drafts, raising the temperature of a room by several degrees. In addition to windows, glass patio doors also can be covered with an insulated curtain to reduce the amount of heat lost.

2. Straw bales

Using straw bales around the foundation of your home may not increase its’ curb appeal, but it will help to save fuel by adding an extra layer of protection against cold winter winds. Place bales where they can absorb the greatest impact from winter’s worst weather. The bales also may help to prevent heat loss. Straw bales may later be used as livestock bedding, mulched for compost or used elsewhere on the homestead, provided it is dry, and mold- and mildew-free.

3. Humidifiers

We are not talking about the commercial humidifiers that release moisture in the air, but rather, the strategic use of space on an indoor burner. Cast iron kettles filled with water will release moisture in the air when safely situated on a fuel-burning stove. Even if you do not have an indoor wood burner or corn burner, you can utilize other appliances as humidifiers.

For example, once you’re finished using your kitchen oven, place a dish of water in it while leaving the door ajar. As the oven cools down, it will heat the water enough to release moisture into the air. Indoor air that has the proper level of humidity feels warmer.

4. Cover bare floors

Bare floors keep a room from retaining heat and contribute to an overall chilly feeling. Using area rugs to cover wood or tiled floors will not only keep your feet warmer, but also will raise the ambient temperature by a few degrees. Old quilts, toweling, and scraps tied into rag rugs work just as well as purchasing a rug.

5. Door rolls

From a unique design that matches your interior to the thrift store quilt. A roll of material stopping drafts from entering your home is essential to any plan to save fuel. Use a tube made of scrap material to block cold winter air. Fill the tube with densely packed material. Rice or sand are both common options. Materials such as recycled quilt batting or scraps of denim are also very effective.

Do you know of other time-tested ways to save fuel and keep the house warm? Share your tips in the section below:

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Pope Francis says social media is creating ‘spirals of hatred’

Pope Francis says social media is creating ‘spirals of hatred’ was first seen on

The Pope has warned that the illusion of community online risks turning young people into ‘hermits’, and that narcissism and societal divisions fueled by social media are creating ‘spirals of hatred’.

In his World Day of Social Communications message released on Thursday, Pope Francis said that online discussion is ‘too often based on opposition to the other, the person outside the group: we define ourselves starting with what divides us rather than with what unites us’.

This ‘unbridled individualism’ found on social media ‘sometimes ends up fomenting spirals of hatred’, the Pope said, and giving rise to ‘every kind of prejudice’.

Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the popemobile, after landing in Panama on January 23. He has used his World Day of Social Communications message to warn about the dangers of social media turning young people into ‘hermits’ .

He also warned that while the internet provides an opportunity to connect with other people, young people might find themselves tricked into thinking that the web can completely satisfy all their relational needs.

‘There is the dangerous phenomenon of young people becoming ‘social hermits’ who risk alienating themselves completely from society,’ the 82-year-old said.

The Pope is currently on an official visit to Panama for the global World Youth Day gathering, and also took the opportunity to draw attention to the fact that one in four young people are involved in cyberbullying.

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Monday 28 January 2019

Endurance vs. Frostbite: How Long Can You Truly Survive In Extreme Cold?

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Reflections on the strength and endurance of human history will yield a picture of Inuits and Native cultures around the world surviving the most extreme climates and the harshest weathers.

The older we become, the more we recognize the real dangers that surround us each day. Like growing up from youthful bliss when we would run barefoot through the woods and play with insects when we had no clue what they were. Today, we understand how fragile we truly are and take extra precautions not to harm our bodies. But do we really need to go to extremes to protect ourselves from the cold?

While frostbite and hypothermia are very real concerns, how long can a human body endure the cold, wind, and snow before it becomes too much? There may be no definitive answer here, where layering, protection, and weather conditions are all large variables, but for expedition teams, winter workers and those seemingly crazy enough to brave the outdoors in negative temperatures, there is obviously a limit that human beings can tolerate. So what is that limit, you may ask? What follows is some not-so-common knowledge that anyone who wishes to brave the winter elements should associate themselves with.

What is Frostbite?

Many people understand the dangers of facing extreme weather conditions, especially when wind chills can quickly drop down to -50 degrees Fahrenheit in certain regions. But what is frostbite — and how do you know what to look for before it’s too late? Early warning signs of frostbite are called frost-nip. Frost-nip will begin to tingle and feel like a burning sensation in exposed areas, before becoming discolored and eventually numb to the touch. Those areas furthest away from the heart are typically the first to become damaged by extreme cold. Starting with a superficial and rapid cooling of tissue, before completely freezing and destroying the deep tissue.

Enough exposure will begin to free nerves, muscles, tendons and eventually the blood. If lucky enough to survive, mobility may become lost permanently in those areas. This is known as third- and fourth-degree frostbite. Most people will only ever deal with second-degree frostbite if they recognize early warning signs, and may develop hard blisters that will turn black over a day or two. Proper treatment from this point renders the possibility of salvaging your sensitivity. However, some people will become permanently numb to hot and cold. Being prepared and understanding the warning signs is the best way to keep from experiencing these results.

How Cold is Too Cold: Wind Chill & the Elements

While it may be tolerable to take a morning walk or ski in -10 degrees Fahrenheit on a sunny day, inclement weather should be considered before leaving home. On a clear, calm day, extra layering and a thought toward frostbite-prone areas should be given. Areas such as fingers, toes, ears, nose and hands, but no more than what is comfortable and unrestricting to blood flow. Depending on the temperature outside, even the slightest breeze is enough to draw heat away from your body. Higher wind gusts can quickly cool exposed skin surfaces and cause the tissue to become brittle.



The reason that frostbite sets in more rapidly when wind speeds are higher is due to the body’s inability to maintain surface heat. While wind will not be able to lower your body temperature below the true ambient temperature, the harsh effects act as a type of burn in extreme conditions, eventually blistering and causing the exposed area to fall off. Having a good idea of the weather forecast and factoring in wind chill temperatures will keep you free from frostbite during longer periods of exposure.

Wind Chill Calculations

The most widely accepted means of calculating wind chill is the National Weather Service Wind Chill Chart. Formulated by explorers in the Antarctic, the NWS in the 1970s adopted the model, which attempts to calculate temperature minus wind speed and project a nearly accurate description of what your skin surface experiences under these circumstances, and how long it will take for frostbite to set in.

For example, an outside temperature of -10 degrees Fahrenheit with winds reaching 5 mph will take approximately 30 minutes for frostbite to take place. Where the same -10 degrees and winds of 25 mph will only take 10 minutes. Studying this chart, along with how to prevent and treat frostbite could successfully save your life in an emergency situation.


Knowing what to expect and being prepared is the best way to prevent frostbite. Always make sure to cover extremities and protect your skin. Dress in layers of loose clothing. Consider mittens instead of gloves to keep your fingers working and circulating heat together. Purchase socks and liners that won’t constrict blood flow and wick perspiration away from your body. Staying dry is one of the biggest tips to preventing frostbite.

One trick that allows mountain exploration teams and outdoor winter workers to survive extreme colds is to add a layer of protection between the skin and the elements. They will use Vaseline or petroleum jellies, balms, lotions and aloe Vera on exposed areas. Drink lots of fluids before and during exposure to keep your blood circulating. You should also consider consuming the herb Ginkgo Biloba, which will broaden capillaries, allowing a larger area for blood flow and more room in your veins to help from freezing.


Should you find yourself in an emergency situation, always call for help and get indoors or to a shelter.. Since frostbite is the freezing of your tissues, never ever rub or slap the area. This will break tissue and cartilage, causing permanent damage. Attempt to rewarm the area either with a warm bath or a large number of blankets. Using another person’s body heat is a good way to rewarm. Don’t attempt to thaw any area that may freeze again, as the tissue will believe that it is gaining circulation again and suffocate from a lack of oxygen. Try taking some pain pills, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics to treat the frostbite and associated pain from inside. The return of blood flow will cause intense discomfort to the victim. Always seek medical attention and keep a close watch on the frostbitten area.

Frostbite and hypothermia are no joke. The dangers are very real and not knowing what you’re getting in to, can mean almost certain death if you’re not careful. Fortunately, our bodies can handle a lot more than we give them credit for. You make sure that you understand the risks and how you plan to react should anything go awry. People have been living in extreme conditions for thousands of years. This proves that our minds and bodies will work together for survival if we prepare for it.

Again, seek medical attention if you believe that you have been stricken with frostbite or hypothermia. Be mindful of weather conditions before you venture too far out into the wild. Be smart and stay safe out there.

What are ways you avoid frostbite in extreme cold weather? Share your tips in the section below:

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People robbed of coats at gunpoint in Chicago

People robbed of coats at gunpoint in Chicago Read more on: Total Survival

Chicago police are reporting gunpoint robberies targeting people wearing pricey Canada Goose jackets as temperatures plunge in the city.

Over the past two weeks, police say there’s been a spate of the thefts in which people wearing the luxury coats have been targeted and forced to give up the jackets. The coats can cost upward of $1,000 and are often seen on celebrities.

Six people had their Canada Goose coats stolen last week and two more were targeted Wednesday.

Police say two men jumped from a Mercedes, showed a gun and punched a 54-year-old man before forcibly taking his coat and wallet Wednesday. The same night, two men showed a gun to a 23-year-old man walking with a friend and demanded his Canada Goose coat.

Surveillance footage showed a man being robbed of his coat, the Washington Post reported.

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Slingshots for Survival: How To Make Them and How To Use Them

12 Winter Survival Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now

The following blog post 12 Winter Survival Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now was originally published to

winter survival items

I vividly remember growing up in Colorado. We lived in Lakewood, a suburb on the west side of Denver, which put us right up against the mountains.

We used to have a saying in Denver: “If you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes, it’ll change.” Anyone who has ever lived there understands what that means. The thing is, the weather in Denver comes over the mountains, and we’d get little warning of what was to come. I could literally leave my house in the morning with clear skies and find it raining or snowing by the time I got to work.

Maybe the weather can’t sneak up on you quite as quick where you live, but the truth is that the weather you leave behind when you walk in the door at work may be very different than when you walk out the door eight hours later.

With that in mind, it only makes sense to stay prepared for winter weather, as long as there’s a chance of it showing up. That means more than just dressing for cold weather; it means taking along what you need for winter survival items. A simple drive to a friend’s house out in the country could easily turn into a dangerous survival situation, especially if you end up spinning out on the ice and go off the road.

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Survival in this case means surviving until someone can come rescue you, and we’re assuming you already have a cell phone. We’re not talking full-blown wilderness survival here. Call someone, stay with your car and allow them to come rescue you. That’s your best chance for survival.

Important winter survival items include:

1. Shovel

A shovel gives you the chance to dig your way out of being stuck alongside the road. While that won’t always be possible, there are many situations you can get out of with a quick 15 minutes of digging. A simple folding shovel, like an entrenching tool, is enough as that doesn’t take up much space and is small enough to get under your vehicle.

2. Sand (or, something for traction)

I remember many a time when the only problem was getting enough traction to get up a slight hill or even out of a parking space. Keeping a bag of sand in the trunk, or something else to give you traction, may be all you need to get unstuck and back on your way. Of course, if your state allows studded snow tires, that will solve the problem for you as well.

3. Space/rescue blankets

With three or four of the cheap rescue blankets, you can create a cozy cocoon in your vehicle. Line the roof, windshield, rear window and doors with the blankets, taping them in place with duct tape. That will reflect the heat back to your body, rather than letting it all escape.

Rescue blankets don’t provide insulation, so you need something between you and them. They are heat reflectors. However, as a heat reflector, they are excellent and will help you to stay warm.

4. Candles & matches (or other heat source)

winter survival items

winter survival items

A couple of large candles will help keep the inside of your car warm, even if you can’t run the engine. Granted, it won’t be summer on the beach warm, but it should be enough to keep the ambient temperature above freezing, when used in conjunction with the rescue blankets. While that may not seem comfortable, it will help you survive.

In a pinch, those matches can be used to light your spare tire on fire. The rubber will burn, providing you with heat. It will also provide a lot of smoke, so keep it on the downwind side of the car. Let the air out of the tire before trying to light it so that it doesn’t explode.

5. Blankets

If you’ve got an old blanket or two, one of the best places to store them is in your car. That will help keep you warm while you’re waiting to be rescued. And at other times, keeping a couple of blankets in the back seat can help keep the kids or any other passengers from complaining about the cold.

6. Hats and gloves

There are a lot of people who don’t like wearing hats or gloves in the wintertime, even when it is cold out. But those are important for keeping you warm. A quarter of your body’s blood supply goes to your head, so wearing a hat will go a long way toward keeping you warm. Keep some spares in the car, just in case you left home without them. Please note that I’m assuming that you always wear a coat when you leave your home in the wintertime.

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7. Charger for your phone

Actually, I carry two: one for the cigarette lighter and a battery-powered one. That way, I can recharge no matter what, even if my car battery is dead. That call for help is important, but it’s not going to go through if your phone is dead.

8. A full tank of gas – even extra gas

Maybe this one seems a bit simple, but it’s amazing how many people run out of gas in the wintertime. You tend to use more in the winter, simply because of the time you spend waiting for all the other people who are driving slow or slipping on the ice.

But even more important than that is having that gas if you get stuck somewhere. As long as your engine is still running and your exhaust pipe is clear, you can run your engine to keep you warm. I’d recommend running it every 15 minutes, for about 10 minutes, to make your gas last as long as possible. That may not be enough to keep you really warm, but it will be enough to keep you from freezing.

9. Energy bars

winter survival items

winter survival items

Your body needs sugar to burn and turn into heat. Keeping yourself well-fed is an important part of keeping yourself warm. Don’t count on your body using fat reserves; those take time to convert to sugar. Some high-energy bars will give your body that extra burst of energy needed to help keep warm.

When eating these, take lots of time to chew them. Sugar begins being absorbed into the body at the mouth and carbohydrates are broken down into sugar by saliva. So, by chewing thoroughly, you’re getting some of that sugar into your bloodstream immediately, where it can start helping your body produce heat.

10. Plastic bags

In order to avoid having to go outside to go to the bathroom and expose yourself to the cold, keep several plastic bags in the car. You might want to keep some toilet paper, too. While it’s inconvenient to try and go in the car, at least it’s warmer than outside. Then, tie the bag closed, open the window or door slightly and put the bag outside.

11. Flashlight with extra batteries

A bright flashlight might make it possible for you to signal anyone who passes by on the road. Make sure you have spare batteries, as high intensity flashlights go through them rapidly.

12. Piece of rope

You’re best off if you don’t have to get out of your car. But you might need to get out for something, such as clearing the snow from your tailpipe. If you do and you fall in a blizzard, you might never find your way back to your car.

This problem is solved quite simply the same way that astronauts accomplish their space walks. Simply tether yourself to the car, each and every time you need to go out the door. Tie one end of the rope to the steering wheel and the other end around your wrist. That way, if you get lost in the snow, all you have to do is follow the rope back to the car.

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Read More Here: 12 Winter Survival Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now