Wednesday 30 January 2019

Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y.

Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y. was originally seen on

Pink lights celebrate massive change in the abortion narrative in New York.

Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative

As New York initiates a massive change in the abortion narrative, I can think of two words:

“Jesus wept.” He said, “Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).

Over the last 46 years, over 54 million little children have seen that kingdom well before their time. Since Roe vs. Wade, abortion mills across the country have been killing babies; treating them like a tumor to remove and destroy. Sadly, that situation doesn’t look like it’s going to change for the better anytime soon. It would probably require eliminating the Democrat Party to get rid of legalized abortion in this country.

Rather than the Pro-Life movement, it seems that it’s the Pro-Death movement which is gaining ground.

Much of this ground that the progressive-liberal left is gaining is in the liberal haven and testing ground of California. But that’s not the only blue state in the country. In recent times it seems like they’re all in a contest to see who can pass more of the progressive-liberal agenda. Not to be outdone, Governor Cuomo, of the state of New York has been vying to take over the title of the most liberal state in the Union. It seems between his rhetoric, his policies and his legislative agenda, he’s well on his way.

New York Abortion Bill

It’s true, the New York state legislature just passed a law allowing for full-term abortions. That means all the way up to the time of the child’s birth. According to leftist ideology, a baby isn’t a person until they pass through the birth canal, meaning that it is legal to kill them, even if they could survive outside the mother’s womb.
Merely passing this bill would be bad enough, but the Democrat legislature gave the bill a standing ovation when it passed! They were clearly happy that they made it legal to kill thousands or even millions of more babies under false pretenses.

A Massive Change To The Abortion Narrative

This law signals a massive change to the abortion narrative of the left. Up until now, they’ve used the terms “fetus” and “mass of cells” in an effort to dehumanize the baby in the mother’s womb. But nobody can legitimately call a baby that’s about to be born a “mass of cells.” If they can, then a baby outside the womb is equally nothing more than a mass of cells.

This is clear in recent medical literature and polls, both of which show a trend towards accepting the idea of post-birth abortion if the baby is unwanted. Where does such thinking end? Is it not logical to conclude that following this path leads towards the type of thinking that caused the Holocaust?

Even the restrictions built into the law are nothing more than eyewash. Limiting late-term abortion to only cases where it is necessary “to protect the life or health of the mother” is just the type of language the left loves to include in bills, to fool those who are not in lockstep with their agenda. This leaves the job of defining what that term means to the courts. And that’s an arena where the left almost always gets their way.

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Why Push Such A Radical Abortion Agenda?

As a Christian conservative, it is hard to fathom the thinking behind this new abortion law. It takes some remarkable mental gymnastics to come up with the thinking required to say that a late-term baby is not a person, just because the mother hasn’t given birth yet. That’s just what the left has done. I have to ask… why?

One scary answer is that it might be nothing more than reactionary.

Ever since Donald Trump became President, those on the left have been pushing the radical agenda hard. They want to destroy Trump and punish the “deplorables.” These are the folks who voted Trump into the Oval Office. The truth is, the Left will to do anything they can to accomplish that goal.

What makes me say that? The fight over the wall. Democrats who have been in favor of a wall before are against it now, just because Trump wants it. This is the new Democrat Party, and we can expect much more of the same from them in the future.

You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Abortion in America: A Brief History

What do you think about the massive change in the abortion narrative in New York? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y. appeared first on Off The Grid News.

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See More Here: Massive Change In The Abortion Narrative Celebrated With Pink Lights In N.Y.

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