Saturday 29 September 2018

How aquaponics works

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Supplying the people of the world with sufficient food has been a constant issue ever since the population has begun to increase considerably. Now even movies are placing food shortage at the center of their Sci-Fi genre. Homemade food might be a possible working answer, people all over have resorted to such a solution in the last years. But how to go about more sustainable food systems?

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Learn More Here: How aquaponics works

How About This Self-Sufficient Garden Pool Farm?

How About This Self-Sufficient Garden Pool Farm? was first seen on

When Dennis and Danielle McClung bought a foreclosed home in Mesa, Ariz., in 2009, their new yard featured a broken, empty . Instead of spending a small fortune to repair and fill it, Dennis had a far more prescient idea: He built a plastic cap over it and started growing things inside.

Thus, with help from family and friends and a ton of internet research, Garden Pool was born. What was once a yawning cement hole was transformed into an incredibly prolific closed-loop ecosystem, growing everything from broccoli and sweet potatoes to sorghum and wheat, with chickens, tilapia, algae, and duckweed all interacting symbiotically to provide enough food to feed a family of five. Check out the video below to see what Dennis has to say about Garden Pools..

These folks feed their family with a garden in their swimming pool — and you can, too.

More ideas:

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Post Source Here: How About This Self-Sufficient Garden Pool Farm?

All-Natural Ways To Fight Fall Allergies

All-Natural Ways To Fight Fall Allergies See more on: Total Survival

All-Natural Ways To Fight Fall Allergies

Autumn is a lovely time of the year — unless you suffer from fall allergies.

Many allergies during this time of the year are due to an increase in molds inside and outdoors. Mold growth increases due to rain, decomposing plants, and reduced air flow within buildings as we close up for cooler weather. If you have a fireplace or woodstove, you may be exposed to allergens in smoke. Dust mites and animal dander are common offenders as well.

Could This All-Natural ‘Detox’ Capsule Have Extended John Wayne’s Life?

Fall also is the time of the year when the common cold becomes more prevalent. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between a cold and an allergy. It is important to know what is causing you to suffer so that you can obtain prompt relief and prevent future illnesses from arising.

Signs and Symptoms of Fall Allergies and Colds

Here are some characteristics of fall allergies and colds which will help you to determine what you are experiencing. If you have serious symptoms or are unable to determine which condition that you are suffering from, consult with your health care provider for expert diagnosis.

  • Allergies are more likely than colds to occur in autumn and spring. Colds may arise at any time of the year, but they are most common during the winter months.
  • If people close to you are healthy, yet you are suffering from respiratory symptoms, it is more likely that you are suffering from an allergy. Colds generally affect several individuals within the same home or workplace.
  • You are more likely to be suffering from a fall allergy if you have previously experienced similar symptoms in past autumns.
  • Nasal mucus from allergies is generally clear. Mucus due to colds may be clear or yellow. If you have green mucus, see your health care provider, as you may have an infection. Allergies and colds may produce stuffy or runny noses.
  • Allergies are more likely than colds to cause red, itchy or runny eyes.
  • Symptoms persist as long as the offending substance is present. Allergies may last for less than a day or hang on for months. Colds usually resolve within less than two weeks.
  • While you may have a cough due to an allergy, you are more likely to suffer from one if you have a cold.
  • Allergies do not cause fevers, but colds do.
  • Both conditions may cause your throat to be sore. However, sore throats are more common and severe when colds are the culprit.
  • You are unlikely to suffer from generalized aches and pains if your symptoms are due to allergies.
  • Allergies do not usually cause fatigue, while colds may be exhausting.
  • Symptoms of allergies often develop faster than those caused by colds.

Determining the Cause of Your Fall Allergy

If you believe that your symptoms are caused by an allergy, the next step is to identify the offending substance. Listen to news reports. They often provide information about molds, pollens and other toxins which are elevated locally. Notice what precipitates your symptoms. Are they worse outside or inside a specific building? Notice what has changed in your life. For example, are you now running a furnace that has not had an air filter changed in a while? Are you wearing wool clothing, while in summer you wore cotton?

Consulting with a natural or mainstream health care provider may be beneficial. There is a wide array of tools that help identify allergies. Keeping a journal, muscle testing, and advanced allergy testing may be useful. Once the offending substance is identified, you can take steps to avoid or eliminate it.

Get Rid of Molds and Mildew

All-Natural Ways To Fight Fall Allergies Image source:

All-Natural Ways To Fight Fall Allergies

Molds and mildew can precipitate fall allergies and even can cause serious, sometimes fatal, diseases. If you have an obvious mold problem in your home, seek temporary housing elsewhere. Have the mold professionally identified and treated. Here are some strategies for preventing and removing molds and mildew.

  • Change air filters on heating systems regularly. Use the best quality filters that you can afford.
  • Get your heating systems and chimneys professionally cleaned before using them in the autumn.
  • Examine your home for signs of roof and plumbing leaks. If leaks are present, repair them immediately.
  • Consider using a dehumidifier if your home is damp.
  • Clean and change water trays under the refrigerator regularly.
  • Circulate the air in your home by using fans.

Bleach and natural essential oils are excellent for removing mold and mildew.

Treating Fall Allergies

Eliminating exposure to offending allergens is the most effective way to prevent symptoms from arising. Since this is not always possible, the next step is to strengthen your entire body so that your respiratory and immune systems are working optimally. This step takes time. If means not smoking, taking preventative measures in the environment, eating well, and taking supplements which support your well-being.

If you are already suffering from symptoms of a fall allergy, try taking the homeopathic remedy Allium cepa. It is particularly helpful if you suffer from a runny nose or eyes.

New “Survival Herb Bank” Gives You Access to God’s Amazing Medicine Chest

Around 100,000 units of natural vitamin A may be taken for up to one month. It will boost the action of your immune system. Do not use synthetic vitamin A, as it may be harmful. This dose should not be used by pregnant women, children, individuals with liver or kidney disease, or people who have a history of alcohol or drug abuse.

Roughly 3,000 to 10,000 milligrams of vitamin C may be taken to reduce inflammation and stimulate the immune response. If loose stools arise, decrease the dose. Use natural, esterified or buffered form.

From 50 to 80 milligrams of zinc may be taken daily. The lozenge form is best. Multiple studies support its use as beneficial for the immune system.

Oregon grape root, barberry, elecampane, white oak bark and goldenrod are excellent herbs to relieve symptoms.

Consult with your health care provider for individualized guidance or if you have underlying health issues.

How do you fight fall allergies? Share your tips in the section below:

Harness The Power Of Nature’s Most Remarkable Healer: Vinegar

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8 Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now

8 Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now is available on

Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now

Years ago, I read a tragic account in the news about a family who had been traveling to visit relatives and friends and somehow got lost in the Pacific Northwest.

They had driven down a back road and their minivan had become stuck in the heart of the mountains far away from civilization. They stayed with their vehicle for about a week, exhausting the few supplies they had with them and the precious little food they had to eat.

Desperate, the man struck off on his own to find help. He walked for 16 miles, and was within a mile of a fully stocked lodge. However he was wearing light clothing very ill-suited for the brutal cold he encountered, and he died of hypothermia. His wife and two daughters were found by search and rescue teams, but it was too late for the man who bravely set out to find help.

The story broke my heart as I read it. The family had no emergency supplies with them in the vehicle and no real wilderness know-how and experience. In fact, with just a little bit of preparation, the man’s death may have been prevented.

Though you or I never plan on getting stranded, things happen. This world is a dangerous place and is only getting more dangerous as the years pass. The truth is that having some basic supplies that are kept in your vehicle can make all the difference between dying and living.

Following is a list of emergency items that can get you out of danger — and help you walk out of trouble with all your fingers and toes.

Consider placing these emergency items in your car:

1. First-aid kit

This is not your cheap $5 dollar kit from Walmart. You should have a well-stocked first-aid kit that can deal with deep wounds that are bleeding badly, and also take care of punctures, broken bones, severe burns, sprained ankles and just about anything else. Having the kit supplied with medication to deal with aches and pains, diarrhea, colds and other symptoms is important, too. Also, having any prescription medication for prolonged emergencies is important as well.

2. Knife

Always have a solid knife that can cut, stab, pry things apart, and deal with other tasks vital to survival. Don’t buy a cheap survival knife. Spend the extra money and get a blade that won’t snap or bend with minor tasks. Think Ka-Bar, Buck, Case, Kershaw, or another decent brand.

8 Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now

Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now

A cheap knife is more than useless. In fact, it can be dangerous. You don’t want a blade that will fail you at the worst possible time. I suggest either a solid folding knife or a fixed blade.

3. Leatherman

I mentioned this separately from a knife on purpose. A quality multi-tool can fix a vehicle, build a shelter, tear that same vehicle apart for supplies, and a bunch of other tasks a simple blade just cannot do. I keep one in my truck at all times.

4. Water purification and storage

Don’t get caught without some water with you and a means to purify more.

A simple pot can do for boiling, and water purification filters can make river and lake water drinkable. I suggest you have a few bottles and at least one method to purify more H20.

5. Survival rations

I keep at least 72 hours of survival rations with me. You can buy rations that can withstand high heat and extreme cold and provide vital calories for you and your loved ones. Be sure you have enough for a full vehicle load of people.

6. Fire starter

Matches, lighters, magnesium fire starter, flares, it all can work. Always have at least two methods of starting a fire, and an ample supply of matches.

7. Footwear and clothing

I keep an extra change of clothing in the truck. I learned that after falling through ice when I was a kid. An extra set of clothes can save your life and prevent hypothermia. Keeping a jacket in your trunk during cold weather is a must.

8. Blanket

Having a sleeping bag or blankets in your car is sometimes the only way to rewarm yourself after an accident such as falling through ice or getting soaked with rain water. It also keeps you warm at night, and if you have kids you will need one for them.

What items would you add to the list? Share your suggestions in the section below:

Stranded And Lost? Learn How To ‘Live Off The Land’ With Your Gun. Read More Here.

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See Full Article Here: 8 Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now

Friday 28 September 2018

Can The Grid Support The Demand For Electric Cars?

The following blog post Can The Grid Support The Demand For Electric Cars? was originally seen on

Electric cars seem to be a trend whose time is coming inevitably. Now there are over half a million of them in the U.S. alone.

I remember first hearing about electric cars when I was a kid. That was a long time ago; back when they were just a theory, one that people were calling “impractical.” The few electric cars which were on the road were experimental models. They were nowhere near as efficient as the production models we have on the road today. Now there are over half a million of them just here in the United States alone.

Electric cars seem to be a trend whose time is coming inevitably. Left-leaning politicians and environmentalists have joined together, pushing for electric cars to replace gas burners. It’s all a part of the “green energy” solution they foresee in their utopian dreams.

Are Electric Cars Truly Green?

But will electric cars truly help to bring about a pollution-free world as these people claim? Sadly, no. Those who push electric cars as not polluting forget that producing the electricity that they run on creates pollution. They apparently think that just because the cars don’t have an exhaust pipe, they don’t pollute. The pollution is the fault of the electric company, not the fault of the electric car.

Moreover, they will make that point emphatically when talking about the need to switch over to green energy, specifically solar and wind power. Meanwhile, they will blame the power companies for blocking that possibility and sticking with dirty coal.

Wind And Solar Power Can’t Support The Entire Grid By Themselves

As with many such arguments on the left, this one doesn’t wash. There are three primary reasons why we can’t make a switch to wind and solar power. The first is that these systems are notoriously unreliable in certain situations. Solar power only works on sunlit days and wind only works when there is enough wind to turn the wind turbine. Neither of them produces power all the time. Furthermore, when they produce power is totally outside of the power company’s control.

This ties in directly to the second problem with these green energy sources. They do not have an efficient way of storing the energy they produce during peak times so that people can use the power when they need it. While there are many bright people working on this problem, there isn’t a viable solution just yet.

This means that other power plants need to be online and serving in a backup capacity. Then, they can provide power whenever the wind and solar power fall short. Most often, these are old, coal-fired power plants which are on their way to being decommissioned due to their age. It’s literally the least green solution we have available to us.

Costly Green Energy Backed Up By Coal-Fired Power Plants?

In other words, coal-fired power plants are backing up every wind and solar farm out there. The coal plants are kept running to provide power whenever the wind and solar alternatives can’t. That makes the net reduction in pollution caused by those “green” power plants… absolutely zero.

Finally, we have the third reason why it is impractical to switch over to green energy: cost. It would cost an estimated 20 trillion dollars to make that switch. That’s more than our country’s annual GNP. The money just doesn’t exist to invest in that major of a change.

Environmentalists love to point to countries like Iceland, Nepal, and Paraguay, whose total power production is “green.” Nonetheless, what they fail to mention is that just about all the energy production in those countries is from hydroelectric power plants, and not from wind and solar. So, their argument is invalid. Oh, and the United States tops the world in hydroelectric power, but we can’t produce all our power that way.

Back To Our Original Question

If we leave pollution totally out of the question, nothing really makes any sense on this issue. Further, if the whole idea of electric cars is to reduce pollution, can our existing grid support a switch to electric cars?

The basic answer to this is a resounding no. While electricity usage has been flat over the last few years, it is expected to rise considerably in the future. More and more systems throughout the country are being electrified, thereby generating more demand for electricity. Electric cars will merely add to this problem and strain a system that is already running at near capacity.

The Electric Cars Trend Isn’t Slowing Down

Even so, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that electric vehicles could account for as much as 76 percent of total vehicle traffic by 2050. This massive growth in electric vehicles would cause a need for a 38 percent increase in the ability of the U.S. electric power industry to produce electricity. That’s without any other considerations.

This trend is happening at the same time that those on the political left are pushing for a shutdown of coal power. While President Trump and Congress have managed to reverse many of the more draconian measures that the EPA undertook during former President Obama’s tenure, in many ways, it was too late. Electric power companies had already made plans to scrap their coal power plants and had begun the process of switching over to more efficient and environmentally friendly natural gas.

Is Natural Gas An Adequate Solution For The Power Grid?

This isn’t the answer that leftists want, but it’s a better business decision for the power companies. It’s especially true when compared to solar power, which is the most expensive means of producing electricity currently available to us. Nevertheless, there are problems with natural gas as well. While the U.S. natural gas reserves are enough to keep us in power for decades, that gas has to be transmitted to the power plants through pipes and government red tape. Additionally, environmental activism makes building those pipelines even more challenging.

Knowing that a Democrat win in 2020 or even 2024 would energize the EPA to put those measures back in place, power companies can’t see a reason to invest in new, coal-fired power plants. These plants probably wouldn’t meet the new requirements anyways.

Coal power and nuclear power have been the backbone of U.S. electrical power production for many years. In fact, they produce 50 percent of our energy needs between them. By comparison, wind and solar energy together currently provide a mere 7.6 percent. Also, the investment per kWh (kilowatt hour) to build these facilities is higher than that of the facilities they are supposed to replace.


Our society has to overcome these numerous problems before the switch to electric cars can occur. I have no more doubt that they will than I do that the trend towards electric cars will continue. But I am sure it will be a rocky road for our country to navigate, with many political battles along the way.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: World Adopting Unproven Renewable Energy Sources

Or download our free 28-page report on the top 9 threats to the power grid: Black Out

Do you think that the U.S. power grid can support the demand for electric cars? Let us know in the comments below.

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This Article Was Found Here: Can The Grid Support The Demand For Electric Cars?

Lost in the Woods 101

The blog post Lost in the Woods 101 was originally published to

The possibility of getting lost in the wilderness while camping or hiking is one of the most common reasons people learn survival skills, even if they don't think of themselves as survivalists. And if you like to camp, hike, or hunt, wilderness survival skills are essential, even if the world as we know it doesn't end.

Lost in the Woods: What You Need to Know

How to Survive and Get Back to Safety

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So, what should you do if you get lost in the woods? Check out this video with Kenneth Kramm to learn the basics of how to survive and get back to safety if you get lost in the wilderness:

If you're outdoor alone, getting lost in the wilderness is the last thing you would want to happen to you. If this happens, knowing basic guides to get back to safety will definitely save your life. Always remember to not panic, stay focused, and keep in mind that being positive and determined will send you home safe and sound.

Have you ever been in the woods alone? Share your experience with us in the comments section below!

Up Next: How To Make Civil War Fire Cakes | Survival Food Tutorial

Check out 7 Cost-Effective Uses For Shipping Containers Survivalists Should Know at

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on June 23, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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See More Here: Lost in the Woods 101

Stockpile In A Small Space: 10 Overlooked Ways To Make It Happen

The article Stockpile In A Small Space: 10 Overlooked Ways To Make It Happen was originally seen on

Stockpile In A Small Space

Homesteaders and others in the preparedness community often dream about huge bunkers deep underground filled with a healthy stockpile of food, water and other essentials. It is all really nice in theory, but for many, living in an apartment or a small house eliminates the dream for that giant storage space.

But that doesn’t mean stockpiling food and water is completely out of the question. Even the folks who are not fortunate enough to have a lot of extra space or room in their humble abodes can still build up a nice stockpile. It may not look the same and it may not be quite as elaborate, but you can still build up at least 30 days’ worth of food and other necessities. The key is to get rid of clutter that is taking up valuable space you could be using for your stockpile. Have a yard sale and get ready to fill the space with valuable food and water.

Here Are 10 Ways To Stockpile In A Small Space

1. Look up

Every home has lots of space around the ceiling area that is empty space you could be using. Install shelving around the upper wall, 1 to 2 feet below ceiling height, depending on how high your ceilings are. These shelves can be filled with lots of food and essentials. It may not be wise to put heavy cans or bottles of water on the shelves above your head. You will want to store those items lower to the ground.

Be Prepared! Store An ‘Emergency Seed Bank’ For A Crisis Garden

2. Get low

Hiding water and canned food under the couch and your other furniture is an option. Furniture that is hollow in the center, like end tables or coffee tables, can be filled with supplies.

3. Use over-the-door hangers that are meant for shoes to stash first-aid supplies and dry goods

The hangers can be used in closets and on the back of bedroom doors.

Stockpile In A Small Space: 10 Overlooked Ways To Make It Happen

4. Pull the couch out about 4 to 5 inches from the wall

Stack canned food in that area. There is actually a rack you can purchase specifically for this reason or you can make your own. Place a piece of wood over the top to hide the rack. Add a couple of candlesticks or pictures to disguise your stockpile. You can easily fit 50 or more cans of food back there.

5. Stash items in the back of the linen closet

This tends to be a space that is either left empty or the linens are pushed back, leaving the front of the shelf empty. You can use a thin sheet of wood to create a false back to hide your stash.

6. Use totes designed to store clothes under the bed to hold food and water

You can also buy can holders that would normally go in a pantry, and slide those under the bed. You put in new cans on one side and pull out cans from the other to keep up with rotation.

This Cool-To-The-Touch Lantern Provides 100,000 Hours Of Emergency Backup Lighting

7. Explore the crawl space

Houses that have crawl spaces above the ceiling provide you with a nice place to stash first-aid supplies and things like toilet paper. It is not an ideal place for water or food, because it is likely to get very hot up there.

8. Create a false floor in your closets

Putting one to two layers of cans across the bottom of the closet floor and then covering with a blanket or a sheet of wood and dropping your shoes on top is one way to take advantage of the space. You could also use boxes or buckets filled with food to create the false floor.

9. Fill 5-gallon buckets with food and create makeshift furniture

You could make a couple of nice end tables in the living room or a nightstand in the bedroom. Place a round or square piece of wood on top of the bucket lid, drape with a nice cloth and treat it as you would a normal table.

10. Try a false floorboard

These are one of the oldest tricks in the book, but they work. Hardwood floors are great for using the space underneath to hide food. Make sure you tightly seal anything under the floor. This prevents pest infestations and mice.

Discover The Secret To Saving Thousands At The Grocery Store. Read More Here.

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Post Source Here: Stockpile In A Small Space: 10 Overlooked Ways To Make It Happen

Christmas Wreath: Red Truck Wreath

Christmas Wreath: Red Truck Wreath Find more on:

This beautiful rustic red truck wreath is made on a wired wreath frame using a 6″ wide burlap ribbon with sewn edges. It’s embellish with a beautiful Christmas bow handmade with different wired ribbons, a red truck with glittered frosted snow and artificial frosted Christmas evergreen. These are available in the link below…
24” High, 23” Wide, 9” Deep

Christmas Wreath: Red Truck Wreath

Find it HERE…

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Original Post Here: Christmas Wreath: Red Truck Wreath

Papa’s Famous Catfish Bait Recipe

Papa’s Famous Catfish Bait Recipe is republished from

Let me tell you a story of my Papa's catfish bait.

I recently visited my grandparents and had to help Papa clean out his tool shed.

While I was moving a toolbox around, I knocked over and broke a glass bottle and was quickly hit with an absolutely disgusting smell. I couldn’t pinpoint it but I knew it was vaguely familiar.

A few minutes later Papa came around to see how things were going and saw me gagging from the smell. He just laughed and said I see you found my “special blend” homemade catfish bait. That’s when the memory if the smell hit me.

When I was a kid, my family would take a week-long camping trip at the end of October, to Lake Sam Rayburn, deep in the Piney Woods National Forest of East Texas. Every morning, around 4:00 am, we would take the boat out and run all of our trotlines on the misty black water of the lake. I remembered the tendrils of mist that would curl around and into the boat and the faint rustling of animals at the water’s edge as they came for a morning drink.

Of all these things I remember the smell the most. My Grandpa would make his special blend of catfish “cheese” in January of each year and would let it sit and get “ripe” as he called it, until our camping trips. As a child, I would get as far to the back of the boat as possible but nothing would escape that smell. You would have that lingering odor on you for days on end. I could never believe it when we would pull up hundreds of pounds of catfish, a few alligator gar, the occasional snapping turtle, and even more rare, an actual alligator. Whatever it was that made it smell so rancid was the same thing that made it irresistible to the fish.

It wasn’t until years later that I finally got ahold of my papa’s recipe for both his cheese bait as well as his “blood ball bait”. These recipes and catfishing technique have served my family quite well over the last few decades. Now, I want to share them with you.

Papa’s “Special Blend” Catfish Bait

What you need:

  • Mason jar (Papa would use an old mayonnaise jar)
  • 1lb of cheese spread (preferably cheddar) the cheaper the better
  • 8 oz. of beef blood
  • 1 container of minced garlic
  • Sawdust
  • Sponge
  • Popsicle stick
  • An out-of-the-way place allow it to ripen

Here's How to Make It

Step 1. Warm the Cheese

Allow the cheese to warm up either about 20-40 seconds in the microwave or a few minutes in the sun.

Step 2. Mix Cheese with Blood and Garlic

Mix the cheese, blood, and garlic into the jar and stir until it’s evenly dispersed and there are no big chunks.

Step 3. Add Sawdust to the Paste

Take the paste you have just made and add some of the sawdust to thicken it. Add a small amount at a time to avoid any big clumps.

Step 4. Make it Tacky

You want to add enough sawdust to make it tacky, almost to the consistency of thick oatmeal.

*If you add too much your bait will dry out and crumble; too little and it will wash off before you can land a fish

Step 5. Seal the Jar

Once you have the right consistency, seal the cap on the jar set it in an out-of-the-way place (preferably one that gets a good amount of sunlight).

Step 6. Let it Sit for a Week

You will want to let it sit for a minimum of a week, but the longer the better. Some of Papa’s bait has sat for 3 years before using it.

Using the Bait:

When it’s time to grab your tackle box and the cheese bait, make sure that you don’t forget the popsicle stick and the sponge.

Once you get to your favorite catfishing hole it’s time to break out the cheese bait. (You may want to cover your nose with a handkerchief to avoid some of the smell)

Cut your sponge into long thin strips and then moisten them to make the sponge more pliable. Wrap the sponge around your hook (a treble hook works best) and make sure that the barbs on the hook catch the sponge so that it will stick to the hook under water.

Use the Popsicle stick to avoid getting the bait on your hands, smear it on the sponge until it is fully saturated.

You want to gently cast and allow the bait to get close to the bottom but not to where it drags as this will pull the bait off the hook.

If you don't feel any bites or catfish lure, pull the bait up about every hour or so and check the sponge, if it looks like most of the cheese has washed off of it, reapply and start over.

So much about my Papa's catfish bait. Check out Walmart's 5 best catfish baits by AnglersEscape:

If you follow the above recipe you should have no trouble pulling in plenty of catfish for a meal. This recipe has worked for my family for a long time and hopefully, it will work for you. There are a ton of other recipes available online using many different ingredients and I would love to know what you use and what works for you.

Do you think this catfish bait will work for you too? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section below!

Up Next: 15 Unconventional Venison Recipes To Try This Hunting Season

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in October 2012 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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Post Source Here: Papa’s Famous Catfish Bait Recipe

How to Make Rope from Trash Bags

How to Make Rope from Trash Bags Find more on: Total Survival

How to Make Rope from Trash Bags Follow Me on Pinterest

How to Make Rope from Trash Bags Follow Me on Pinterest I’ve long suggested that preppers store several extra boxes of trash bags and even put a few in their bug out bags. Why? Because they’re so useful. In addition to storing garbage, which will quickly pile up in an SHTF scenario, there are dozens of survival hacks involving trash bags.

One of those hacks is making rope. People have asked me how to do this, and it’s a little difficult to explain. You don’t just twist them up. You have to cut the bag into strips, twist up those strips, then coil two strips together in the opposite direction.

If you’re confused, you’re not alone. Fortunately, Tactical Intelligence made a video that demonstrates this method. Once you watch it, you’ll understand exactly how to make a rope from trash bags.

You can view it below.

This article first appeared on See it here

This Article Was Found Here: How to Make Rope from Trash Bags

Thursday 27 September 2018

How To Build an Underground Greenhouse

The article How To Build an Underground Greenhouse was first published on Total Survival

The underground greenhouse (or pit greenhouse) is mostly buried into the ground because the soil helps keep the temperature constant, somewhere around 16 degrees, when placed at one-meter-deep, even if outside the thermometer shows a temperature below freezing-point. How to build it?

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Originally Published Here: How To Build an Underground Greenhouse

Democrat Hypocrisy In The Kavanaugh Hearings

Democrat Hypocrisy In The Kavanaugh Hearings Find more on:

Democrat hypocrisy is on full display during the contentious Kavanaugh hearings.

The Senate hearings to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court will dominate the news today and for quite some time. We’re not hearing much about the hearings themselves, but mostly about allegations and accusations being made against Kavanaugh by Democrats. The constant stream of disruptions by Democrat operatives has made the Kavanaugh hearings looks like a repeat of the Clarence Thomas hearings.

Democrat Hypocrisy On Full Display At The Kavanaugh Hearings

It has been clear from the beginning that Democrats would do anything they could to block or at least delay the Kavanaugh nomination, hoping against hope they can take control of the Senate in November and put a stop to any future Trump nominations to the highest court in the land.
It also seems like the Democratic Party will stoop as low as they have to in order to accomplish their goals. Their goals are wrapped up in their ideology, which includes ignoring the Constitution, turning the United States into an idealist utopia, and making us the cornerstone in a one-world socialist government.
The delay tactics of the Democrats have gone through various phases, starting with a general objection about holding the hearings at all, claiming that the hearings should be held off until after November’s elections. Nevertheless, the current phase has been the most vicious. In an orchestrated hit against the Supreme Court nominee, there are now three women (perhaps even 4) who have come forth, claiming that the nominee abused them sexually.

Democrats Are Straining To Dig Up Any Dirt Possible On Kavanaugh

To do this, they have had to go back to Kavanaugh’s college years, as Kavanaugh is certainly no Bill Clinton. In itself, this is highly suspect, as anyone who has gone to college knows how famous college campuses and especially dorms, fraternities, and sororities are for parties. I have heard many a college student, speaking in a moment of candor, referring to their dorms as a “sex hotel.”
We may never know if Kavanaugh was involved with anyone sexually in his college years. However, operatives and accusors make the allegations go much farther than accusing him of possibly inappropriate sexual behavior. Instead, the accusations reach much deeper into the category of abuse. The most recent supposed witness has stated that he and his buddies were organizing rape parties where young women were drugged or bound and raped by a line of young men who waited their turn at the victims.
There are many things which make this story suspect, just as with the other two supposed victims. More than anything, the aforementioned witness claims she was at 10 parties in one year where Kavanaugh and his buddies raped women in this manner. But think about this…if she was so concerned about what was happening, why did she keep going back to those parties? Was she 10 for 10? It doesn’t add up.

The Double Standard Of Democratic Political Justice

Please understand, I believe every rape victim deserves justice. Yet, I am well aware that there are many accusations of rape which do not have any basis in fact. The reality of our legal system allows women to change their minds after the fact, thereby turning what was consensual sex into a charge of rape.
But Democrats aren’t even saying that these women deserve their day in court or that they have a right to be heard. Instead, there are a number of them who are saying that any woman who claims rape should be believed without question, which is a horse of an entirely different color. This is little more than an attempt to subvert the legal system, ignoring the principle of the accused being innocent until proven guilty and replacing it with presumed guilt. It’s based on nothing more than an accusation and hearsay… in this case from quite a while ago.
And, as you might expect, these tactics and this legal standard only apply to conservatives and Republicans, not to Democrats. Were the Democrats truly as righteous as they pretend to be, they would see quite a few fingers pointing back at their own members. Nonetheless, they and their media cohorts are experts at turning a blind eye to their own sins while being quick to invent the sins of their political opponents.

Smoke, Mirrors, And Stall Tactics

This whole debacle has been clearly along those lines, starting with Kavanaugh’s first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. Among the many unreasonable demands that Ford is making is the demand that Kavanaugh testify first before she does. Once again, this political maneuvering by the Democrats is aimed at subverting our judicial standards. Allowing for such a thing would violate the principle that one has the right to defend themselves from their accusers. How does one defend themselves from an accusation that has not yet been made clear? But that’s not all that Ford is demanding. Perhaps the one thing that points out most clearly that this is nothing more than a stall tactic is that she is demanding that the FBI perform a full background investigation on Kavanaugh. This process would allegedly determine if they base her accusations in fact.
No matter how it turns out, there is no way that an FBI full background check can be accomplished before the November elections, which accomplishes the Democrats’ goal. But even without that, there are several things wrong with their request. Most notably, the FBI is not charged with providing character references. Such an investigation would be entirely beyond the scope of anything they do. Anyone who knows how the FBI operates knows that.

Straight From The Horse’s Mouth

Kavanaugh has already had several full background investigations performed on him as part of his promotion to different positions on the judicial bench. So, if there was any basis in fact to these allegations, why didn’t they surface until now? For that matter, why did these three women wait 30 years to accuse him? That alone smells of politics, even while ignoring the multiple holes in each of these women’s stories.
Indeed, the Democrats are hypocrites about this whole thing, and unsurprisingly so. They are now explicitly showing how hypocritical they can be. In a video of former Vice President Joe Biden during his years in the Senate, we see one of Senator Biden’s great moments. He lectures Senate members and spectators in the Caucus Room about the value of FBI reports. He says: “The next person who refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn’t understand anything. FBI explicitly does not in this or any other case reach a conclusion. Period.”

There you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth. Why should Senate Democrats want the FBI to investigate these allegations against Kavanaugh when their report would be inconclusive? This is clearly politics at its worst and not anything that even faintly resembles seeking justice for sexual victims.

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See Full Article Here: Democrat Hypocrisy In The Kavanaugh Hearings

A Swedish shelter with green steps that lead to a rooftop terrace

A Swedish shelter with green steps that lead to a rooftop terrace is courtesy of Total Survival

This new tiny home is designed by Swedish Belatchew Arkitekter for outdoors brand JABO. Called Steps, this wooden, prefab shelter features planted steps leading onto a fantastic roof terrace where you can enjoy the great outdoors.

According to Belatchew Arkitekter’s CEO Rahel Belatchew Lerdell, Steps ‘is a small house with large spaces.’ Designed entirely from high-quality Siberian larch, this home was designed to make the most out of the great outdoors. It consists of a single white-painted room inside, with a planted staircase on the outside that leads to a roof terrace where inhabitants can enjoy the sun, breeze and views.

Photos by Belatchew Arkitekter

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Original Post Here: A Swedish shelter with green steps that lead to a rooftop terrace

Farmers Lose Right To Repair Own Tractors

The blog post Farmers Lose Right To Repair Own Tractors is courtesy of

It is important to realize that the loss of farmers’ right to repair increases the stranglehold big business has on the food supply.

Americans are losing the right to repair their own vehicles, gadgets, and appliances. Big business is explicitly waging a war on self-sufficiency with restrictive contracts.

For instance, John Deere is requiring farmers to sign agreements not to touch the software on their equipment. Under those circumstances, farmers have to go to dealers for all repairs and upgrades to electronics, Wired reports.

Golden State farmers lost their right to repair John Deere equipment because of an agreement signed by the California Farm Bureau. Motherboard describes the agreement as “selling out farmers” and “enshrining John Deere’s tractor monopoly.”

Farm Bureau Sells Out Farmers’ Right To Repair

Consequently, John Deere could sue or prosecute farmers for working on their own equipment. Farmers could face legal action for violating agreements that prevent them from working with software.

Conversely, the Equipment Dealers Association claims it is “protecting” farmers’ right to repair with the agreement. For example, the association will make technical manuals, product guides, and diagnostic tools available to farmers.

The Association is fighting the proposed right to repair legislation in state legislatures, Motherboard reports. In particular, the association opposes the proposed Electronics Right to Repair Act. Correspondingly, John Deere is a member of the Equipment Dealers Association.

How The Farm Bureau Sold California Farmers’ Right To Repair

The California Farm Bureau apparently dropped its support for that legislation with the agreement.

“This is a bad deal for farmers, who are now almost certainly screwed in California,” Jason Koebler wrote in Motherboard. Koebler thinks the California Right to Repair Act will not cover farm equipment because of the agreement.

“When it is up to the manufacturer to decide what information to share and what to withhold, you haven’t addressed the problem,” Gay Gordon-Byrne, Executive Director of the Repair Association, observes. For instance, Byrne believes farmers will not get updates or patches to software under the agreement.

Specifically, farmers will need updates and patches to software to keep computerized machines running. Furthermore, farmers cannot install cheaper or better nonproprietary software on John Deere equipment. Nonproprietary software simply means that it comes from other companies.

Your Right To Repair Your Property Is Under Threat

Big business threatens everybody’s right to repair, iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens believes. In particular, Wiens thinks farmers will be the first but not the last group to lose the right to repair.

Big business is trying to take your right to repair away by making it illegal to modify software without permission, Wiens charges in Wired. Notably, Wiens writes, “modifying software is a routine part of modern repair.”

Banning software modifications will force people to buy new products they do not need. For example, it could force a farmer to buy an expensive new tractor or combine because of outdated software.

Therefore, the farmer will scrap or sell a perfectly good machine. Moreover, the farmer could be forced deeper into debt by taking out loans to buy the new machine.

Farmers’ Loss Of Right To Repair Threatens Food Freedom

It is important to realize that the loss of farmers’ right to repair increases the stranglehold big business has on the food supply.

Ultimately, farmers that cannot repair their own tractors lose their freedom to decide what crops to grow. In the long run, losing the right to repair will convince many independent farmers to quit.

As a result, Big Agriculture’s food monopoly will grow and average people will have fewer choices at the grocery store. Under those circumstances, the only way for people to escape Big Agriculture is to grow their own food.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Industrial Agriculture Threatens America’s Food Supply

What are your thoughts on farmers’ right to repair their own tractors? Let us know in the comments below.

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Original Post Here: Farmers Lose Right To Repair Own Tractors

Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

The blog post Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots was originally seen on

Terra cotta pots concentrate heat using the convection method. Although you can't warm a whole house with it, this method can definitely help keep you warm and make a cold night much more bearable. When you have several of these going at the same time, that can help keep the room at a comfortable temperature. You can purchase one of these from and see just how they work. Or if you're on a tight budget, you can DIY it at a lesser cost.

Radiate the Heat in Your Room with Terra Cotta Pots

Materials Needed:

  • Three small unglazed terra cotta clay pots that range from large to small, i.e. ( 6”, 4”, 2”)
  • Saucer Plate
  • 6-inch carriage steel bolt
  • Washers in varying sizes that fit in the bottom of the pots
  • Several nuts to act as spacers between each pot
  • Metal stand to hold the radiator ( oil burners work quite well )
  • Electric drill
  • Mason bit ( same size or slightly larger than the bolt )


Step 1. Drill Center Hole

Drill a hole in the center of the bottom part of each pot (be careful as too much pressure will shatter them).

Step 2. Insert Bolt in Largest Pot

Insert Bolt in Largest Pot | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Place the bolt through the hole in the largest pot with the head of the bolt on the outside.

Step 3. Washer on Bolt

Washer on Bolt | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Turn the pot upside down and slide a washer over the bolt.

Step 4. Medium Pot Inside

Medium Pot Inside | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Place the medium pot inside the large pot.

Step 5. Secure Medium Pot

Secure Medium Pot | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Slide a washer inside the medium pot.

Step 6. Secure the Nuts

Secure the Nuts | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Thread two nuts onto the bolt followed by another washer.

Step 7. Place Final Pot

Place Final Pot | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Place the final pot on the bolt. This center pot sticks a little further out so that the heat will radiate to the other clays and out.

Step 8. Place Saucer

Place Saucer | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Finish with one last washer and nut, and then secure a saucer on top.

Step 9. Furnace Cement for Saucer Plate

Furnace Cement for Saucer Plate | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Since the carriage bolt kinda sticks out from the top, a permanent fix with a furnace cement can fix it, before sealing the top with a saucer. Just take a bit of the furnace cement and apply it on top of the pot. You may add a bit of water to thin it out.

Step 10. Let Dry

Let Dry | Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Once you've applied an even amount of the cement for a permanent adherence on to the top of the pot, place the saucer on the top for the final step and let dry.

Now simply set it on your stand and place a candle under it.

Keep in mind that 4.25oz standard glass jar candles work the best and never use a pillar candle as it will melt and cause a huge mess.

Check out this video by markthomasbuilder on making the terra cotta pot warmer:

When cold weather calls for warmth and heat, all you can think about is to snuggle close with loved ones in a warmly lit and cozy room. And what better way to accomplish that than with the use of this terra cotta pot candle heater. Be amazed at how a couple of pots, a candle, and some washers and nuts, when assembled all together as a space heater, can conveniently heat up closed quarters. It will definitely warm you up and your loved ones in no time!

What do you think about this terra cotta pot warming project? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Up Next: Important Self Sufficiency Skills To Learn

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in December 2015 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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Originally Published Here: Warm a Room with Only a Candle and a Few Terra Cotta Pots

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Bring Dead Ni-Cad Batteries Back to Life | Prepper Skills

The following article Bring Dead Ni-Cad Batteries Back to Life | Prepper Skills Read more on:

You might have been wondering how to bring dead Ni-Cad batteries back to life since your favorite appliance simply died out. Recharging it has absolutely no effect. Now your power tool is not working and you cannot continue with your project. The cordless phone that used to be there whenever you needed to call someone. The razor just won't turn on no matter how long you leave it on the charging dock. Your kid's remote control car is set aside, leaving you wondering whether it is still worth keeping in the room.

How to Bring Dead Ni-Cad Batteries Back to Life

Ways to Restore Ni-Cad Batteries

It is a common reaction to throw away the electronic device or the battery pack. But don't give up on that gadget just yet. Every prepper and survivalist knows very well that there is always a workaround for almost anything that is broken and there is no need to run to the hardware store and spend hard-earned money to get a replacement. Resourcefulness and improvisation are essential survival skills because when SHTF, we will have no one and nothing else to rely on but ourselves.

Now there are many ways to restore Ni-Cad batteries and we have put them all together in one place. Once again, you will need to conjure up your handyman skills, but these methods don't really take rocket science to succeed. The following are some of the articles and videos that show how it can be done. Notice the differences and similarities of their restoration techniques.

Note: Before we go any further, please remember we are talking about Ni-Cad or nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries here. These methods cannot be applied to NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) or Lithium batteries, otherwise, they will explode. You have been warned. This is especially important for those who are new to prepping and survivalism.


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1. Revive Ni-Cad Batteries with a Welding Machine

One of the most popular methods suggested by some DIYers is by zapping the battery with an arc welder. While it may be true that this method is effective, most people would be afraid of using a machine with such a high voltage output. The risk of electric shock is very high with a welding machine, despite the fact that adjustments can be made to make the output lower and safer.

Another danger is the possibility of the battery exploding as the inexperienced folks might zap the battery for too long. In addition, welding machines are known to draw a lot of power, which makes them the least economical option to bring dead Ni-Cad batteries back to life. And worst of all, arc welders are expensive equipment. See more.

2. Restore Your Nickel Cadmium Batteries with a Motorcycle Battery Charger

The nudging process is essentially similar to the use of the arc welder. Compared to using a welding machine which can be large, heavy, expensive, risky, and eat up a lot of power, a motorcycle battery tender is smaller, lighter, cheaper, more economical, and far safer to use.

3. Use Your Healthy Ni-Cad Batteries in Series to Zap the Old Ones to Life

In case you don't have a battery tender or welding machine, you can use any extra nickel-based battery you may have. You will need two batteries connected in series so that the voltage will be enough to zap the cells.

4. Build Your Own Battery Reconditioning Machine

Just like the other methods mentioned here, this homemade contraption is designed to give a much-needed jolt to your Ni-Cad battery. Building the machine is fairly straightforward and the materials are quite cheap. The great thing about it is that you will have a device purpose-built to resurrect old Ni-Cad packs. Consider it a valuable addition to your home prepper/self-sufficiency kit. Since you're building an electronic device, take all the safety precautions in order to avoid electrical shock. To learn how to build it, click here.

Here's another video by masczone that will show you how to revive your old Ni-Cad batteries:

Now you don't have to dispose of nickel-cadmium batteries and battery packs right away. There is no need to buy new ones, either. Just choose any of the methods we have mentioned, whichever suits you best. Restoring dead Ni-Cad batteries is another survival skill that you have just learned.

Do you have another idea on how to bring Ni-Cad batteries back to life? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

Up Next: Emergency Lighting | Flashlight Power

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 28, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.


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Originally Published Here: Bring Dead Ni-Cad Batteries Back to Life | Prepper Skills

4 Essential Tips For Beginning Big Game Hunting

The post 4 Essential Tips For Beginning Big Game Hunting was first seen on

Tips For Beginning Big Game Hunting

If you’ve never tried big game hunting, and are considering getting into the sport, there are some basic principles of hunting that you may or may not be aware of. Hunting is an exciting and challenging pastime, one that not every prospective hunter will master. To some novices, hunting represents too much of a challenge, and frustration ensues when a catch isn’t made after even multiple attempts. Here are some tips to make your big game hunting trips more productive:

1. Hunt only one type of animal at first

Laser-like focus is the key to your early success as a hunter. If you’ve got several big game opportunities in your area, such as bear, mule deer and pigs, then pick one species to try first, and one species only. Novices will often make the mistake of picking a rifle and cartridge for, say mule deer, then packing other rifles or gear “in case” they see something else. While experienced hunters can often switch gears during a hunt by pursuing a species that serendipitously crosses their paths, new hunters need to focus on the species they are after. This means:

  • Learning everything about the species they are seeking, including feeding habits, mating habits, the appearance of their scat, and what their natural environment is like.
  • Learn where the species is most likely to be found.
  • Learn what the natural predators of the species are.

Basically, if you have decided to go deer hunting, then go deer hunting rather than trying to bag a few ducks that you find along the way or follow that bear scat you found on the game trail.

2. Stick to a small area at first

Most novice hunters make the mistake of trying to cover too much ground in search of whatever they are hunting, and as such, they neglect the toll that all of this travel takes on their bodies. While it’s true that some species like bear are relatively few in number per square mile and require a hunter to cover a large area just to find one, the beginning hunter should hone his or her skills on game that is abundant and geographically constrained in space.

Hiking for miles while carrying a rifle and gear is hard work; work that most people aren’t used to, which leads to injuries, dehydration and disorientation. Consider stationary hunts for your first big game experiences; for example, consider setting up a tree stand over a game trail and waiting for deer to pass instead of actively stalking them. You’ll learn noise discipline, and also learn what sort of game passes over that trail so you can tailor your future hunts.

3. Consider trying a game reservation hunt as your first big game hunting experience

Game reservations and private hunting grounds have one key advantage to hunting in the wild; you are certain to find game. Taking the certainty of game out of the equation and using a guide, you can gain some valuable experience on engaging an animal target in a more or less controlled environment. Look for an outfit that has good guides, and above all, a sportsmanlike environment. It does you no good to shoot an animal in a pen, and you won’t learn a thing by doing it; having said that, if you can head out from base camp and go a mile, sighting your first animal within an hour of starting, you’re further ahead than spending all day outdoors and not seeing a thing.

4. Brush up on the basic principles of hunting

The basic principles of big game hunting relate to the behavior of the animal in its natural environment. This means that animals in general need water to drink, and thus they have watering holes they typically use. Because the watering holes are used by more than one species (potentially predators), the animals won’t usually eat or bed down by the watering holes. Instead, the animals will eat somewhere safe, and bed down somewhere away from too much activity.

Going from the watering hole to the food, and then to the bed down location, animals will create game trails – clearings in the bush that they follow, much like our freeways. Also keep in mind when animals are active; some animals are nocturnal, some operate during the day, and others are diurnal, which means they cover both day and night. As the name implies, hunting is the art of finding the animals, then engaging them. You can’t find them if you don’t know where to look!

Finally, brush up on your shooting positions, and teach yourself to shoot from positions other than standing, and while hidden behind cover. Practice stalking as silently as possible through brush, and also stay well aware of the direction of the wind in relation to where you are, realizing that most animals will smell you and flee well before you can see them. Keeping the basics of hunting in mind and honing these skills will make you a far more successful hunter.

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check out the full article Here: 4 Essential Tips For Beginning Big Game Hunting

17 Things People Will Wish They Have After The SHTF

17 Things People Will Wish They Have After The SHTF was originally published on

17 Things People Will Wish They Have After The SHTF Follow Me on Pinterest

17 Things People Will Wish They Have After The SHTF Follow Me on Pinterest This post is a little different from my usual posts. If you’re already a prepper, I don’t expect this article to teach you anything new. Rather, I expect it to serve as a reminder of why we prep. I also hope that it can serve as a warning to those who don’t prep.

For example, you might think it’s unlikely that your home will ever be damaged or destroyed, but you still buy homeowners insurance just in case. It’s the same with prepping. Maybe doomsday will never arrive, but you never know. (And besides, doomsday is just one of many reasons to prep.)

And it’s not like we’re preparing for something that has never happened before. Millions of people die in disasters every year, economies collapse all the time, and terrorism is an ever-present threat. Sure, you might luck out where you live and never face a serious disaster. But then again, you might not.

Unfortunately, most people in the Western World are unfamiliar with history and current events, so they have no idea how common disasters really are. They assume they will always have access to modern luxuries: electricity, air conditioning, fresh water, affordable food, and so forth. Consequently, humans are more helpless than ever before. It’s gotten so bad that there are even teenagers who don’t know how to use can openers.

But they won’t find out how helpless they are until the SHTF. When that happens, people with no survival skills or emergency supplies won’t last long. They’ll quickly realize that a few basic survival items can mean the difference between life and death.

Here are 17 things people will wish they have and why (in alphabetical order).

1. Barter Items

Hyperinflation is the main reason people stock up on barter items, but there are several other scenarios where they could become necessary. Most people don’t carry much cash anymore, so if the power is out or the Internet is down, they’ll have no way to purchase anything. That’s where barter comes in.

You probably won’t be able to barter at the grocery store, but you could at least barter with your neighbors. If you are desperate for food but you don’t have any barter items, they might take pity and help you anyway. Then again, they might point their guns at you. It’s definitely better if you have something to trade.

More Info: 200 Items You Can Barter After The Collapse

2. Bug Out Bags

For most people, everything they own in the world is in one place: their home. But what if your home is destroyed? Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, house fires–all these things are guaranteed to happen again somewhere. What if your neighborhood is next?

Or what if there’s a pandemic, nuclear fallout, or an invading army on its way and you have to bug out quickly?

These are just a few reasons why you need a bug out bag. Even the most experienced survivalists would be pretty miserable trying to bug out without any supplies.

More Info: Top 100 Bug Out Bag Items

3. Cooking Gear

Imagine your stomach is growling as you stare at a pile of food you can’t eat because it has to be cooked. Although many modern foods can be eaten out of the box or can, foods like pasta, rice, and some frozen foods are inedible if they’re uncooked.

If the power goes out, it will only be a matter of time before the all the frozen meat thaws out and starts to rot. When that happens, you’ll be wishing you had a way to cook without power.

More Info: The Ultimate Guide to Cooking Without Power

4. Fire

In this day and age, most people never truly experience the cold. They just wrap themselves in a blanket and turn up the heater. But without power, you’ll need to build a fire if you want to stay warm.

This is more important than you might think. Every year thousands of people die from hypothermia, and that’s during good times! Also, don’t forget that many foods need to be heated up before you can eat them.

Speaking of fire, don’t forget fire extinguishers. After a long-term power outage, some of the people who’ve never cooked over a fire or used lots of candles are going to accidentally set their homes ablaze. And with no fire department to stop it, the fire will spread from home to home. Entire neighborhoods might burn down. If you don’t have a fire extinguisher, you may have to evacuate your home.

More Info: 15 Weirdest Ways to Start a Fire

5. First Aid Kits

Most people have no idea how fragile their bodies actually are. Millions of us would be dead right now if it weren’t for basic first aid supplies to keep wounds clean and prevent infections. And keep in mind that during disasters, injuries tend to skyrocket because of all the people climbing, doing manual labor, messing around with fire, and consuming contaminated food and water. If hospitals are overrun, people will have to help themselves with a first aid kit.

In addition, you should also have some extra medications and antibiotics. I, myself, would probably be dead right now if it weren’t for antibiotics.

More Info: How to Build an Emergency First Aid Kit From Scratch

6. Food

When’s the last time you were truly hungry? I don’t mean you skipped breakfast and now your stomach is growling hungry. I’m talking about the kind of hunger where your arms and legs are shaking with weakness, your stomach is in knots, and all you can think about is food no matter how hard you try to concentrate.

Most people have never actually been this hungry, but they will be if the SHTF. Grocery stores only have about three days of food on hand, a week at most, so you need to keep plenty of survival food on hand.

More Info: The Beginner’s Guide to Emergency Food Storage

7. Fuel

Gasoline is something we all tend to take for granted. We use it almost every day but rarely think about it (unless the price goes up a little), much less where it comes from. After the SHTF, gasoline will disappear very quickly. Just look at what happens to coastal cities when a hurricane is on the way.

Not only do you need gasoline for your bug out vehicle, you need it for your power generator.

But that is just one type of fuel. You’ll also want to stockpile firewood, propane, isopropyl alcohol, or any other type of fuel you might need to cook food and keep warm.

More Info: 15 Fuel Storage Safety Tips

8. Gardening Supplies

Gardening supplies are essential if during a long-term disaster scenario. For example, if the economy collapses like it recently did in Venezuela, you could have a situation where food shipments are few and far between, or quality food is simply too expensive. People who can grow their own food won’t be nearly as hungry.

In addition to supplies like rakes, spades, hoes, you’ll also want to get plenty of buckets so you can grow food indoors and keep fresh fruits and veggies on the table year round.

You should get some greenhouse supplies as well. A hoop house covered in plastic can significantly extend the growing season. There are countless DIY greenhouse plans out there. Most of them just take a little PVC and plastic sheeting, and they’re not that hard to assemble.

Heirloom seeds are another essential item. They need to be non-hybrid and open-pollinated. Why? Because if they aren’t, they don’t produce as much food or as many seeds, and they usually don’t taste as good (most seeds you buy in stores are hybrids). I recommend these survival garden heirloom seeds.

More Info: Urban Survival Gardening – A Guide for Beginners

9. Lights & Batteries

Imagine looking out the window at night and seeing only darkness. Even worse, imagine a pitch black home where you can’t find anything you need and can barely see the faces of your loved ones. Not only would that be unsettling, it could also make you an easy target for burglars. Don’t let that happen, especially when there are so many ways to light your home when the power goes out.

Also, don’t forget batteries. You will need them not only for your flashlights but for any other electronic devices you might need such as radios or medical equipment.

More Info: 11 Ways To Light Your Home After The Power Goes Out

10. Radios

Having no information of any kind from the outside world can be almost as frightening as not having lights. We are so used to having news delivered right to our phones, we forget how frustrating it is to be in the middle of a long power outage and have no idea what’s going on out there.

It’s even worse if we have no way to communicate with our loved ones. If there are people you care about in an area that’s been hit by an earthquake or hurricane, you will be overcome with worry until you’re able to get in touch with them. Don’t let that happen.

More Info: 3 Ways To Communicate Through The Apocalypse

11. Sanitary Supplies

Not only do you need to keep wounds clean, you need to keep your whole body clean. When the garbage trucks stop coming, trash will pile up in people’s yards which will attract bugs, rodents, and disease. And when the water stops flowing, people won’t be able to properly clean up after meals or bathe themselves.

Those who don’t know what to do with waste will keep using their toilets and stink up their houses. Eventually, once-clean neighborhoods will be as filthy as the streets of a third world country. In this environment, many people will get sick and die from infections and deadly diseases that could have easily been prevented with proper hygiene.

More Info: 27 Hygiene Products You’ll Need After The SHTF

12. Survival Books

Without the Internet, people will have a hard time figuring out how to do basic things. They’ll wish they’d bought some of those survival books they’ve seen online or at the bookstore.

I know some people who argue that a true prepper should commit survival knowledge to memory and practice survival skills on a regular basis so they don’t have to refer to books. I completely agree, but no one can learn everything. Even the most experienced preppers can keep learning new things.

And besides, what if you just started learning about survival a few months ago and the collapse happens tomorrow? Or what if after the collapse, you have friends and family with so many questions you don’t have time to answer them all? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could refer them to your survival library?

More Info: 100 Best Survival Books of All Time

13. Sewing Supplies

In a long-term disaster, it’s possible there won’t be any clothes left in the stores. More likely, however, is you simply won’t be able to afford them. This is what happens during economic depressions–many people live hand to mouth and can’t even gather enough money for new socks.

But back in the day, people didn’t throw away a sock just because it had a hole in it. They would actually repair their socks (it was called darning). They would probably scoff at the idea of throwing away a perfectly good sock with one little hole. After all, they’re not very difficult to repair.

If there’s another great depression, people will have to learn how to start sewing again so they can repair their torn clothes and even make new clothes out of sheets, curtains, and any other fabric they can find. And to do that, they will need sewing supplies.

14. Shelter

This is more of a skill than a thing, but it’s a very important skill. If you have to bug out and you find yourself in the wilderness, one of your top priorities is to build a good shelter. That last thing you want to do is curl up under a tree while the cold air nips at your face and dampness from the ground seeps into your clothes. Do that, and you risk getting hypothermia.

Hopefully, you have a tarp and some paracord in your bug out bag, but it’s possible to build a shelter from scratch.

15. Tools & Home Repair Supplies

After a disaster such as a hurricane or an earthquake, you will probably need tools to repair things around your home. Hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, shovels, saws, and so forth. Even if your home doesn’t get damaged, you still may want to lend tools to your neighbors, or you may want to board up windows to stop potential intruders, or you may simply need an ax for chopping firewood. You never know.

Tools are no good without home repair supplies. Don’t forget to stockpile nails, screws, lumber, plywood, caulking, wire ties, duct tape, plastic sheeting, etc.

More Info: 11 Powerless Tools You’ll Need After The SHTF

16. Water

You will be shocked by how quickly thirst sets in once there’s nothing to drink. If the power is out for too long, the tap water will stop flowing. And unless you’re able to collect rainwater, you’ll die of thirst in just a few days.

Even if the water is still flowing, you could be facing a disaster where the water is contaminated. The last thing you want to do is drink water that makes you and your family sick, especially if the hospitals are overrun. So make sure you stock up on water and have at least two ways to purify water.

More Info: 8 Fastest Ways to Purify Water

17. Weapons

Every time there’s a riot or a widespread disaster, some people take advantage of the situation and start looting. If the event lasts a long time and the authorities are unable to restore order, you can bet the looters will move from the commercial areas to the residential areas. Especially if they’re starving.

This is why you need to have a good weapon for self-defense, preferably a firearm. Don’t stand there helplessly as criminals kick in your door, attack your family, and steal the things you need to survive. If possible, prevent this from happening in the first place by putting some good home security measures in place.

More Info: 5 Best Guns for Home Defense

As I said in the intro, I don’t expect preppers to learn a whole lot from this article. But every now and then we need reminders like this to keep us motivated. And if you’re not a prepper, then hopefully this article will give you the push you need to get started. Here are a couple of articles you should read:

Want to prep but not sure where to begin? Download your FREE One Year Urban Survival Plan!

This article first appeared on See it here

Originally Published Here: 17 Things People Will Wish They Have After The SHTF