Sunday 31 March 2019

Turmeric Benefits: Improving Your Health And Natural Healing At Home

The following article Turmeric Benefits: Improving Your Health And Natural Healing At Home is courtesy of Total Survival

Learn more about turmeric benefits, uses, and how it can work in your favor even in survival mode.

RELATED: Medicinal Plants You Need To Make Natural Home Remedies

In this article:

  1. How Turmeric Benefits Preppers
  2. Harnessing Turmeric Health Benefits
  3. What Are the Benefits of Turmeric?
    1. Antioxidant
    2. Anti-Inflammatory
    3. Arthritis Remedy
    4. Helps Fight Metabolic Syndrome
  4. The Best Way to Absorb Turmeric

Turmeric Benefits and Uses You Need to Know for Survival

How Turmeric Benefits Preppers

The very essence of survival is making it alive as long as possible. A healthy lifestyle is the ultimate means of longevity.

That's why preppers are conscious of natural health and healing. We cannot, after all, rely on drugstores and hospitals once SHTF.

Even today, natural healing is gaining ground beyond preppers and survivalists. Health-conscious individuals also try to avoid the side effects of synthetic medicine.

Medicinal plants thus play an important role in prepper's health and healing. Turmeric, in particular, is a powerhouse herb.

With a long history of medicinal use and modern scientific health studies to boot, it is a must for preppers indeed.

Harnessing Turmeric Health Benefits

Turmeric is not native to North America but it thrives in tropical and wet weather. After SHTF, it may be difficult to get your hands on fresh turmeric so learn to how to grow turmeric now.

Amazingly, turmeric makes great houseplants, so you can grow them indoors in colder climates or when the season gets cooler. Turmeric is grown for its roots or rhizomes from which it is also planted.

It may take a while for turmeric to grow from the roots, so plant them in early spring after the last frost. Turmeric will turn yellow and the leaves will die down in fall.

You can harvest the roots to dry, sparing some to plant again in the spring. You can also leave a few in your pot since they will regrow in the spring.

The leaves of turmeric are also used for cooking and are great in meat soups. So if you're hunting game, you can boost your dishes with the leaves of turmeric.

Turmeric roots are what's widely used, though. You can dry and ground turmeric for use in cooking, tea, and supplements. Dried turmeric roots are long-storing making it perfect for off-grid living or after SHTF.

What Are the Benefits of Turmeric?

Turmeric is a tropical plant herb used not only for cooking but for natural healing, as well. In fact, this relatively unheard of rhizome in the West is now making waves in the field of natural medicine in these parts.

On the other hand, the East has long enjoyed turmeric benefits dating way back the Bible times and probably far back. Lately, more studies prove the healing properties of curcumin in turmeric, thus taking this herb mainstream.

Curcumin is the compound that makes turmeric bright yellow-colored. It is also said to be the chemical responsible for the medical properties in turmeric.

RELATED: 10 Powerful Medicinal Plants From Around the World

On that note, these are the health benefits credited to curcumin in turmeric:

1. Antioxidant

You can link oxidative stress to many of today's chronic diseases, especially cancer. Natural anti-oxidants then are widely credited for their preventive role.

The anti-oxidant present in turmeric is the same as in Vitamins C & E and in beta carotene. They are effective in fighting free radicals, which are responsible for the development of cancer.

What Is Beta Carotene? It is the organic compound which makes up the color in red or orange plants like carrots. It is also a known antioxidant.

To boost your health and help prevent diseases from affecting your body early on, include turmeric in your diet. You can also add curcumin in your detox drinks and recipes.

2. Anti-Inflammatory

Old man thinking something | Turmeric Benefits: Improving Your Health And Natural Healing At Home

Most chronic diseases and conditions' development are also connected or linked to inflammation. These diseases include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Allergy
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Skin Diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Fatigue

Curcumin in turmeric suppresses inflammation making it an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

3. Arthritis Remedy

A man olding the knee with pain | Turmeric Benefits: Improving Your Health And Natural Healing At Home

Arthritis is bad news for hard-working preppers and survivalist. For a disease linked to inflammation, turmeric's anti-inflammatory property is good news, indeed.

For healthy preppers, think about adding turmeric in your diet. Remember to avoid putting too much strain on your joints also — you need rest, too.

If you're bugged by arthritis now, you can make this turmeric tea:

  • Boil two cups of water first, with a teaspoon of turmeric powder and half a teaspoon pepper
  • Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes then add honey and lemon to taste.

3. Helps Fight Metabolic Syndrome

Measuring the body size | Turmeric Benefits: Improving Your Health And Natural Healing At Home

What Is Metabolic Syndrome? It is a group of five conditions occurring together that causes high blood pressure, insulin resistance, excess body fat, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol levels.

A combination of any of these conditions makes you vulnerable to diabetes and heart diseases which is, again, bad news for anyone. These conditions are also linked to inflammation.

Thus, curcumin, by its anti-inflammatory properties helps decrease the factors leading to these conditions.

The Best Way to Absorb Turmeric

While curcumin is a very effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, it may not work by itself for its intended purpose. That's because curcumin in turmeric isn't easily absorbed and even metabolizes fast.

You will need enhancing agents to make it work and the best one so far is peperine in black pepper. This is why we added black pepper in our turmeric tea recipe.

By drinking it, we also increased the medicinal benefits in turmeric many times over. Adding honey and lemon also makes it even more effective — a common cold is no match.

This video from Dr. Josh Axe will convince you more about the natural health benefits of turmeric:

These turmeric benefits warrant a space for the herb in your garden or the dried root spice in your cupboard. So, make sure to include turmeric in your medicinal plants, checklist, even now.

Also check with your doctor for any turmeric dosage and intake whether you have a condition or are healthy. A regular checkup is also one way to keep your body in tiptop shape.

If you have a turmeric home remedy you would like to share, please share with us in the comment section below.

Up Next:

Looking for some turmeric products? Check out these options:

For awesome survival gear, you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

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Turmeric Benefits: Improving Your Health And Natural Healing At Home |

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on January 23, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

This Article Was First Found at Read The Original Article Here

Read More Here: Turmeric Benefits: Improving Your Health And Natural Healing At Home

Saturday 30 March 2019

Apartment Prepping: Urban Survival

Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard

Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard See more on:

Wild Lettuce is also Known as Opium Lettuce. For a good reason.

While it doesn’t contain any opiates, it has similar side effects when used – it acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to lessen the feeling of pain, just like morphine.

Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard

The post Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard appeared first on Off The Grid News.

This Article Was Originally Posted On Read the Original Article here

Check Out The Post Here: Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard

7 Ayurvedic Remedies For Better Health

The post 7 Ayurvedic Remedies For Better Health Find more on:

Discover how Ayurvedic medicine can help improve your health naturally. Learn the different Ayurvedic techniques your body can benefit from here!

RELATED: 13 Natural Remedies For Headaches

In this article:

  1. Ayurvedic Medicine Benefits for Your Health
      1. Neem Ghrita
      2. Panchatulsi Drops
      3. Lasunadi Vati
      4. Mahasudarshana Churna
      5. Triphala Churna
      6. Chyawanprash
      7. Avipattikar Churna

Ayurvedic Medicine: A Natural Road to Health

Ayurvedic Medicine Benefits for Your Health

While science has been helpful in inventing cures for a lot of diseases, we can still go natural and resort to Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient practice popularized in India. Learn more about this amazing natural way of curing illnesses as you read through this post.

Health is one of the most important aspects of a person's life. It is said if you're healthy, you're also happy, but being healthy can be expensive with all the different medicines and supplements sold worldwide.

With that said, it is always helpful to learn alternatives to medication in case our resources run out. That's where Ayurvedic remedies come in.

Indians are known for using Ayurvedic medicines. This practice began 5,000 years ago and is still popular today.

These Ayurvedic remedies won't cause you much, too. Let us discover the medicinal plants we can use as an alternative to expensive medicines.

See the list of Ayurvedic treatments below.

1. Neem Ghrita

Neem is known to treat irritated or itchy skin. The most effective way to treat itchy skin is through topical creams or oils. Neem ghrita is a cream made up of neem oil, Gotu kola, manjistha, and turmeric.

Apply a generous amount of cream to help reduce skin irritation.

Gotu Kola Definition: Also called the “herb of longevity,” this is one of the Ayurvedic herbs to use for boosting the brain, easing anxiety, healing of wounds, and improving skin health.

Manjistha Definition: Literally meaning “bright red,” this crawling plant can cleanse your body from toxic chemicals. This way, it can help heal acne and other skin problems.

2. Panchatulsi Drops

Ayurvedic Tulsi oil in glass bottle | Ayurvedic Remedies for Better Health

Panchatulsi drops are made from a variety of tulsi plants, known as one of the most effective anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, and expectorant herbs. It is said to be rich in antioxidants, which can be a preventive strategy against common cold, asthma, and flu.

Panchatulsi improves your immunity with continuous use. The drops should be diluted with water or milk and not taken directly.

3. Lasunadi Vati

Garlic ingredient | Ayurvedic Remedies for Better Health
Lasunadi vati is known as one of the best remedies for indigestion. It has garlic as one of its major ingredients. Also, it contains cumin, rock salt, and asafetida which makes it effective for gas, too.

Garlic is known to be very beneficial to your health. Not only is it a natural antiseptic, but it's also an antibiotic, immune system booster, and anti-spasmodic, among others.

Proper dosage must be calculated before usage, depending on your body build.

RELATED: The Hidden Power of Garlic

4. Mahasudarshana Churna

Natural ingredients arranged in mortar and pestle | Ayurvedic Remedies for Better Health

Mahasudarshana churna is a natural antibiotic known to treat bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitical infections. It has a natural detoxifier used as medicine for colds and flu, nausea, sinus infection, and fever.

Although it tastes bitter, you might as well endure the taste because it can give you instant relief.

5. Triphala Churna

Three fruits on a wooden basket | Ayurvedic Remedies for Better Health

Triphala churna is an Ayurvedic medicine used to combat indigestion, relieve gas, and ensure detoxification just like the herb lasunadi vati. However, it differs in its composition.

Triphala churna is made up of three major herbs — amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki.

Drinking this medicine will also make your skin glow and will strengthen your immune system.

6. Chyawanprash

Natural Health Supplement Served in an Antique bowl with Ingredients | Ayurvedic Remedies for Better Health

Chyawanprash is a sweet and sour, dark brown viscous paste with a jam-like consistency. It is one of the most well-known ayurvedic medicines that can improve your resistance to diseases.

Chyawanprash is composed of honey, ghee, sugar, and other herbs promoting immune resistance. It is also known for helping keep your respiratory system in order.

7. Avipattikar Churna

Avipattikar Churna : Benefits,Uses,Side Effects,Ingredients –

— Natural Home Remedies (@HowCureAcne) May 15, 2018

Avipattikar churna may be the cure for all your unhealthy habits like eating junk foods and stress.

It is made up of 14 herbs which consist of amla, cardamom, triphala, pepper, Chebulic Myrobalan fruit rind, Indian gooseberry, nut grass, patra, and others that are said to relieve distress or hyperacidity.

Avipattikar churna needs to be consumed with milk and honey so it will not be too strong.

If you're having trouble having a good night's sleep, watch this video of Ayurvedic medicine for good sleep by CureJoy:

Natural remedies, such as Ayurvedic medicine, are said to be effective and efficient. Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner to help you in living a balanced life without the need for prescription drugs

Research more on what specific medicine you need and never be afraid to ask questions from people with knowledge on this kind of alternative medicine.

Although you'll see a lot of Ayurvedic medicine reviews online, it's still better to connect with an Ayurvedic practitioner to know the best kind for your needs.

Are you open to giving Ayurvedic medicine a try? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!


Editor's Note: This post was originally published on July 5, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

This Article Was First Found at Read The Original Article Here

See Full Article Here: 7 Ayurvedic Remedies For Better Health

Friday 29 March 2019

Who Else Wants To Plug A Wire Into The Ground And Produce Electricity (It’s Real)

The article Who Else Wants To Plug A Wire Into The Ground And Produce Electricity (It’s Real) was first published on

Guys, this is heavy and is taking the energy world by storm as we speak.

Check out the video here:

>> LINK <<

Maybe you already know (or not) that EARTH is the second biggest source of energy out there… after the SUN energy.

Throughout history people have harvested the power of coal, petrol, minerals… but for some reason no one was “smart” enough to get electricity directly from the surface of the Earth.

…Some crazy professor has just discovered (quite by accident) how to get endless energy from the ground.

The video that shows everything is right here:

>> LINK <<

Fingers crossed that this video will still be up for a few more days… so more and more people can benefit from this crazy discovery.

And YES, there’s no danger in doing this… and it’s so simple that even an 80 years old grandpa could do it.

Here’s the video:


The post Who Else Wants To Plug A Wire Into The Ground And Produce Electricity (It’s Real) appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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Learn More Here: Who Else Wants To Plug A Wire Into The Ground And Produce Electricity (It’s Real)

50% Off On The Miracle Garden Supplement From The Sea

50% Off On The Miracle Garden Supplement From The Sea was originally published on

Would you like to bring the ocean to your garden …

… and help deliver a bumper crop of healthy, chemical-free foods for your family?

What if you could get all of this at a fraction of what you might normally spend?

In that case, I’ll pay half the costs and take 50% off the already low price!

Here’s the story: This miracle supplement from the sea has been called, “Nature’s perfect nutrient blend” for growing vegetables.

And with the crazy winter and spring we’re having, a lot of folks are way behind in the garden. I know I am.

That means now is the best time to make sure your vegetables get every nutrient they need to grow up fast and delicious this year.

And, well, you need to see this for yourself …

When you do, you can save 50%, but only until Sunday.

Just use coupon code: SOIL

when you go to

But there’s an important restriction here: this “below our cost” offer is ONLY good until Sunday, March 31 at 12 midnight ET. After that it’s gone.

Please hurry. It’s all over Sunday at 12 midnight.

Again, you can get a better deal than anybody else and save 50% with coupon code: SOIL

when you visit

The post <span style="color:#ff0000">50% Off On The Miracle Garden Supplement From The Sea</span> appeared first on Off The Grid News.

This Article Was Originally Posted On Read the Original Article here

Original Post Here: 50% Off On The Miracle Garden Supplement From The Sea

25 Things NOT To Do If You Bug In

The article 25 Things NOT To Do If You Bug In See more on:

25 Things NOT To Do If You Bug In Follow Me on Pinterest

25 Things NOT To Do If You Bug In Follow Me on Pinterest There are countless articles and videos with lists of tips, hacks, and things to do if you bug in during a disaster. However, there aren’t many lists of things NOT to do. That is the subject of this video by Reality Survival.

If you’ve never bugged in for an extended period of time without power, then you probably have no idea all the mistakes people make when doing this. If you’re not careful, you could get your family sick, draw unwanted attention, waste your resources, and even get yourself killed.

Want to save this post for later? Click Here to Pin It on Pinterest!

Here’s his list:

Don’t burn treated wood because the chemicals in it could make you sick.

Don’t cook inside unless you have an exhaust system or you will get carbon monoxide poisoning.

Don’t board up the windows from the outside. Rather, board them up from the inside.

Don’t cook with galvanized metal containers because of the dangerous chemicals in them.

Don’t burn green lumber or pine in your fireplace or stove.

Don’t assume your walls will provide you with functional cover.

Don’t try to heat your entire house. Instead, keep everyone in one room.

If you’re manually flushing toilets, make sure there’s enough water in the S-trap so no sewer gases get into your home.

Don’t let any light shine out of your windows. You don’t want to draw attention.

Don’t run your generator inside your home or garage or you’ll risk carbon monoxide poisoning.

Don’t drink water without treating it or boiling it, even tap water.

Don’t let candles burn unattended. They cause a lot of house fires.

Don’t use space heaters without proper ventilation.

Don’t answer the door without a firearm and someone watching the back entrance.

Don’t sleep without at least one person on watch.

Don’t store fuel close to an open flame or any heat sources.

Don’t barricade all the exists. You need one or two you can open easily.

Don’t go outside during daylight hours if you don’t have to.

Don’t allow trash to accumulate outside your home.

Don’t run your generator unless you have to.

Don’t give warning shots to intruders.

Don’t respond to a ruse. Never trust a stranger.

Don’t leave your cars parked outside. Back them into the garage.

Don’t let your pets outside unless you have to.

Watch the video below to hear him discuss each of these bug-in mistakes in detail.

This article first appeared on See it here

This Article Was Found Here: 25 Things NOT To Do If You Bug In

DIY Indoor Vertical Herb Garden

DIY Indoor Vertical Herb Garden See more on: Total Survival

This easy DIY turns a few easy-to-find materials into a great indoor vertical herb garden planter. Follow the steps here!

RELATED: 10 Gardening Tips And Tricks You Can Use Right Now!

How to Make Your Own Vertical Herb Garden

Vertical Herb Planter for Limited Space

Herb gardens can be a fun and easy step into the world of gardening. Spring has sprung, making many of us feel the urge to garden.

Unfortunately, not everyone has an abundance of outdoor space to garden with.

Our solution to this problem? A space-saving, indoor-friendly, hanging herb garden.

To start your vertical gardening systems, you don't need to go and buy an expensive indoor herb garden kit. This is also a great idea if you'd like to master indoor gardening so that you have fresh herbs no matter the season!


  • Pine Boards 3/4-inch thick
  • Rope 1/4-inch in diameter
  • Zip Ties
  • 18 Volt Circular Saw
  • Cordless Drill
  • Flower Pots
  • Hole Saw


Step 1: Cut the Boards

Examine the availability of space in the room for your herb garden then cut the boards to the desired length. You can base the length of the boards on the number of flower pot holes you want.

Step 2: Drill Pilot Holes

With your layout in place, mark them with a pencil then drill small pilot holes through the boards. You can do this with the boards piled vertically so you won't have to drill the holes one board after the other.

Step 3: Drill Holes for the Flower Pots

Before using the hole saw, make sure the boards are clamped securely on the table. Start drilling the flower pot holes evenly spaced out depending on the length of your pine boards.

RELATED: Container Gardening Tips For Preppers And Survivalists

Step 4: Drill Corner Holes and Sand the Boards

Drill corner holes that are slightly bigger than the diameter of the rope. Sand down the boards using an orbital sander or simply do hand sanding if you don't have one.

What is an orbital sander? A power tool and electricity-powered sander for smooth sanding and stock removal.

Step 5: String the Rope through the Corner Holes

String the rope through the corner holes to connect the pine boards. Create stoppers along the ropes to keep the boards from sliding down – use the zip ties as stoppers.

Your vertical herb garden is now ready! Position the flower pots on each hole and you're all set!

Check out this video from HomeMadeModern for detailed instructions in making this DIY hanging garden:

How's this for an easy vertical herb garden you can make? The instructions are pretty simple, and there's no need for complicated woodworking skills to get it done.

With easy-to-get materials like pine boards, rope, and zip ties, your DIY herb garden is doable using tools you already have.

Think you can manage to make this vertical herb garden on your own? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 11, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

This Article Was First Found at Read The Original Article Here

Check Out The Post Here: DIY Indoor Vertical Herb Garden

Tanker Hijacked By Migrant “Pirates” Seized By Special Forces In Mediterranean

Tanker Hijacked By Migrant “Pirates” Seized By Special Forces In Mediterranean is available on

Maltese special forces have seized a Turkish oil tanker, El Hibu 1, which had been hijacked by the very migrants it stopped to rescue in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya.

Five of the migrants have been arrested, and are accused of overpowering the vessel’s 12-man crew – forcing the oil tanker’s captain to cede control “through coercive action,” according to the Telegraph, citing Maltese government sources.

77 of the 108 migrants – or 71% – were men, who were traveling with 19 women and 12 children.

Read More

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Post Source Here: Tanker Hijacked By Migrant “Pirates” Seized By Special Forces In Mediterranean

Thursday 28 March 2019

Grid Failure Devastates City In Collapsing Venezuela

Grid Failure Devastates City In Collapsing Venezuela is republished from

The catastrophe in collapsing Venezuela shows why everybody must prepare for grid failures.

Life without the grid is no picnic in collapsing Venezuela. Notably, a blackout is literally taking the country’s second largest city, Maracaibo, back to the dark ages.

Looting, lack of healthcare, battles between business owners and looters, food shortages, and empty store shelves are among the blackout effects Guardian reporter Sheyla Urdaneta found in Maracaibo. Moreover, water lines, the Internet, wireless service, and telephone service no longer work in the city of 1.653 million people.

Maracaibo’s grid is collapsing because of a political crisis and the country’s failed socialist economic policies. Looting and violence are among the effects of grid collapse in Maracaibo.

Grid Failure Leads To Total Madness In Collapsing Venezuela

In fact, business owners and security guards are fighting gang members and looters in the cities. Additionally, hospitals lack medical supplies to treat people wounded in the fighting.

“It was total madness,” business association president Ricardo Acosta says of the situation in Maracaibo. For example, Urdaneta describes a Maracaibo emergency room as “like something from a war film. Dozens of patients and their families were crowded into the sweltering ward, a few lying on beds, others slumped on the bloodstained floor.”

In addition, only the hospital’s emergency room has electricity from a backup generator. The rest of University Hospital is dark because the grid is down.

Plus, Urdaneta saw doctors tell a heart-attack victim he will have to provide his own medicine – in the emergency room. To clarify, there is a shortage of medicine in Venezuela because the country’s economy is collapsing.

Grid Collapse Throws Country Into Chaos

The nightmare in Maracaibo began when the electricity went off in 18 of Venezuela’s 23 provinces on March 7. Chaos erupted because the blackout lasted for several days.

Strangely, nobody knows the cause of the blackout. Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro blames a cyber attack by the U.S. military. However, opponents blame Maduro’s socialist economic policies and incompetence.

In addition, Maduro claims his rival Juan Guaidó is responsible for the power failure. To explain, both Maduro and Guaidó claim to be the legal president of Venezuela.

Socialism Destroys Grid In Collapsing Venezuela

However, analysts blame Maduro’s decision to let the military rather than qualified technicians manage the electric system for the grid failure, The Guardian reports. For instance, Maduro is firing professional executives at the government electric company and replacing them with political hacks.

In addition, trained engineers and technicians who could fix the grid have left Venezuela. Hence, there is nobody to maintain Venezuela’s electric grid thanks to Maduro.

In detail, the grid failure began when a main power line between the San Gerónimo B and Malena substations, Caracas Chronicles reports. To clarify the line connects the gigantic Simon Bolivar hydroelectric plant and Venezuela’s cities. Specifically, the Simon Bolivar plant supplies 80% of Venezuela’s electricity.

Venezuela’s Grid Collapse Demonstrates The Need To Prep

Plus, Venezuela has very little backup power generation. Hence, if the grid goes down the lights go out throwing the country into chaos.

The catastrophe in collapsing Venezuela shows why everybody must prepare for grid collapse. Only those are prepared with backup power, weapons, and stockpiles of food and other supplies can comfortably survive grid collapse. Thus, Venezuela’s collapse should teach Americans to stop laughing at preppers.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: China’s EMP Threat To America Could End Modern Life As We Know It

Or download our free 28-page report that discusses the top 9 threats to the power grid: Black Out

What are your thoughts on the collapsing grid in Venezuela? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Grid Failure Devastates City In Collapsing Venezuela appeared first on Off The Grid News.

This Article Was Originally Posted On Read the Original Article here

See Full Article Here: Grid Failure Devastates City In Collapsing Venezuela

Hurricane Season: Survival and Preparedness

The following article Hurricane Season: Survival and Preparedness Find more on:

Properly preparing for the Hurricane season can mean the difference between survival and complete catastrophe. In this article, I will break down the most important steps to take for Hurricane preparedness and hopefully tips to improve your survival.

Andrew, Ike, Katrina, Harvey, and Sandy..… These are the names of just some of the most memorable hurricanes to make landfall in the United States. For those in their chaos inducing path left to sift through the carnage of their wake, they utter the names of these storms under hushed breath for many years after landfall. However, out of these menaces only Andrew makes the list of most deadly. In 1900 a hurricane struck Galveston Texas and is to this day the deadliest with a staggering 8,000 deaths left in its path of destruction. Seven years prior, in 1893 there were multiple hurricanes devastating enough to make the list. One left between 1,000 and 2,000 dead in South Carolina and Georgia while another struck Louisiana and caused another 1,100 to 1,400 deaths. In 1928 a hurricane struck Lake Okeechobee Florida leaving a terrifying 2,500 people dead and we will never forget the 1,800 deaths caused by hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Hurricane Tracking Throughout Time

Someone developed the first hurricane models in the 1950s on the back of major technological advancements made in the 1940s. This is probably why we have seen such a dramatic decrease in hurricane death toll since that time. Once aircraft reconnaissance of hurricanes began in the 1940s, we understood these storms so much better and could create more accurate models of where they may end up. As computer technology took off so did hurricane modeling and forecasting. To this day there are advancements every season further reducing the potential for loss of life. We have come a long way since Popular Mechanics dramatized the life and experiences of the earliest typhoon hunters in the early 1950s.

Another important development stemming from the 1950s is how we name storms. Hurricanes were first known by the order in which they developed in their given season. For example, they would refer to the eighth named storm as hurricane number eight and so forth. They also used the phonetic alphabet for a short time before the 1953 season when storms had women’s names. Women’s names would be easier to remember over men’s, but these names lead to meteorologists using what many thought of as sexist terminology such as, flirting, teasing. This inevitably lead to men’s names being used in 1979.

Hurricane Categories

Herbert Saffir and Robert Simpson lead one of the most important innovations in the 20th century in 1971 when they developed the Saffir-Simpson Scale. The scale uses the average wind speed over a one minute span. There are five categories and used to determine the amount of damage and flooding brought when a hurricane makes landfall. According to the National Weather Service, the categories break down is:

Category One will have winds ranging from 74 to 95 miles per hour and bring limited damage to building structures. Loose outdoor items will become projectiles and there will be many power outages. A recent example would be Humberto in 2007.

Category Two winds will range for 96 and 110 miles per hour and will bring widespread damage from strong winds. Broken windows from homes and high rises will become projectiles. Hurricane Ike in 2008 is a good example.

Category Three brings extensive damage from dangerous winds ranging from 111 to 129 miles per hour. It will destroy small structures and mobile homes. Power outages will last several days to weeks.

Category Four storms are dangerous because of their devastating winds ranging from 130 to 156 mile per hour winds. Widespread total roof failures will be common and electricity will be unavailable for weeks.

Category Five is a catastrophic storm where complete building failures and small buildings being completely blown from winds over 156 miles per hour. Power outages ranging from weeks to months.

Hurricane Alerts Explained

The NWS also uses three alerts to explain the escalating conditions that make hurricanes more likely. It is imperative you understand these three and know how to respond appropriately.

  • Advisory – Conditions will cause inconveniences that may be hazardous, but if we use caution, they do not consider these conditions life-threatening.
  • Watch – A tropical storm or hurricane is highly likely in the next 48 hours. You should pay close attention to the storm and prepare for power loss.
  • Warning – Expected storm in the next 36 hours. You should make final preparations immediately in case they force you to leave.

Should I stay or should I go?

The scary part is it may not be up to you. Regardless of your plan, mandatory evacuations could happen for your area which will force you to leave town at the worst time imaginable. During mandatory evacuations, thousands of motorists get stranded on roads and streets and forced to ride out the worst parts of the storm in their car. Whether you stay or go, your level of preparedness will ultimately determine your likelihood of survival.



Evacuation should always be your first plan so let’s start with evacuation preparation. The first and most important thing to consider when preparing an evacuation plan is communication. The individuals traveling with you all need to be on the same page on the meeting point and what their responsibilities are. It would also be a good idea to communicate your route and destination to someone that isn’t traveling with you if you get stranded.

In the vehicle, supply needs will vary from group to group, but my personal in-vehicle supplies heavily focus on water, food, security, and shelter. Bottled water and a method for purifying natural sources need to be the first thing to reserve a spot in the vehicle. Because of their compact packaging and nutritional content, I would recommend MREs or similarly packaged items for your food source, but there are several products on the market that would make great choices.

Everybody has their favorite “truck gun” but for me, it is a matter of size, power, and capacity. Choose something you are comfortable with and I would have at least 200 rounds in a dry box and a cleaning kit.

Just because you start your journey with a roof over your head doesn’t mean your vehicle will ultimately get you to your destination. In a nightmare situation, it may force you to abandon your vehicle. I recommend a small tent or materials to construct a temporary shelter. To avoid this, you may pack maintenance items or extra fuel reserves. DO NOT load fuel reserves in the cabin or truck of the vehicle. Fuel reserves should only be in trucks or vehicles with areas for exterior storage of fuel. Extra clothes, rain jackets, and boots are also a good idea to have in the vehicle.

Bugging In

If you are adamant about staying home you are facing a two-phase threat. You will need to be ready for both if you plan on surviving.

Phase One: Before the Storm

Before the Storm

High winds will turn anything not physically tied down into flying projectiles traveling at a velocity capable of breaking windows, damaging exterior walls and causing serious bodily harm, possibly even death. Rain can come on quick and your city and neighborhoods drainage system may not keep up. Here, leaving your house may become impossible unless you are in a boat. High winds can also knock down power lines creating a dangerous situation even while you are in your house. This will also mean you are without electricity and the clock is ticking on all of your frozen and refrigerated food. None of these will be your biggest concern though. Storm surge is the most dangerous of all and can be highly unpredictable. You can go from high and dry to seeking refuge on your roof in a matter of minutes.

Phase Two: After the Storm

After the Storm

You will most likely be without electricity for an extended amount of time. Any frozen or refrigerated preps you have will rot every second that ticks by and public water supplies may be undrinkable. Chances are your entire community will face the same dire situation you are so police, fire and medical will be extremely limited. News and updates will be slow coming and you will only know for sure what you see with your own eyes. Down trees and power lines will make roads impassable and any remaining storm surge will add to the danger. Wildlife scared, confused and ready to attack so alligators and snakes will be a huge danger. As things correct themselves, the looting begins. Do not sit on your high horse and advertise your self by posting signs such as “you loot we shoot”. This only brings unneeded attention. Most likely there will be groups and gangs of looters that may not be easy to defeat. Regardless of what anyone says, I have been through hurricanes and you will need to plan for a minimum of two weeks with no one providing even the most basic service. This means stocking food, water, and any needed medicine for two full weeks. Hopefully, your supplies survive and you still have a roof over your head but it guarantees nothing during a hurricane which is why ultimately my plan is to leave. That is why understanding what an advisory, warning, and watch are and having an escalating plan based on each is so important.

Before the Storm Preparation

Storm Preparation

Before the season begins, ensure that you have plenty of plastic sheeting, plywood, and sandbags. Covering windows and doors with plywood will help your home withstand damages caused by high winds. We can also use plywood and plastic sheeting to secure the roof and seal any potential gaps. Sandbags are a great way to keep rising storm surge out of your home and away from your property, but it will take a large amount of bags to properly protect your home using this method. I am not suggesting that you don’t do it, but the time and resources you will use you should allocate elsewhere. If you don’t have gutters and drains, request a few quotes from professionals in this industry and seriously consider having some installed. If you already have them and are not keeping them clean with the drains clear of debris, they are practically useless. CLEAN THEM! Installing check valves on your sewer lines will keep storm waters from backing up in your drains. If your home has a basement, install a pump and water alarm. In some areas where flooding is common, the government may even require that you raise your home to a level more resistant to flooding.


Another invaluable resource in the time of a hurricane is flood insurance. In most cases, coverage is relatively inexpensive and is a must-have if you live in storm-prone areas because your homeowner's policy will not cover damages caused by flood waters. You can purchase coverage If you own your home, live in a rental and even for your business. The most important thing to consider when looking at flooding insurance is that it will not go into effect until 30 days after you purchase it. I highly recommend you get serious about it way before the season starts.


Ultimately, it comes down to knowing what you are up against and having a plan. Having a life raft when an F5 tornado is within striking distance will do you about as much good as being in a storm shelter when a category 5 hurricane makes landfall and brings in a 20-foot storm surge. In the modern age, we know so much about these storms and have gotten to a point where we can accurately predict where they are going, but their most dangerous aspect is their unpredictability. Plan early and do not wait until your area is under a storm advisory to get ready.

For more Hurricane survival tips click here and if you would like to read about how other survivalist withstood a natural disaster in their area click here!

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Source Here: Hurricane Season: Survival and Preparedness

Jussie Smollett is nominated for an NAACP Award, and host Anthony Anderson hopes he wins

Jussie Smollett is nominated for an NAACP Award, and host Anthony Anderson hopes he wins is republished from

Just days after the prosecutors dropped all charges against Jussie Smollett, who had been indicted on 16 counts of disorderly conduct, the “Empire” actor could again make headlines.

Smollett is nominated for the 2019 NAACP Image Awards, scheduled for Saturday. Six-time host and “Black-ish” star Anthony Anderson told Variety on Wednesday that he hopes to see the controversial actor there.

“I hope he wins,” Anderson added. “I’m happy for him that the system worked for him in his favor because the system isn’t always fair, especially for people of color. So I’m glad it worked out for him.”

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Wednesday 27 March 2019

“Beet Health Benefits” Include Powerful Pigments That Detoxify And Heal

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Some beet health benefits include bioavailable betanin, a pigment that reduces inflammation.

The beet (Beta Vulgaris) originated in the Mediterranean, and its history predates written records. Moreover, the writings of the neo-Babylonian era mention the beet and its health benefits. In addition, the Greeks noted it as one of the most valuable foods there was. The Romans after the Greeks also refer to beet health benefits, which include the ability to give additional energy and to relieve constipation.

Growing Beets

Nearly two-thirds of all beets are canned and not sold or eaten fresh. Beets grow easily and can withstand frost quite well. You can even plant them in gardens one month before the last frost of winter. The seeds of the beet are delicate and do best when the soil is cool and moist, as in early spring. They mature quickly and do well when planted in succession, three to four weeks apart.

You should plant beet seeds half an inch deep and about one inch apart. You should space the rows about twelve to eighteen inches apart. If you plant seeds too deep, this may cause the seed to sprout more slowly. As the beets mature, they do quite well in warm weather conditions.

When the seeds begin to sprout, they often have multiple shoots. You will need to thin them out so that they are one to three inches apart. Beets do not thrive well when they have to compete with weeds, as their roots are usually shallow. Weeding by hand is essential to preserving the young plants. Harvest time is about sixty days after planting.

Facts About Beet Health Benefits

Despite all of the listed beet health benefits, most people do not eat enough of them. Assuredly, they should be a part of our daily diet. In 100 grams this red veggie has only 42 calories and less than 10 grams of carbohydrates. Furthermore, many experts think that it is the most perfect form of fiber we can eat. One cup of beets has zero fat of any kind, contains 1.5 grams of protein, 1 mg of iron, 27 mg of calcium, 43 mg of phosphorus, 10 mg of vitamin C, and 4 mg of niacin, sodium, and magnesium, as well as fiber, vitamin A, and biotin.

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot Juice

Beets also contain folic acid and other B vitamins, which doctors recommend for pregnant women as they may lower the risk of birth defects. The Encyclopedia of Healing Juices notes that beets and their juice help to build up the blood, renew its minerals and natural sugars, and also help to detox the liver. Some studies even show that betaine, an amino acid found in beets, can help prevent coronary and cerebral artery disease. Additionally, these studies demonstrate that beet juice and powder have slowed the development of cancerous tumors in some patients. Research has even established that beet greens contain high levels of iron, vitamins A and C, and calcium.

Throughout history, physicians have used beetroots for treatment of liver disorders due to the stimulating effect they have on the detoxification process. Betacyanin, the pigment that gives beets their rich crimson-purple hue, helps with the detox and is a cancer-fighting agent. Studies have found that the fibers in beets have a cleansing effect on the intestines, help to lower cholesterol, and aid in protecting against colon cancer.

While discussing beet health benefits, we can’t forget their ability to reduce the risks of having cataracts due to their high content of beta-carotene. Betanin, another pigment in beets, also has anti-inflammatory properties and can effectively lower the effects of stress. Some have noticed that while taking beetroot juice they had more success in fighting headaches, pain associated with a women’s menstrual cycle, pain in the lumbar region, toothaches, and skin problems.


Beets can complement many dishes and salads as a tremendous side dish or garnish. You can garner many beet health benefits simply by adding them to your diet. They can be prepared in a variety of ways and are delicious either hot or cold. Ever have a bowl of borscht? Try it—you may find a new way to add more beets to your eating program. The juice has many of the same health benefits, and drinking it gives us another option for getting them into our diet.

You may also be interested in reading Sea Salt Benefits For A Healthy Body and Mind!


Do you care if this unusual powder is “red” if it can save your life?


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Improvised Survival Gear | 7 DIY Projects For Preppers

Improvised Survival Gear | 7 DIY Projects For Preppers was first seen on

Don't let MacGyver have all the fun, but learn to make a DIY improvised survival gear because you never know when you might need it!

RELATED: 18 Survival Gear Items From The Dollar Store

In this article:

  1. Coffee Can Heater
  2. Non-Electric Refrigerator
  3. Simple Water Filter
  4. Milk Jug Lamp
  5. Shortening Candle
  6. Mint Tin Stove
  7. Battery Converter

DIY Improvised Survival Gear You Need to Know

1. Coffee Can Heater

Imagine a widespread power outage, and it's freezing both outdoors and indoors. Are you going under a thick blanket of sheets or stay huddled in the corner to try to keep yourself warm?

We suggest you learn to make this improvised heater from a coffee can, toilet paper, and alcohol. You can find these household essentials in most buildings, so wherever you find yourself you can make this survival gear.

Make and use this improvised heater with caution though and make sure a fire extinguisher is close.

2. Non-Electric Refrigerator

Whether it's an unexpected power outage or when you're living off the grid, you will find this improvised refrigerator the coolest thing ever. In fact, it will help keep your perishable food longer for up to three weeks.

In the case of SHTF, you can extend your food supply with this improvised survival gear. By also keeping tabs on expiration dates and storing short-lived foods, you get to extend your food supply.

3. Simple Water Filter

We cannot stress enough the importance of water when it is, in fact, one of the pillars of survival. Safe-drinking water is even more important, so this improvised water filter should be something you should learn to make.

Remember you cannot be too sure about the safety of your drinking water. While this survival gear filter sediments, debris, and even the funky smell out, other harmful organisms may still lurk.

Boiling is still one of the most effective forms of making water safe for drinking. There are also other chemical means to purify water, but boiling water is the most accessible.

4. Milk Jug Lamp

Illuminate your room, outdoors, or your tent by creating an ambient light from a milk jug and a small source of light. This improvised gear should be perfect for reading and other activities you need to do with light.

RELATED: How To Make An Improvised Camping Lantern

5. Shortening Candle

Now you know you can make an improvised candle from a can of Cisco vegetable shortening. So, if you find yourself without light, just head straight to the cupboard and get this thing done fast.

You can have this candle going for weeks so if you run out of batteries and candles, this will suffice until normal power returns, or not.

6. Mint Tin Stove

Follow the full instructions and the step-by-step guide to this DIY mint tin stove survival gear. This survival gear DIY will allow you to carry more essentials with you on a camp or in your bugout bag.

You can also check out this improvised stove from an aluminum soda can.

7. Battery Converter

This homemade survival equipment permits you to work on survival items at hand. Even the best of us make mistakes and anyone can easily forget batteries and battery sizes.

Well, thankfully you can convert AAA batteries into AAs so you won't have to fret over batteries that aren't available.

Find the full instructions the full infographic here!

Knowing how to make your own survival gear is an extremely valuable survival skill. You never know when they might come in handy, and they come in handy indeed making you appreciate you took time to learn them.

So add more DIY survival hacks and survival tricks up your sleeves including making your own DIY improvised survival gear. These seven badass improvised survival gear projects for preppers should be a fantastic start.

Which improvised survival gear have you tried to make or are you going to try to make? Share your plans with us in the comments section below!

Up Next:

For awesome survival gear, you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

Check out Survival Food | How To Catch, Cook, & Eat Snakes For Survival at

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**Disclaimer: All content on this site is for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer here**

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 3, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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Read Full Article Here: Improvised Survival Gear | 7 DIY Projects For Preppers

How To Build A Squash Arch For Your Garden

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Build this gorgeous squash arch to add beauty and height to your vegetable garden. My unique DIY squash arch design is an inexpensive project that doesnt take much time to make. Make your garden beautiful today! The next technique we’re about to show you doesn’t involve a lot of money, nor a professional designer to visit your property for an assessment.

How To Build a Squash Arch

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check out the full article Here: How To Build A Squash Arch For Your Garden

Black Ops Shooting Skills Leaked To Civilians For First Time

Black Ops Shooting Skills Leaked To Civilians For First Time is republished from

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On the news recently I watched a nut job pull a gun out and open fire on a crowd of innocent folks out enjoying themselves…

I watched dozens of fit and healthy men just dive for cover, helpless to do anything to protect the crowd…

I thought of what I would do. How I would react. Would I be one of the guys diving for cover?

Or would I have the forethought to be carrying. And the skills to do what it takes to stand against the senseless violence.

Once upon a time I know I’d be diving for cover. Now though, I’m confident I’d be able to stay calm and do what it takes in the face of an active shooter.

Only because I have learned the simple skills of effective gun handling even under stress.

You can too and it only takes days using this new shooting system. (Instead of the years most guys spend just trying to get this good…)

Black Ops Shooting Skills Leaked To Civilians For The First Time

This is the exact shooting system that has been taught to spec ops units around the world. And it is delivered by a legit active duty special operator.

If you want to know more about the simplest and most effective shooting system out there, please click here.

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check out the full article Here: Black Ops Shooting Skills Leaked To Civilians For First Time

Tuesday 26 March 2019

This could be an idea that keeps the kids busy in school holidays

This could be an idea that keeps the kids busy in school holidays was first published to

Miniature Village in your Garden… This could be an idea that keeps the kids busy in school holidays.

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Walmart Sells Satanic Paraphernalia Despite “Family Company” Image

The following blog post Walmart Sells Satanic Paraphernalia Despite “Family Company” Image See more on: Total Survival

Walmart sells Satanic paraphernalia because Satan is now a part of mainstream American culture.

Did you know that the devil is as close as your phone or computer? Want to know why? Well, the shocking truth is that Walmart sells Satanic paraphernalia online. For instance, sells the Satanic Bible for $31.16 and a Baphomet necklace for $12.99.

To clarify, Baphomet is a god or demon that Satanists supposedly worship. Importantly, Baphomet idols and necklaces are among the Satanic paraphernalia that Walmart sells, as Churchmilitant reports.

Additionally, Walmart sells Satanic paraphernalia that includes Baphomet statues, church of Satan goblets, and clothing with Satanic symbols. However, some of Walmart’s Satanic paraphernalia is downright silly. For instance, they sell Satanic cheerleader costumes.

Family Company Walmart Sells Satanic Paraphernalia

Notably, Walmart likes to bill itself as a family company that Sam Walton began in Arkansas in 1950. Notwithstanding, Walmart is really a high-tech multinational conglomerate that reported $500.34 billion in revenues last year.

Currently, Walmart is the world’s largest company in terms of revenue and the world’s largest retailer. In addition, Walmart is becoming one of America’s most automated companies. For example, Walmart is deploying robot janitors in its stores and replacing thousands of workers with algorithms.

Walmart selling Satanic paraphernalia outrages Churchmilitant because Sam Walton was a churchgoer and a family man. Nonetheless, Sam Walton died in 1992 so his influence is long gone from the company.

On the other hand, Walton’s children and Walton Enterprises, a family business, are among Walmart’s largest shareholders, Investopedia states. As a result, Walmart is still a family business that billionaires own.

Moreover, the fourth largest holder of Walmart stock is Marc Lore. Lore is the president and CEO of Walmart US eCommerce, which is the business that runs To elaborate, Lore took over Walmart’s online operations when he sold his business to Walmart in 2016. Consequently, Lore and not the Walton family runs

Walmart Sells Satanic Paraphernalia Along With Amazon

Walmart sells Satanic paraphernalia online to keep up with Amazon. In fact, Amazon sells The Satanic Bible for $8.99 with Free Prime delivery.

Additionally, Amazon sells Baphomet Horned Sabbatic Goat statues for $24.25 and Baphomet Horned Demon Pentagram Satanic Symbol Hoodies for $36.99. Devil worshipers can also buy The Satanic Rituals: Companion to the Satanic Bible for $7.99 with Free Amazon Prime delivery.

Furthermore, cheapskates can get a 50th Anniversary revision of The Satanic Bible free on Amazon Kindle with Kindle Unlimited. Meanwhile, The Satanic Scriptures sells for $16.95 and Baphomet Satanic Goat Head Unisex Over Knee-High Socks sell for only $4.95 plus $3.85 for shipping at Amazon.

Satanic Paraphernalia Is Big Business

Satanists can even sleep with a demon by ordering a three-piece duvet cover set that features Demon Baphomet Satanic Goat Head decorations for $79.90. Ultimately, Walmart sells Satanic paraphernalia because Satanic paraphernalia is big business.

Moreover, Satanism is warping America’s sense of humor. For instance, Amazon sells a Make America Satanic Again T-shirt as a “funny gift” for $19.99. In the end, Satan and Baphomet are big money for Big Retail.

As a consequence, Walmart sells Satanic paraphernalia because Satan is part of mainstream American culture. Like any good retailers, Walmart, Amazon, and many others are simply selling what their customers want.

Who Is Baphomet And Why Is Walmart Selling His Merchandise?

In detail, Baphomet is a demon whose statues modern Satanists use in ceremonies.

Oddly enough, the Rational Wiki asserts that the term Baphomet began as a corruption of the name Muhammad, the founder of Islam. So, the name Baphomet is blasphemous to both Muslims and Christians.

Specifically, Baphomet is the demon that French King Philip IV accused the Knights Templar of worshiping in 1307 when he abolished their order. However, most historians think Phillip was really interested in seizing the Templars’ money and property. The Knights Templar were an order of Christian knights whose power Phillip feared.

On the other hand, Baphomet did not get his modern form until the 19th Century when French Artist Eliphas Lévi depicted the demon as a goat-headed monster. During the 1960s, Anton LaVey, the founder of American Satanism, chose Lévi’s version of Baphomet as the symbol for his Church of Satan.

Consequently, today both Amazon and Walmart sell large amounts of Satanic paraphernalia with Baphomet’s picture on it. In fact, today’s Satanist can have Baphomet shipped to his or her home with free delivery.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Do Witches Outnumber Presbyterians In America?

What are your thoughts on Walmart selling Satanic paraphernalia? Let us know in the comments below.

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Emergency Preps for People With Infants

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Emergency Preps for People With Infants Follow Me on Pinterest

Emergency Preps for People With Infants Follow Me on Pinterest When you have a baby, you become used to carrying extra supplies everywhere you go. Even for a simple afternoon outing or a trip to the supermarket, you may need diapers, wipes, toys, and an extra set of clothes. Therefore, it makes sense to plan ahead for your baby in the event of an emergency.

You may have an emergency bug out bag for the adults in your household, but your baby’s needs are different. A baby bug out bag should contain supplies to keep your baby happy and healthy for a minimum of 72 hours.

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The first item to consider is the bag itself. You may already have a couple of diaper bags on hand, but this emergency bag needs to be durable, waterproof, and easy to carry. It’s also a good idea for it to be strong enough that you can attach other items to it with clips.

One bag to consider is the Maxpedition Pygmy Falcon-II Backpack. Lightweight, weather-proof and strong, this backpack has ultra-strong zippers and many attachment points.

Now, let’s consider what items to pack in your baby bug-out bag. Here are ten important preps for infants.

1. Identification

Place a card with your baby’s name, birthdate, your name and contact information, and any medical information in an easy-to-find location within the bag. This card will help identify baby—who cannot speak for herself yet—in the unlikely event the two of you get separated in a disaster. You also might want to include a photo of parents with the baby to help with identification.

Another option is to order disposable identification bracelets or Velcro ID bracelets to place on baby’s wrist at the time of an emergency.

2. Clothing

Babies need to stay warm, so consider soft cotton layers to keep baby comfortable. Once again, pack a size – or two – larger than baby wears now. Keep it simple with cotton t-shirts, sweatpants, socks, soft hats, light hoodies, and jackets.

Since you are packing clothing your baby hopefully will never wear, don’t worry about fashion. These layers can be inexpensive thrift store purchases. Reevaluate sizing every few months.

3. Diapering Needs

Even if you usually use cloth diapers, it is a good idea to pack disposable diapers for an emergency. Your water supply may be limited, and you will not want to waste it cleaning soiled diapers. Pack the next diaper size up from what your baby is wearing now. Check for proper sizing every month or so since babies grow quickly.

Also, include three or more baby washcloths, a foldable changing pad, and a resealable pouch of wet wipes.

4. Food

Even if you exclusively breastfeed, it is a good idea to pack some water, a supply of baby formula, and a baby bottle or two in your emergency bag. Remember, you hope not to need these items, but if you do, you will be glad to know you have extra fluids for your baby. The formula may be needed if mother and baby become separated for a time or if mother or baby become dehydrated during this stressful time.

Powdered formula is the most economical and storage-friendly option. Ready-to-drink varieties do not need to be mixed with water, but they are costlier and have a shorter shelf-life.

Don’t worry about the added weight and bother of solid baby food. If your baby is ready for solid foods, he or she can eat a softened or pureed version of the foods you are eating.

5. Blankets

Pack a few soft cotton baby blankets that can double as changing pads and sunshade and can help keep baby cozy.

Keep in mind that babies lose body heat quickly. If disaster strikes in extremely cold weather, a thermal blanket designed especially for baby is another idea for your baby bugout bag. This emergency foil baby blanket, which folds into a convenient 5 x 6-inch packet, will help conserve baby’s body heat.

6. Toys

Be sure to pack a few teething toys and soft toys for baby to hold. A duplicate of a favorite toy might be a life-saver. If your child uses a pacifier, include one in your bag, along with a cord to keep it handy. Also, tuck in a copy of a favorite board book to help keep your little one entertained.

Baby’s tastes and interests change rapidly so, as with many of the items in your emergency backpack, rotate out and refresh toys with new ones every month or so as your little one grows.

7. Hygiene Items

Place a few of baby’s important personal items, such as nail clippers and a baby thermometer, in a plastic pouch or Ziploc bag in your emergency bag. Other items to consider are baby sunblock, teething gel, baby “tear-free” shampoo or soap, baby pain reliever, a nasal aspirator, saline drops, and an infant medicine dropper.

8. Zippered Bags

Pack a few Ziploc bags in different sizes. You can place soiled clothes and diapers in these without worry that they will ruin the other items. Plastic grocery bags are also handy to have in an emergency.

9. Carrier

In an emergency, you may have to do a lot of walking, and you may not have access to or the ability to use a stroller. Carrying your baby is not only practical, but it may be essential. Carrying your little one also will lessen stress for both of you. Some carriers, such as the KinderPack, can accommodate infants on up to toddlers.

10. Last-Minute List

There may be some items that you cannot pack ahead of time. Write a list of these last-minute things and attach it to your baby bug-out bag to help you remember them in a crisis. These items may include a beloved toy, prescription medications or perishable food items.

When an emergency strikes, getting your little one to safety is the most important thing. You don’t want to waste precious minutes running around collecting needed items. Having a baby bugout pack packed and ready to go will offer you valuable peace of mind. While you are at it, pack one for each member of your family and store them in a safe place.

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Original Post Here: Emergency Preps for People With Infants