Friday 30 November 2018

Did The Pilgrims Really Come To America To Worship As They Pleased?

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“The conscious or unconscious relationship to God in

a man’s heart determines both man’s cultus and his culture.”

—Henry Van Til

What’s a Pilgrim?


The Pilgrim Fathers, like Thanksgiving itself, are quickly slipping down the collective memory hole of American materialism and self-indulgence. We no longer care that such a people lived, nor do we have any real conception of why they came to North America. Those who know something of the Pilgrims may speak vaguely of liberty or religious freedom. Many adult and children’s books say the Pilgrims came here “to worship God the way they pleased.” But this is a very big error — and a very serious one.

True Worship

The Second Commandment forbids us to recreate God after our imagination (Ex. 20:4-6). So that means … it also forbids us to imagine what might be pleasing to God. God represents Himself truly in His written Word. This written revelation tells us clearly and accurately how we ought to think about God and how we ought to worship Him. Real faith lies in submission to God’s Word … in worshipping and living in obedience to what God has said. All other sorts of worship are what Scripture calls “self-made religion” (Col. 2:23) and “the way of Cain” (Jude 11; cf. Gen. 4).

Now, the Pilgrims understood all of this. They had no desire to worship God as they pleased or as any other man … pope, prelate or king … pleased. They wanted to worship God according to His own self-revelation in Scripture. Their hearts were captive to the Word of God. They searched and studied the Bible to see what God had actually said about the matter, and they rejected all that seemed to them to be merely human tradition.

The Pilgrim’s flight to the New World was powered by this mindset. They fled an Old World of religious oppression and sought out a New World where they could obey Scripture in all matters of worship and life. And, yes, they hoped to be a steppingstone for other evangelical Christians who might follow. And yes, they hoped to play a role in evangelizing the native inhabitants of North America. But the one thing they didn’t want was to lay the foundations of a nation where everyone could worship God however he might please.

The Mayflower Compact

The Pilgrims themselves set out in writing their purposes in coming to North America. They drafted and signed a covenant document that created a civil commonwealth. That document is called The Mayflower Compact.

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.



Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.

In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.

The Pilgrim Fathers spoke plainly of the “glory of God” and the “advancements of the Christian faith.” Any laws, ordinances, acts or constitutions they or their descendants might later enact or create were to be for the furtherance of these ends. In short, the Pilgrims saw their colony as an outpost of the Kingdom of God and the Church of Jesus Christ. The liberty they sought and established was the freedom to obey God in all things, beginning with worship. It wasn’t a liberty for idolatry and “will worship” (Col. 2:23).

Freedom from Religion?

Today, America is schizophrenic on the matter of worship. We say that every man ought to be free to worship as he pleases. Most Americans believe that no one, (not even God), should offer a word of rebuke or correction in such matters. On the other hand, we insist that no one ought to carry his beliefs about worship out of his prayer closet or church into the public square. After all, liberty has its limits. Freedom of worship must remain a strictly private affair lest we offend someone or their pets.

Islam is the odd exception to this paradigm. Muslims, we are told, have the right to carry their worship into the public square, into schools, and even into the legal system. We are also told their religion is kind and peaceful and that it would be unloving, impolite and impolitic to say otherwise. Christians, especially those who stand in the tradition of the Pilgrims, are allowed no such “freedom.” Schizophrenia dial set at 11.

The Nature of Worship

Worship belongs at the center of human life because it’s here that humans meet their Maker. Christian worship is a matter of the heart, not of mere externals. But for this very reason, then … worship becomes the inevitably fountain of all law, social interaction and culture. For out of the heart are the issues of life; as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Prov. 4:23; 23:7). Culture is our collective worship of God … externalized.

Godly worship promotes justice, mercy, love and peace within a society. Ungodly worship promotes hatred, bitterness, violence and war. The choice here seems easy enough. And yet true worship isn’t something that arises naturally in the human heart, nor is it something that one person can force on another. True worship, godly worship, can only arise from a heart renewed by the Holy Spirit through the Gospel. God seeks true worshipers through evangelism, the preaching of the Kingdom of God, and not through swords, guns or setting your city on fire.

But those freed by the Gospel will fight to maintain their freedom to worship God as His Word commands. They will lawfully and peacefully oppose those who try to destroy that freedom. They will speak the Gospel boldly, even if it leads to chains, torture, and death. That’s what the Pilgrims did.

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How To Make Sawdust Firestarters

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How To Make Sawdust Firestarters Follow Me on Pinterest

How To Make Sawdust Firestarters Follow Me on Pinterest Whether you’re going camping or surviving in the wilderness, having some firestarters will make your life so much easier. Imagine it’s damp and a bit windy outside. Even if you find some tinder, you’ll have a hard time getting it to burn, much less keeping it burning long enough to ignite your kindling.

But if you have some highly flammable firestarters with you, getting a good fire going will be a piece of cake. There are many types of firestarters, but sawdust firestarters are particularly effective. And in this video, Tactical Intelligence explains how to make them.

Here’s what you need:

  • Ice cube trays
  • Wax (paraffin is good, but you can use another type)
  • Sawdust
  • A pot for melting the wax

Here’s what to do:

  1. Melt the wax in the pot.
  2. Fill the ice cube trays with sawdust.
  3. Pour the melted wax into the trays with the sawdust.
  4. Put the tray into the freezer for about 15 minutes.
  5. Get them out and they’re ready to go.

These firestarters work really well. As you’ll see, they will burn even if it’s a bit windy and sprinkling outside. Watch the video below to learn more.

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Thursday 29 November 2018

No More Cold Feet in Bed – My Favorite Winter Foot Warmers

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When the thermometer drops into the single digits and we keep the house temps on the chilly side to help save energy, I'm sometimes stuck with cold feet in bed. I don't know about you, but if my feet are cold, I have an awfully hard time falling asleep. If my husband comes to bed […]

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Herbicide Use Is Changing Your Food Completely

Herbicide Use Is Changing Your Food Completely was first published to

Overall, the amount of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food is increasing steadily because of herbicide use and desiccation.

Herbicide use is changing both the food on your plate and the agriculture industry beyond recognition. Notably, Nautilus writer Miranda Hart calls one herbicide use “the biggest farming practice you’ve never heard of.”

Farmers are no longer drying crops out naturally at the end of the season, Hart reveals. Instead, farmers are killing all the plants in the fields with herbicide in a process called desiccation.

Farmers are desiccating through herbicide use because it makes the fields easier to clear for planting. However, desiccation is altering crops because it kills every plant in the fields.

The Biggest Farming Practice You’ve Never Heard Of

“Desiccation may be the most widespread farming practice you’ve never heard of,” Hart writes.

In addition, “chances are that most of what you ate today was harvested using a desiccant (herbicide), but you’d never know,” Hart observes.

Therefore, herbicide use is completely changing both crops and farming. In fact, farmers are planting more genetically engineered seeds because of desiccation.

Herbicide Use Is Increasing The Amount Of GMOs In Our Food

Significantly, seed companies introduced five new varieties of “shatter-resistant” canola seeds in Canada in 2017, Hart declares. To clarify, canola or rapeseed is the plant from which they make Canola oil. In particular, rapeseed is one of Canada’s biggest crops.

Overall, the amount of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food is increasing steadily because of herbicide use and desiccation. As a result, any food made with or cooked in canola oil probably contains these GMOs.

For example, one reason that farmers desiccate through herbicide use is to eliminate all the non-GMO plants from their fields. This procedure enables farmers to make more money by planting only higher-yield GMO crops.

The Level Of Herbicide Use By Farmers Is Incredible

The volume of herbicide use by farmers is growing each day. By and large, the figures for herbicide use are frightening.

To illustrate, companies are selling 400 licensed herbicides in one Canadian province, Ontario. Given these circumstances, Hart believes farmers are saturating their crops in herbicides.

Farmers’ use of one herbicide, glyphosate (marketed as RoundUp in the U.S.), increased by 637% between 2005 and 2014. In detail, merely 3,200 tons of glyphosate were used worldwide in 1974. Nevertheless, analysts project that global glyphosate use will reach one million tons in 2020.

Additionally, glyphosate is an herbicide that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared to be a possible carcinogen. Ultimately, a carcinogen is a chemical that causes cancer.

Glyphosate is one of the main herbicides that farmers use in desiccation, Hart notes. Furthermore, Hart believes the dissemination of glyphosate has increased dramatically due to how common the practice of desiccation has become.

Glyphosate Is In Our Food

Widespread herbicide use means the food on our plates and in our supermarkets contains glyphosate. For example, 30% of 3,200 food products contain glyphosate, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency asserts.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that the levels of glyphosate in American food increased by 1,000% between 1993 and 2015. This figure should concern all of us greatly because nobody knows what glyphosates do to humans.

Specifically, glyphosates could be killing the beneficial microbes in your digestive system. Researcher Deanna Gibson of the University of British Columbia worries about what glyphosates are doing to our digestive tracts.

“It’s shocking to me that the chemicals we feed to lab mice to disrupt gut function are actually common herbicides—like glyphosate,” Gibson notes.

Notably, neither the EPA nor the World Health Organization is studying glyphosate’s effects on gut functions. So, nobody really knows what herbicide use is doing to our digestive tracts. Nonetheless, you could be getting more upset stomachs and heartburn because of glyphosate.

All in all, nobody knows how much glyphosate is being used, Hart observes. No agency is currently keeping track of the level of glyphosate use.

Herbicide Use Is Exposing You To Neurotoxins

Moreover, herbicide use is exposing your food to dangerous chemicals such as neurotoxins and endocrine disruptors. Consequently, herbicides could be causing many more health problems than we are even aware of.

In essence, a neurotoxin is a chemical that kills brain cells. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with your hormones or endocrine system.

Particularly, chemicals used in desiccation contain both neurotoxins and endocrine disruptors, Hart states. Furthermore, the EPA is not evaluating desiccation chemicals called adjuvants for safety.

Changing Agriculture Beyond Recognition

Herbicide use and desiccation are changing agriculture beyond recognition, Hart claims. She thinks farmers are now planting larger fields because of desiccation.

Farmers did not start desiccating until recent years because desiccation shatters seedpods. Yet, genetically engineered crops with shatter-resistant seedpods make it very easy to desiccate. For this reason, desiccation encourages the use of GMOs on farms.

Herbicide use is also increasing because of new herbicide-resistant weeds. So, farmers are ironically creating superweeds with herbicide use.

“If you blast a weed with herbicide, eventually its cells become resistant,” Hart writes. “Farmers are left with fields of weeds they can’t kill.”

Because of this, farmers are spraying more and more herbicide. Farming then gets more expensive and farms get bigger because of increased herbicide use.

Making Farms A “Dystopia”

“The scene was from some dystopia,” Hart exclaims concerning a visit to a farm in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. “I knew agriculture had changed, but I couldn’t have imagined this scene so divorced from the mom and pop farms of my childhood.”

Miranda Hart is an ecologist and professor at the University of British Columbia. She penned a recent Nautilus article that will hopefully encourage organic gardening and a departure from unsavory farming practices.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Does Your Breakfast Cereal Contain Toxic Weed-Killer Glyphosate?

What do you make of herbicide use today and how it affects our food? Let us know in the comments below.

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10 Cheap & Easy DIY Greenhouse Designs You Can Build Yourself

10 Cheap & Easy DIY Greenhouse Designs You Can Build Yourself was first published on

Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding hobby. If you are a person who seeks to be independent, a garden can help you achieve that. In that regard, growing your own plants or vegetables will be more than rewarding. And you don’t even have to stop when the cold weather strikes.

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Capital Letters Banned By University Because They Could Upset Students

The post Capital Letters Banned By University Because They Could Upset Students was originally published on Total Survival

Leeds Trinity University asserts that writing words in capital letters causes assignments to appear challenging and further adds to student anxieties.

A university has banned capital letters because they could upset students. Leeds Trinity University is telling their journalism instructors not to use capital letters in their correspondence with students.

Capital letters are intimidating and “frighten the students into failure,” a memo distributed to journalism instructors states. Consequently, journalism instructors cannot capitalize words or use proper grammar in emails and notes to students.

The memo advises against the use of capital letters and “negative” language, Yahoo News UK claims. In addition, the memo orders instructors not to say anything bad about students.

Capital Letters Banned Along With Negative Language

“Despite our best attempts to explain assessment tasks, any lack of clarity can generate anxiety and even discourage students from attempting the assessment at all,” the memo allegedly states.

The memo asserts that writing words in capital letters causes assignments to appear challenging and further adds to student anxieties, The Daily Express alleges. Notably, Leeds Trinity University administrators think capital letters make assignments look too difficult.

Additionally, the administrators list negative words for instructors not to use. For example, the list of words includes “do and don’t.”

Specifically, the memo declares that instructors must be “explicit about any inexplicitness” when writing about assignments. Nevertheless, The Express does not say what that is supposed to mean.

University Banning Capital Letters Is “Guidance For Full Potential”

On the other hand, a university spokesperson describes the memo as guidance that informs instructors how to help students achieve their full potential.

Conversely, one instructor complained that not using capital letters will make it harder for students to understand faculty communications.

“The memo cited in the press is guidance from a course leader to academic staff, sharing best practice from the latest teaching research to inform their teaching,” Professor Margaret A. House tells The Daily Mirror. House is the Vice Chancellor at Leeds Trinity University.

Moreover, House says banning capital letters is “about good communication and consistent style.” Notwithstanding, House says she wants to ban only the use of capital letters in communications.

“It is best practice not to write in all capital letters regardless of the sector,” House states.

Capitalizing all the letters in some words is apparently a means of emphasizing key points at British universities. Leeds Trinity University is in Leeds, Yorkshire, England. Significantly, Leeds Trinity University’s website claims that the school ranks 12th in the UK for teaching quality.

At the present time, no American universities are trying to ban capital letters. However, political correctness clearly exists on both sides of the Atlantic.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Saying “Long Time No See” Is Now Racist

What do you think about a university that bans capital letters? Has political correctness gone too far? Let us know in the comments below.

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Wednesday 28 November 2018

28′ Farmhouse By Liberation Tiny Homes

The following blog post 28′ Farmhouse By Liberation Tiny Homes was first published to

Located in Lancaster, PA, Liberation Tiny Homes creates tiny homes on wheels and custom tiny house shells. They offer two styles of homes, The Farmhouse & The Modern, with the ability to customize those homes to meet your needs. Liberation Tiny Homes are a team of entrepreneurs and craftsmen who have been associated with the construction industry for a combined 40+ years.

Size: 408 Sq Ft
Price: $73,000

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The Electric Airplane Takes Flight

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An electric airplane could be cheaper and easier to build because it doesn’t have the engines or moving parts that a normal aircraft possesses.

The world’s first electric airplane is taking to the air. Remarkably, MIT researchers are testing an electric airplane with no moving parts.

Instead of a propeller or jet, an effect called ionic wind keeps the plane in the air. Notably, The Guardian reports that the electric airplane flew for 65.6 yards.

The airplane produces ionic wind by pumping 600 watts of electricity through wires between the craft’s wings. Ultimately, the electricity charges the air molecules near the wire and creates a stream of “neutral air molecules.”

This propels the plane with a stream of “neutral air molecules,” or an ionic wind that acts like a jet. Specifically, wires create an electric field which generates a jet of charged nitrogen ions. The charged nitrogen ions then push the plane forward. As a result, it is possible to power an airplane with nothing but electricity.

A Silent Electric Airplane

“I thought that the future looked like it should be planes that fly silently; with no moving parts, and maybe have a blue glow,” MIT aeronautics professor Steven R. H. Barret says.

It should come as no surprise that Barrett is a creator of the electric airplane. Barrett is one of the main authors of a paper that describes a test of an electric airplane at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

“Here we demonstrate that a solid-state propulsion system can sustain powered flight, by designing and flying an electro-aerodynamically propelled heavier-than-air airplane,” the paper states.

Consequently, it is now possible for airplanes to fly without fossil fuels. Nonetheless, the electric plane is not that big, as its wings are 5.5 yards long.

The Electric Airplane Has No Moving Parts

The electric airplane has no moving parts because its propulsion system uses solid-state electronics. Therefore, this type of airplane could be cheaper and easier to build because it doesn’t have the engines or moving parts that a normal aircraft possesses.

Additionally, an electric airplane could require far less maintenance than a regular aircraft. For instance, the absence of moving parts means that far less can break in the electric plane.

Still, a heavy battery will limit the solid-state plane’s range and capacity. The lithium-ion battery pack in a Tesla Model S weighs 1,200 pounds, for example.

However, the Tesla Model S battery could store enough electricity to keep an electric airplane flying. A Tesla 21-70 cell battery pack reportedly contains 21,275 watts of electricity. For this reason, the electric airplane is more practical than you might think.

Are Silent Electric Drones Coming?

The military will be the first user of electric airplanes because they are silent. To illustrate, a soundless electric drone could easily sneak up on terrorists in a hideout.

Furthermore, silent electric airplanes and drones will be perfect for surveillance. In particular, there will be no propellers or engines for people on the ground to hear.

Nevertheless, it will probably be years before the electric airplane is at your local airport. The electric plane at MIT has a current range of fewer than 60 yards.

Electric Airplanes Will Wage War In 15 Years

Moreover, the MIT electric airplane looks more like a World War I biplane or the Wright Flyer than a modern aircraft. Particularly, the Flyer was the craft flown by the Wright Brothers in 1903.

On the other hand, history teaches that aircraft technology advances quickly. The Wright’s first flight was for merely 40 yards (120 feet) in 1903. Only 15 years later in 1918, German planes were dropping bombs on London in World War I.

Electric airplanes should be in widespread use by the mid-2030s if they follow that trajectory. Because of this, electric airplanes could fight in wars during the early part of that decade.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: America’s Robot Ninja Is Almost Ready For Action

What are your thoughts on the electric airplane? What do you think of its potential? Let us know in the comments below.

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Outdoor Survival | 13 Winter Camping Tips For Every Survivalist

Outdoor Survival | 13 Winter Camping Tips For Every Survivalist Read more on: Total Survival

Make your winter camping a unique and memorable experience with these 13 tips!

In this article:

  1. Get Ready for Camping in Winter
  2. 13 Winter Camping Hacks

Winter Camping Tips and Tricks Every Survivalist Must Remember

Get Ready for Camping in Winter

Winter camping means having to deal with harsh elements and cold weather. The latter is perhaps the most outstanding feature of the winter camping experience. Cold weather can be a source of great discomfort to many.

For some survivalists, camping in the snow poses an exciting challenge. It is a way to put their skills to the test, especially if you are camping in a blizzard. If you're well prepared and know what you're doing, it can help you better understand your capabilities as well as your limits.

Even though pitching a tent during winter months is not everyone’s idea of fun, it can still become enjoyable and comfortable. The important thing is to prepare. You will need a lot of cold weather camping gear.

13 Winter Camping Hacks

There are many benefits to winter camping activities. Unlike summer camping, you deal with fewer campers and thus more space. Cheaper fees are also likely. You don't need to handle bugs.

If you have the right winter camping essentials, you will enjoy a restful sleep. The campfire also becomes more enjoyable in the snow. Most of all, you can make it even more pleasant and memorable with these tips.

1. Prepare for Winter Camping

Camping in the winter requires a lot of preparation. Having the right winter camping clothing and gear alongside mental and physical preparedness can lessen any hassle the activity can bring. In threatening or challenging situations, the level of preparation will be one of the deciding factors of our fate. Get more details on what should be part of the winter camping gear list.

2. Go to Bed Warm

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You can get some good insulation from a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, or winter clothing. They, though, are useless if you’re already freezing. Winter campers can stay warm in many ways. You can do a little bit of jumpin' jacks before hitting the sack. You can also perform sit-ups or press-ups while you're in your sleeping bag.

3. Eat for Warmth and Energy

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If you want to have warmer nights, then your food should adapt to it. Physiologically, our body burns sugar to produce heat. Eating warm food can increase its sensation. As we devour hot porridge or a steaming bowl of chicken soup, we become warm, thus making us feel more comfortable. Remember, we need to maintain a certain level of body heat and energy to survive winter camping.

4. Pack the Snow

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Pack down your campsite before you set up your winter camping tents. Your body heat can melt the loose snow. It then leaves you with uneven flooring to lay or sleep upon. You should also position your tent away from the danger of an avalanche or falling trees.

5. Stay Dry

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Whenever you're winter camping, you need to stay dry at all cost. You will feel the biting cold, especially when your layers get wet. Bringing extra clothing is always helpful. It will protect you from the harshness of the cold. Staying dry also extends to your gear. Protect your winter camping kit with a waterproof layer. You can also place it inside your tent or shelter.

6. Start Fall and Winter Trips Early in the Morning

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You must always remember the sun goes down early during the winter season. Starting your camping trip early in the morning is always better than doing it later in the day. It will be best to set up your winter tent or find the perfect site before it gets dark.

7. Remember, Snow Is a Variable Matter

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Before you set your winter camping tent, you need to pick a flat spot with a lot of trees around it. They will act as a natural windbreaker. Since snow is a variable matter, be aware where you are setting up your tent. Anchor it safely and securely.

8. Keep Your Matches in a Metal, not Plastic, Container

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We all know the importance of fire in our daily lives. It helps us cook food and stay warm. If you're one of those people who love winter camping, it is advisable to keep the matches in a metal container. Plastic can break when exposed to cold.

9. Put Boiling Water in Your Water Bottle and Sleep with It at Your Feet

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If you want to have a non-frozen water to drink in the morning, fill your container with boiling water. Put it in a sock and place it at your feet. You can keep it inside your sleeping bag to provide extra warmth.

10. Don’t Go Alone

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Winter camping may be a fun, solitary adventure. You can use it to get away from distractions including people. It is always safer, though, to have someone to accompany you. During an emergency, you can ask help quick. If you prefer doing it solo, leave a detailed trip plan or message at home. This way, your loved ones will know where you're going.

11. Improve Zipper Pulls

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Zippers are important to winter camping clothes. They let you put on clothing quickly. It is essential when you deal with extreme conditions such as snow. Most zippers included in jackets are not for thick mittens or gloves. Use a little ingenuity and improvise by adding a 3-inch lanyard.

12. Regulate Your Temperature During Your Hike

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Regulating your temperature is necessary during a winter hike. You need to be aware or anticipate the weather coming your way. You have to act upon it before you even experience it. For example, it is better to put on additional layers before reaching the summit or a spot where the temperature is much lower.

13. Don’t Cook in the Tent

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Using winter camping tents with stove can be a recipe for destruction. Your tent can catch a fire, or it can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. Choose a spot outside your tent where you can set up a waterproof tarp. If the weather is intolerable, cook inside the vestibule but ensure there is sufficient ventilation.

If you want to know more cold weather camping tips and tricks, watch this video from Bush Channel:

Enjoy the beauty and peacefulness of winter camping, but be ready. Having the proper gear and arming yourselves with knowledge about camping in extreme weather conditions will make your wilderness exploration an adventure to remember.

Penny for your thoughts? Tell us what you think about these winter camping tips by dropping your two cents in the comments section below!

Up Next: Winter Storm Survival: How To Stay Warm And Survive The Cold

Placard | Outdoor Survival: 13 Winter Camping Tips For Every Survivalist | camping in a blizzard

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in February 2015 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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How to Stay Warm in Your Car If You’re Stuck in A Winter Storm

How to Stay Warm in Your Car If You’re Stuck in A Winter Storm is available on

How to Stay Warm in Your Car If You're Stuck in A Winter Storm Follow Me on Pinterest

How to Stay Warm in Your Car If You're Stuck in A Winter Storm Follow Me on Pinterest Winter weather can wreak havoc on travel plans. Every year we read of canceled flights and closed roads due to ice and snow. It’s always a good idea to check the weather before a road trip, but severe winter storms don’t always follow predictable patterns.

An unexpected wind shift and temperature change can turn a small flurry into heavy snowfall in no time. Snowdrifts and icy conditions could cause you to be stuck in your car until help arrives. It’s already happened to many people. Recently, winter weather shut down I-83, causing several people to be stranded in their cars.

If that happened to you, would you be nice and warm, or would you be cold and scared? Here are some tips to help you stay warm in case your car gets stuck in a winter storm.

Supplies To Get

Here are some supplies to have in your vehicle as emergency preparation.

  • Blankets – Keep several warm blankets in your car. Emergency thermal blankets are also a good idea. These compact blankets help you retain body heat and are reusable, windproof, and waterproof.
  • Extra Layers of Clothes – Stow hats, gloves, jackets and scarves in your vehicle. You can layer them on top of what you’re wearing or use them to replace wet items during a storm.
  • Emergency Road Kit – You can create your own or buy a pre-assembled emergency kit that contains booster cables, road flares, flashlight, first aid supplies, electrical tape, and small tools.
  • Tire Sealant – Let’s face it, winter is hard on tires. A container of tire sealant can help you get to a safe place where you can change your tire or get help.
  • Hand Warmers – These single-use hand warmers provide up to 18 hours of heat. You simply shake them to activate the warmth.
  • Emergency Candles – When you can’t run your car for long stretches, the darkness can be overwhelming and a bit depressing on long winter nights. These emergency candles are just as useful when stranded in your vehicle as they are during a black-out at home. They have storage caps to prevent spills.
  • Non-perishable snacks and plenty of water.

Here is a longer list of winter survival items to keep in your car.

What To Do Before You Leave

Although we can’t always know when brutal weather can strike, there are some common-sense steps you can take before you leave on a road trip.

  • Check weather reports before you leave. Don’t go out if bad weather is coming.
  • If you must go out, tell someone your route, destination, and expected arrival time.
  • Make sure your cell phone is fully charged and you have a battery-powered charger.
  • Remember to heat up your vehicle for a few minutes before you leave.
  • Ensure your tires have adequate tread or that you have chains or studs if required where you are traveling.
  • Try to keep your gas tank full. Never let it go below half empty.
  • Fasten your seatbelt. This should become a habit if it isn’t already.

Winter Driving Tips

Here are some winter driving tips to help keep you out of harm’s way.

  • When driving on snow or ice, accelerate and decelerate very slowly. It takes a long time to slow down on icy roads.
  • Drive slowly. Saving a few minutes by driving fast isn’t worth the risk. If the people behind you don’t like it, they can go around or get over it.
  • Keep plenty of space between you and the car in front of you.
  • Don’t try to speed up on hills, as this could cause your tires to spin. Instead, get some inertia going before you reach the hill and let it take you to the top. Never stop on a hill if you don’t have to.
  • Be careful on bridges as they ice over more quickly.
  • Never use cruise control on a slippery surface, whether from water, snow, or ice.

What To Do If You Get Stuck

Now that all that’s out of the way, it’s time to talk about what to do if your car gets stuck in harsh winter weather.

  • Remain Calm – The first step is to assess the situation calmly. If you’ve been in a collision, first check to see if you and your passengers are hurt. Next, check your vehicle for damage and determine what is preventing you from moving. Call 911 or a tow truck depending on the severity of your situation.
  • Stay In Your Car – If you can get your vehicle running and need to wait for help, it is often the safest option to stay in the vehicle. Unless it is in a location where it could be hit by other moving vehicles, your car provides needed shelter during a storm. Place roadside flares near your car, so other drivers and rescue vehicles can find you.
  • Signal For Help – Tie a brightly covered cloth to your antenna or put it at the top of a rolled up window. At night, leave the dome light on as it doesn’t take much power. These things will signal rescuers that you need help.
  • Don’t Waste Gas – A car’s interior can lose heat quickly, though, so one of your first concerns will be staying warm. If your engine is in working order, you can run it to get some heat. However, you should not run it longer than 15 minutes each hour to save gas. Be sure to turn off lights, radio, and accessories when the car is not running.
  • Check Your Tailpipe – Before you run your engine, however, take the time to check that snow is not blocking your exhaust pipe. Clear any snow or ice away from the area, since a blocked tailpipe can release poisonous monoxide gas into the car. If it is still snowing outside, re-check the tailpipe every time you turn on the heater.
  • Bundle Up – The more you cover up, the better. You should have blankets in your vehicle, but if you don’t, use anything you can find–newspapers, floor mats, etc.
  • Keep Hydrated – Did you know that staying hydrated can help keep you warm and lessen the chance of getting hypothermia? If you don’t have enough water in your car, however, you can collect snow for melting and drinking. Avoid eating snow in solid form as it can lower your core body temperature. Instead, wait for it to melt.
  • Huddle Up – Sitting close together will help you and your passengers stay warmer. (If your dog is along, cuddle up with Fido for warmth as well.)
  • Move – Encourage each other to move arms, legs, feet and hands at frequent intervals to keep circulation and to help stay warm.
This article first appeared on See it here

See Full Article Here: How to Stay Warm in Your Car If You’re Stuck in A Winter Storm

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Hand Holding Mitten, Perfect Gift For Couples

Hand Holding Mitten, Perfect Gift For Couples is republished from

Ever feel cold trying to hold someone’s hand while on a walk? Never have that problem again with this Hand Knit Handholding Mitten/Couples Mitten! A single oversized mitten, hand knit with thick, warm, soft yarn, this oversize hand holding mitten is great for keeping your hands warm on those nice romantic strolls, or keeping your child close to you while walking to school.
But what are you going to do about your other hand? Keep it out in the cold and windy winter?? Don’t worry, you can also buy a pair of matching mittens so everybody’s hands can stay warm while you’re out and about and look cute doing it.The Hand Holding Mitten is perfect as a gift for Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, Weddings, Sporting Events, Walking Enthusiasts, Couples, Friends, Parents, Kids, Toddlers or just about anyone who likes to hold hands! Mittens are soft and cozy. These are available in the link below…

Find them HERE… or HERE…

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Read Full Article Here: Hand Holding Mitten, Perfect Gift For Couples

Crucial Tips For Surviving A Forest Fire

The following article Crucial Tips For Surviving A Forest Fire is courtesy of

The reality of surviving a forest fire is much worse than hearing of it from a distance.

The tragic forest fires that have struck California are one more reminder of how dangerous the forces of nature can be. That something which started out so small could wreck such massive devastation, totally leveling one town, is hard for the mind to grasp. But the reality of surviving a forest fire is much worse than hearing of it from a distance.

Wildfires can strike anywhere. The Chicago fire of 1871 burned for three days, destroying four square miles of the city, including the business district. According to legend, that fire was started by a cow kicking over a lantern. Even so, it caused over $200 million in damages in 1871 dollars. That’s roughly $4.1 billion in today’s dollars. This is still a small amount compared to the damage caused by the Camp Fire in California. Nonetheless, the Chicago fire was so famous that it’s still talked about today.

The Destructive Power Of A Forest Fire

As with many disasters, fire pits man against nature with nature holding all the cards. As we can see in the case of this fire, or in the case of any hurricane, the sheer size of natural disasters makes it extremely difficult for mankind to battle, even when using our largest machines.

Fighting these fires is a task best left to the professionals who have the training and equipment to do so. The best that any of us can hope to accomplish is simply surviving a forest fire. Even that can be a rather tricky proposition, as many in California have already discovered.

There are three basic ways that a fire can kill us:

  • Burn us
  • Asphyxiate us
  • Through smoke inhalation

Fortunately, few people are actually burnt to death, which would be a horrible way to go. Most die of smoke inhalation, although some are asphyxiated by the lack of oxygen as the fire consumes all of the oxygen available. Old wisdom tells us to get down near the floor, or in this case, the ground, so that you can breathe. This advice is very important here, as taking such a simple measure can save your life. However, it has to be used in conjunction with other important measures.

We can break these methods of surviving a forest fire down into two basic categories: active and passive.

Surviving A Forest Fire: Passive Measures

Passive measures are the preference as they carry the least amount of risk. This means getting yourself to a place of safety where the fire can’t reach you. I’m not talking about a fireproof building here. Rather, I’m referring to something that nature herself provides which will protect you from the fire.

As much as possible, you want to get to low ground. This is because the chance of finding oxygen is better, as well as the likelihood that you can be below the smoke. Nevertheless, you also need to get somewhere that the fire itself can’t reach you. That means finding someplace where you are hidden in fireproof material.

This is harder than it might seem, as a forest fire can leap as much as 100 feet when driven by the wind. Of course, it will only leap in the direction that the wind is driving it. So, it is more important to have distance between you and the direction the fire is coming from than it is to have distance between you and the downwind side of your fireproof area.


Water is the best possible means of surviving a forest fire. This is attested to by the fact that firefighters use it to extinguish fires. Water works in two ways: first to put out fire by taking the heat out of it. Secondly, by smothering the fuel so that the fire doesn’t have access to oxygen.

Since water won’t burn, hiding in the water will provide you with the best possible protection from the fire. Not only that, but it can protect you from the heat of the fire as well. Water is drawn to low points by gravity and the heat caused by the fire rises. For this reason, the water won’t warm up significantly.

Obviously, the bigger the body of water, the better. Notwithstanding, if all you can find is a stream, make use of it. You should find the widest and deepest part and get in it. Avoid getting in somewhere where you can’t stand up, though. This is because the water will draw heat out of your body and possibly cause hypothermia. If you are in water too deep to stand in, that could prove fatal as you might not be able to swim.


Another thing that won’t burn is stone, at least not at the temperature of a forest fire. Consequently, you should try to find a stone outcropping, rockslide, or even a stone cliff face. These are safe places to be as well. Just make sure that you are not in a place where overhanging branches can fall on you.

Another thing to watch out for in any stone area is the little bit of foliage that is there. It’s common to find grass and other plants growing between the stones, all of which can burn. While that burn probably won’t be dangerous, you may find that you have to put out a number of small fires just to protect yourself.


While not as good as stone, hunkering down in the middle of a meadow is better than being in the midst of the forest. This should be the case as long as the meadow is big enough to offer you protection from flying fire. While grass will burn and dry grass will burn very quickly, it won’t burn as intensely as the trees will.

You can improve on this somewhat by taking the time available to you and clearing an area of grass to stay in. Either pull the grass out by the roots or cut it off close to the ground. Even if there is a little left to burn, that will be a much smaller fire to deal with than when tall, dry grass burns. You could literally put it out by stepping on it.


Going underground is another solution that isn’t all that great. Still, it’s better than getting caught if you can find someplace to do so. Without a doubt, a cave would be ideal if you know where one is. Yet, even a culvert under the road can provide pretty good shelter as the fire can’t really get to you there. Since you will be low to the ground, you’ll have air to breathe and all you’ll have to deal with is heat.


Roads are probably the worst place to shelter from a fire. This simply stems from the fact that they usually aren’t wide enough to offer much protection unless you’re talking about a superhighway. In that case, getting into the median will probably get you far enough away from the fire to offer you some safety.

Even though roads are a poor protection from a forest fire, they are certainly better than nothing. Get as close to the downwind side of the road as possible so that you have as much room as you can between yourself and the fire.

Surviving A Forest Fire: Active Measures

Hopefully, you’ll be able to get by with only passive measures. If not, there are a couple of active measures that you can employ. It’s important to note, however, that these are riskier than the passive ones. As a result, you’ll want to use passive measures if at all possible.

Creating A Firebreak

Probably the best active measure when surviving a forest fire is to create a firebreak if you can. I alluded to this when I was talking about pulling up or cutting grass in a meadow. Creating a zone of non-flammable material to stop the fire is a very effective measure if you can perform this task.

There are two things that make this hard for you to accomplish: space and time. If fire can leap 100 feet through the air, then the only way to make a fire break that you are sure is going to work is to make one that is 100 feet wide. That’s going to be a challenge and it’s going to take a lot of time. About the only way that you can do this effectively is if you have heavy equipment to work with.

Starting A Backfire

A simpler, but more dangerous method of creating a firebreak is to start a backfire. One of the most famous methods that firefighters use consists of clearing an area by burning off the vegetation before the fire can get to it. Then, when the fire arrives, it will self-extinguish due to the lack of fuel.

The key to making any backfire work is to be able to control the fire. If you can’t, then all you will accomplish is to get the fire to your doorstep faster. That definitely won’t help. For your purposes and mine, this means limiting a backfire to grass rather than trying to burn trees. We just don’t have the means of putting out a tree that is on fire.

Surviving A Forest Fire By Walking Through It

The other challenging method that is quite useable is to simply walk through the fire. Any fire is going to burn unevenly due to differences in terrain, vegetation, and even soil conditions. The key here is to find a place where the fire will either be burning slower or won’t burn as efficiently.

Ideally, you would want to find an area where there will be a fast burn right next to an area that will burn slowly. As the fast burn passes by, there will be a gap in the fire until that slow burn area can catch up. That gap is what you want to exploit by slipping through the fire line while the gap still exists. There will still be hot spots, but you will be in an area that is pretty much burned off.

If you can douse yourself with water or cover yourself with something that is fairly fireproof while doing this, it will be to your advantage. There will be sparks flying, which may land on your clothing. If you are holding something over you to act as a shield, like a canvas tarp or a blanket, you can discard it if it catches fire.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: 15 Proven Ways To Protect Your Off-Grid Home From Wildfires

Do you have any other tips or suggestions on surviving a forest fire? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Crucial Tips For Surviving A Forest Fire appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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Original Post Here: Crucial Tips For Surviving A Forest Fire

Monday 26 November 2018

How to Make Perfume with Essential Oils – Blends for Stress Relief & More

How to Make Perfume with Essential Oils – Blends for Stress Relief & More is available on

Why subject yourself and those who are close to you with a chemical cocktail when you can make perfume with non-toxic ingredients? Learn how to make perfume with essential oils and enjoy these blends for self-confidence, stress relief and more. These are great for your own use or as a gift. You may not find an […]

The post How to Make Perfume with Essential Oils – Blends for Stress Relief & More appeared first on Common Sense Home.

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13 Top Survival Skills | Learn Now, Survive Later

13 Top Survival Skills | Learn Now, Survive Later is republished from

These top survival skills could mean the difference between survival and demise for you and your family.

In this article:

  1. Food
  2. Water
  3. Shelter
  4. Protection
  5. Communication

Top Survival Skills Everyone Should Know


This includes finding, preparing, growing, and storing food. According to the Survival Rule of Threes, a person can survive about three weeks without food. But just because you can, don't mean you want to, and going that long without food can be seriously detrimental to your health. To survive, you must be able to procure and store your own food. In the list of survival skills, finding food ranks top.

1. Finding Food

Identify areas with thick vegetation, and the food is likely to be found in these areas. With rich flora and fauna comes an abundance of food from wild game to wild edibles, if you know where to look. Your next step then is to know how to hunt wild game and identify wild edibles.

Wild games option depends on location, but rabbits and other small game can be found (land birds, ducks, squirrels, prairie dogs, etc.) in most locales. Look for areas with thick cover and ample food supply nearby such as thickets immediately next to open crops or food plots overrun with broadleaf weeds.

2. Preparing Food

You know what to do next with your catch or foraged goods, but do you know how to do it? Preparing your food so that they become indeed edible is also an essential survival skill. Do you know how to prepare a rabbit?

How to prepare a rabbit:

  • Cut off the lower half of each leg and the head.
  • Peel back the skin at the neck, grab one of the front legs by the muscle and peel off the skin.
  • Starting at the neck or just below the rib cage, cut through the belly as far as you can.
  • Remove the guts, keeping the edible liver and kidneys.
  • Chop the rabbit into pieces for easier cooking.
  • Pan-fry and enjoy.

3. Growing and Farming Food

Wild edibles will eventually run out and growing food is the only sustainable means to keep them coming. Here are the crops you can grow without irrigation:

  • Amaranth
  • Corn
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Watermelon

4. Storing Food

Do you have enough food stored for a year? If no, you're not alone. Fifty-three percent of surveyed adults don't have a minimum three-day supply of non-perishable food and water. Survival tips and tricks include ways to make your stored food last longer. You will find some insightful ideas on these food storage tricks.


Water is one of the most important things when it comes to survival. Without water, you will only live for three days. But finding water isn't enough, you also have to make sure it's clean, drinkable, and free of contamination. Of the top survival skills, finding water is probably the topmost.

5. Know How to Find Water

Know How to Find Water | Top Survival Skills | Learn Now, Survive Later
There are several ways you can find water. Building a water still, a beach well, and through transpiration are only some of these.

6. Know How to Purify Water

You know water is essential, but you are more likely to find water easily than food. Yet, there's the question of its drinkability. Water sources can easily be contaminated even if they look clean. Learn how to purify water so you can have water safe for drinking anywhere. You can create a water filter with the illustration in the infographic below.

7. Storing Water

Do you have water stored for a year? If no, you should know in average temperatures, you'll last around 100 hours without water. Here's how you can collect and store water in case you run out of your bottled ones.


In a survival situation, finding or building shelter must be your first priority. The Survival Rule of Threes says you can only expect to survive three hours without shelter when you're exposed to the elements. Click here to learn more about building a survival shelter.

8. Identify a Bug Out Location

Do you have a bug out location? If you don't, but prefer an underground shelter, I say it won't do. Unless the bunker is state-of-the-art, they can be impractical for these reasons:

  • Proximity: You're too far away when the time comes
  • Space: A shipping container, for instance, is too small to fit a survival group
  • Longevity: An underground space will likely cave in over time

You can learn from this article when identifying a bug out location: Bug Out Cabin Tips | How To Build The Ultimate Survival Shelter

9. Building a Shelter

Building a Shelter | Top Survival Skills | Learn Now, Survive Later
Are you able to build shelters on the go? Learn how to build one of many effective primitive shelters, such as round lodges. A primitive shelter may be quickly built and provides shelter from sun, wind, and rain.


Learn to defend yourself using weapons or firearms. Find a firearm that works for you or try to learn to use several kinds in case you are left with no choice but to pick any firearm.

10. Know How to Use Firearms

Can you accurately shoot a firearm? If no, learn to defend yourself. Take a “First Shots” class and safety course. The NRA offers firearms training courses in every state. Practice means survival, so find or join a local shooting range.

11. Know How to Keep Firearms

Can you maintain or assemble firearms? If no, you should know: Proper gun maintenance includes inspecting barrels, removing rust, caring for damaged stocks, bore and action cleaning procedures, solvents, and lubricants. The AR-15 can be customized with different accessories meaning it can be effective for self-defense and hunting big or small game. Storing your guns safely is something you should also consider.


Communication is vital in a survival situation, especially if you get separated from your group. A communication plan should be established beforehand to make sure you know what to do in such a situation.

12. Communicating by Primitive Means

Are you able to communicate by using primitive methods? If no, you should know alternative communication options, including:

  • GoTenna cell phone radio antenna system
  • CB radio
  • Satellite phones
  • GMRS/FRS/URS radios
  • Amateur radio (ham radio)

13. Coexist with Other Survivors

Can you coexist with others in a survival situation? If no, you should know, social relationships literally made our brains bigger, according to the social brain hypothesis. Don't take on survival alone unless you have no other choice.

For future reference, download or bookmark this infographic.

Infographic | Top Survival Skills | Learn Now, Survive Later

Being a survivalist is a lifelong learning process. A true survivalist never stops honing and improving his survival skills. Whether you're just starting out as a survivalist or you're a seasoned prepper, the importance of these top survival skills will never waver. These are the top survival skills you MUST know to survive!

How long do you think you would survive an SHTF scenario with these top survival skills know-how. Let us know in the comments section below!

Up Next: Native American Survival | What You Can Learn From These Experts

Go to our Survival Life Store to shop some of our favorite self-defense tools and gear. Shop here.


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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 9, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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Post Source Here: 13 Top Survival Skills | Learn Now, Survive Later

9 Urban Survival Tools To Get Before The SHTF

The following blog post 9 Urban Survival Tools To Get Before The SHTF Read more on:

9 Urban Survival Tools To Get Before The SHTF Follow Me on Pinterest

9 Urban Survival Tools To Get Before The SHTF Follow Me on Pinterest When a disaster strikes an urban area, there are all sorts of unexpected problems that require specific tools. For example, what if a gas line breaks and your home starts filling up with dangerous, flammable gases? You’ll need a gas shutoff tool in order to turn the gas valve.

Or what if someone is trapped under debris in a locked room? You’ll need a prybar or a sledgehammer to get through the door and reach them. Or what if you need lifesaving medicine that is behind lock and key in an abandoned pharmacy? You’ll need a lockpick to get inside.

That’s just a couple examples of tools you might need to survive an urban disaster. If you live in the city, you’d be wise to get these tools ahead of time so you’ll have them when you need them. Here are nine urban survival tools to get before it’s too late.

1. Lockpick Kit

Lock Pick KitLock Pick Kit

Both during and after a major disaster, your survival may depend on your ability to access certain buildings. While looting or breaking into occupied buildings is never advisable – both for moral reasons and the simple fact that you may end getting shot – the reality is that many buildings are going to be abandoned when a disaster strikes.

Having a lockpick kit and knowing how to use it means these building and the supplies within them will always be accessible to you. Those supplies may be crucial to both help you survive a disaster and help you rebuild after it’s over.

2. Rescue Card

Rescue CardRescue Card

A rescue card is a multi-purpose tool that is as slim as a credit card and designed to be easily stored inside your purse or wallet. This tool includes things such as a blade, a wrench, nine feet of paracord, a screwdriver, a can opener, and more.

You never know when you might need one of these tools during and after a disaster, and carrying a rescue card with you means you’ll always have them no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

3. Entrenching Tool

Konnex ToolKonnex Tool

An entrenching tool is a special kind of shovel that is designed to be incredibly compact as well as incredibly versatile thanks to its extra features which you won’t find on an ordinary shovel. These features include things such as a saw blade, a screwdriver, the ability to flip the shovel head to turn it into a gardening hoe, and more.

Rebuilding after a disaster often requires a great deal of dirty work, and an entrenching tool enables you to complete many of these jobs using just one multi-purpose tool.

4. Power Bank/Jump Starter

Power Bank ToolPower Bank Tool

No matter what type of disaster you’re facing, a scarcity of electrical power is almost certainly going to be one of the consequences. You can use a generator to power your home, but having a power bank means you’ll be able to charge essential items on the go as well.

If you purchase a power bank that also doubles as a jump starter, you’ll be able to jump-start your own vehicle, jump-start a vehicle for someone else, or jump-start a vehicle that you find abandoned on the side of the road. It’s a useful ability that could prove to be lifesaving both during and after a disaster.

5. Auto Bailout Tool

Auto Bailout ToolAuto Bailout Tool

An auto bailout tool is a great tool to keep on your person regardless of whether you’re preparing for a disaster. If you get in a bad wreck, having the ability to cut your seatbelt and break the glass of your window or windshield may be the only way for you to escape the wreckage if no help comes in time.

An auto bailout tool also has an emergency whistle to help you signal for help once you’ve escaped. Since the likelihood of having a wreck goes up dramatically during the chaos of a major disaster and the likelihood that someone will be able to help you goes down dramatically as well, it’s important that you have a tool that will enable you to take care of yourself after an accident.

6. Multibit Screwdriver

Multibit ScrewdriverMultibit Screwdriver

Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was built using the same type of screw, allowing you to repair, assemble, and disassemble most anything using a single screwdriver? Since this isn’t the reality, and there are dozens of different types of screw heads, the best thing you can do is purchase a multibit screwdriver that enables you to work with each one.

With a multibit screwdriver, you’ll be able to store every commonly used screwdriver bit within the tool’s handle. As you go about making repairs after a disaster, this may end up being the tool you turn to more than any other.

7. Demolition Tool

Demolition ToolDemolition Tool

Often times, demolition plays an important role in rebuilding. Of course, tearing through wood, concrete, steel, and glass is easier said than done, so you’ll want to have the right tool for the job.

A demolition tool is a multipurpose tool that combines things such as an ax, a sledgehammer, and a prybar into a single tool. It’s the ultimate instrument of demolition, enabling you to do things such as tear through wreckage to free someone, break into an abandoned building, and much more.

8. Gas/Water Shutoff Tool

Gas/Water Shutoff ToolGas/Water Shutoff Tool

A major disaster can make a wreck of the plumbing in your home, flooding your home with water and/or filling it with dangerous gases. Therefore, one of the first things that you should do if a disaster destroys your home’s plumbing it to shut off the water and gas.

To do this, you’ll need a gas/water shutoff tool. Shutting off the water or gas to your home isn’t exactly easy, but with the right tool, it can be done quickly.

9. Tread Bracelet

Tread BraceletTread Bracelet

A tread bracelet turns some of the most useful tools into a fashion accessory that you can wear at all times, ensuring you will have the tools you need no matter where you go.

By combining various screwdriver heads into a bracelet, a tread bracelet enables you to essentially wear a multi-bit screwdriver on your wrist. Best of all, it looks great, and chances are that no one will ever even realize that your bracelet is, in fact, a very useful tool.

This article first appeared on See it here

Read More Here: 9 Urban Survival Tools To Get Before The SHTF